Bioware Developing KOTOR MMO

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Post by Terrag » Mon Jul 21, 2008 11:15 pm

With the less-than-grandiose announcement that Electronic Arts, BioWare and Lucas Arts are working together on a KOTOR MMO, I've found myself pondering the game that until now was nothing but a rumor. Granted, I already thought about the game quite a lot even before it was the now more official affair.

There are no two ways about it. Star Wars as an MMO presents developers with a tough issue: how to deal with the Jedi class. I still think that one of the many mistakes with Star Wars Galaxies was setting it during the original trilogy, where Jedi were almost non-existent. I got the draw of the setting, but for an MMO it really didn't cater to the fervent desire to roll a Obi-wanna be character. Yet I also feel like it's a mistake making Jedi readily available without presenting players with other options that are equally appealing. Neo-futuristic-magical-samurai with energy swords aren't a hard sale for most players choosing which class they want to play. Thankfully, BioWare seems to have chosen itself a wonderfully powerful loop-hole: Knights of the Old Republic.

My basic goal with each of these ideas is to pull as many players away from the Jedi class as possible. Of course, no matter what you create or do some players will inevitably go for the class and that's fine. However, it's worth doing everything that can be done to give people a valid reason not to create the force-enabled, lightsaber chopping characters. Variety is good for us all.

Sith Image

Let's start with the Jedi's most hated nemesis as a class option: the Sith. During the KOTOR era there were several "Sith Wars" that broke out between Jedi and their fallen brethren. In the time before Exar Kun gave into the dark side, the Jedi operated quite differently from how they've been portrayed in most movies, videogames and books. Jedi apprentices were chosen not solely during their childhood, but also up through their young adulthood. Surprisingly, the Jedi were exceptionally decentralized and had no qualms with members seeking marriage and family. This of course led to the Jedi proliferating much more than in their later years. However, it also allowed Exar Kun to convert and amass a huge Sith army. Thus leading to the Great Sith War, which would be a perfect setting for an MMO within the KOTOR timeline.

Sith use the force very differently from Jedi. They operate the force through passion and raw power where the Jedi instead deal in emotion-free, focused control. One classic Sith attack is a surge of lightning that can deal massive damage to any target. The closest Jedi variant of this power, Droid Disable, is essentially a carefully focused electrical blast that disables or damages hostile droids. Even Sith and Jedi lightsaber preferences differ, although that's a more subjective topic. Another way to look at this is that while the Jedi are almost like Paladins, a Sith is much more akin to a Dark Knight. Granted there's more variation to both sides than that example, but it's a simple metaphor that illustrates the point well enough.


In the KOTOR era Mandalorians are considered ruthless, heartless and fearless warriors. They were especially seen this in this light during the time of Sith Lord Exar Kun because of their alliance with him. It's also important to point out that Mandalorians aren't a single race (although they started out as one) but are in actuality a amalgam of countless other races. The entire "race" is named after their great, ancient warrior-leader Mandalore, a name which has since become something of a trophy that many Mandalorians have attempted to claim as their own.

Similar to the classic Bounty Hunter in that they make amazingly sought after mercenaries; Mandalorians differ in that any surviving members possess a imposing warlike nature. They prefer (now-iconic) heavy armor and ordinance over anything else and also consider war a source of both pride and honor. Basically, these guys wear impressive armor, wield seriously awesome weaponry and love every day they get to spend doing it.


Silver-haired and fair-skinned, this is the race who pioneered the martial style of Echani. They also exude a strong elf-like aura, which makes them a prime candidate for a certain group of players. Oh, they're also a prominently female race. It's always cool to see some cool butt-kicking women in a game.

From the very beginning of their lives, Echani are trained in their inherited martial art. They are literally a culture that worships combat. Many of them are force sensitive (I sometimes wonder if their style is similar to Teräs Käsi, with the channeling of your inner force) and can also become Jedi. The question is whether or not it should be allowed, since the more races allowed Jedi status the more Jedi we're bound to see running around. It's also worth mentioning that the art of Echani is practiced without the use of weapons, armor or force powers. They're basically the monks of the KOTOR universe, so why would you want to make one a Jedi anyhow? Wait, don't answer that.

Of course I should mention that you don't have to be Echani to practice their martial art, which would allow for lots of racial choices when picking the class. A long time ago in SWG players were given the option of learning Teräs Käsi as an advanced profession, but that martial style reminds me more of the original trilogy. For some reason that style doesn't resonate with the Old Republic setting as well as Echani does, at least not for me.


"It's not wise to upset a Wookie." -- Han Solo

It was at this moment that I think a lot of people decided Wookiees were pretty awesome. It doesn't take much to convince most people that facing one of these guys in battle would be at the very best a harrowing experience, which kind of makes this part of the article easy! Their incredible strength is what Wookies are especially known for and allows them to fire their patented Wookiee Bowcasters. It also gave rise to the Wookiee fighting style that is best described as a raging barbarian type of affair. You really don't want to go toe-to-toe with an enraged Wookiee. Despite their animalistic nature this fur-covered race is actually quite advanced as demonstrated by their weapons technology and combat tactics.

Done well, a race such like Wookiees is a strong draw for many players. I don't see why it wouldn't be as -- if not more -- popular with BioWare putting their touch to the race.

First-degree Droids

I probably know what you're thinking: Droids, seriously?

Well stop and turly consider it for a moment. Putting aside the obvious comparisons to HK-47, there are lots of really cool reasons for BioWare to design a playable droid race. First of all, seeing as how the setting of the game is so flexible it's very believable that never-before-seen combat droids could exist in the KOTOR MMO. Droids can also offer a unique armor system in an MMO wherein new equipment essentially amounts to new bodyparts. Plus, there are all sorts of different types of droids: Battle, assassination and medical droids are all possible class types that could have their own unique thematic presentation. They don't have to play mechanically different from their non-droid counterparts. Simply giving them a visual difference should cause a lot of players to think twice (if not thrice by this point) about just creating a Jedi. Who doesn't want to be like HK, really?

As for the "First-degree" thing, it pertains to droids enabled to have complex and creative thought processes. In an MMO set during a great Sith War it's entirely possible to imagine a galaxy where many droids are created both legally and illegally. I suppose part of this is just my innate desire to run around as a soulless killing machine, but is that so wrong? Plus, the roleplaying opportunities are endlessly entertaining.

I'm sure at least one of my ideas is somewhere near the target area of what BioWare has (or will) come up with for KOTORO. If not, that might even be better as it could mean they've been able to and allowed to think up wholly new races and/or classes.

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Post by Xoseh » Tue Jul 22, 2008 12:39 am

Terrag wrote:With the less-than-grandiose announcement that Electronic Arts, BioWare and Lucas Arts are working together on a KOTOR MMO, I've found myself pondering the game that until now was nothing but a rumor. Granted, I already thought about the game quite a lot even before it was the now more official affair.

There are no two ways about it. Star Wars as an MMO presents developers with a tough issue: how to deal with the Jedi class. I still think that one of the many mistakes with Star Wars Galaxies was setting it during the original trilogy, where Jedi were almost non-existent. I got the draw of the setting, but for an MMO it really didn't cater to the fervent desire to roll a Obi-wanna be character. Yet I also feel like it's a mistake making Jedi readily available without presenting players with other options that are equally appealing. Neo-futuristic-magical-samurai with energy swords aren't a hard sale for most players choosing which class they want to play. Thankfully, BioWare seems to have chosen itself a wonderfully powerful loop-hole: Knights of the Old Republic.

My basic goal with each of these ideas is to pull as many players away from the Jedi class as possible. Of course, no matter what you create or do some players will inevitably go for the class and that's fine. However, it's worth doing everything that can be done to give people a valid reason not to create the force-enabled, lightsaber chopping characters. Variety is good for us all.

Sith Image

Let's start with the Jedi's most hated nemesis as a class option: the Sith. During the KOTOR era there were several "Sith Wars" that broke out between Jedi and their fallen brethren. In the time before Exar Kun gave into the dark side, the Jedi operated quite differently from how they've been portrayed in most movies, videogames and books. Jedi apprentices were chosen not solely during their childhood, but also up through their young adulthood. Surprisingly, the Jedi were exceptionally decentralized and had no qualms with members seeking marriage and family. This of course led to the Jedi proliferating much more than in their later years. However, it also allowed Exar Kun to convert and amass a huge Sith army. Thus leading to the Great Sith War, which would be a perfect setting for an MMO within the KOTOR timeline.

Sith use the force very differently from Jedi. They operate the force through passion and raw power where the Jedi instead deal in emotion-free, focused control. One classic Sith attack is a surge of lightning that can deal massive damage to any target. The closest Jedi variant of this power, Droid Disable, is essentially a carefully focused electrical blast that disables or damages hostile droids. Even Sith and Jedi lightsaber preferences differ, although that's a more subjective topic. Another way to look at this is that while the Jedi are almost like Paladins, a Sith is much more akin to a Dark Knight. Granted there's more variation to both sides than that example, but it's a simple metaphor that illustrates the point well enough.


In the KOTOR era Mandalorians are considered ruthless, heartless and fearless warriors. They were especially seen this in this light during the time of Sith Lord Exar Kun because of their alliance with him. It's also important to point out that Mandalorians aren't a single race (although they started out as one) but are in actuality a amalgam of countless other races. The entire "race" is named after their great, ancient warrior-leader Mandalore, a name which has since become something of a trophy that many Mandalorians have attempted to claim as their own.

Similar to the classic Bounty Hunter in that they make amazingly sought after mercenaries; Mandalorians differ in that any surviving members possess a imposing warlike nature. They prefer (now-iconic) heavy armor and ordinance over anything else and also consider war a source of both pride and honor. Basically, these guys wear impressive armor, wield seriously awesome weaponry and love every day they get to spend doing it.


Silver-haired and fair-skinned, this is the race who pioneered the martial style of Echani. They also exude a strong elf-like aura, which makes them a prime candidate for a certain group of players. Oh, they're also a prominently female race. It's always cool to see some cool butt-kicking women in a game.

From the very beginning of their lives, Echani are trained in their inherited martial art. They are literally a culture that worships combat. Many of them are force sensitive (I sometimes wonder if their style is similar to Teräs Käsi, with the channeling of your inner force) and can also become Jedi. The question is whether or not it should be allowed, since the more races allowed Jedi status the more Jedi we're bound to see running around. It's also worth mentioning that the art of Echani is practiced without the use of weapons, armor or force powers. They're basically the monks of the KOTOR universe, so why would you want to make one a Jedi anyhow? Wait, don't answer that.

Of course I should mention that you don't have to be Echani to practice their martial art, which would allow for lots of racial choices when picking the class. A long time ago in SWG players were given the option of learning Teräs Käsi as an advanced profession, but that martial style reminds me more of the original trilogy. For some reason that style doesn't resonate with the Old Republic setting as well as Echani does, at least not for me.


"It's not wise to upset a Wookie." -- Han Solo

It was at this moment that I think a lot of people decided Wookiees were pretty awesome. It doesn't take much to convince most people that facing one of these guys in battle would be at the very best a harrowing experience, which kind of makes this part of the article easy! Their incredible strength is what Wookies are especially known for and allows them to fire their patented Wookiee Bowcasters. It also gave rise to the Wookiee fighting style that is best described as a raging barbarian type of affair. You really don't want to go toe-to-toe with an enraged Wookiee. Despite their animalistic nature this fur-covered race is actually quite advanced as demonstrated by their weapons technology and combat tactics.

Done well, a race such like Wookiees is a strong draw for many players. I don't see why it wouldn't be as -- if not more -- popular with BioWare putting their touch to the race.

First-degree Droids

I probably know what you're thinking: Droids, seriously?

Well stop and turly consider it for a moment. Putting aside the obvious comparisons to HK-47, there are lots of really cool reasons for BioWare to design a playable droid race. First of all, seeing as how the setting of the game is so flexible it's very believable that never-before-seen combat droids could exist in the KOTOR MMO. Droids can also offer a unique armor system in an MMO wherein new equipment essentially amounts to new bodyparts. Plus, there are all sorts of different types of droids: Battle, assassination and medical droids are all possible class types that could have their own unique thematic presentation. They don't have to play mechanically different from their non-droid counterparts. Simply giving them a visual difference should cause a lot of players to think twice (if not thrice by this point) about just creating a Jedi. Who doesn't want to be like HK, really?

As for the "First-degree" thing, it pertains to droids enabled to have complex and creative thought processes. In an MMO set during a great Sith War it's entirely possible to imagine a galaxy where many droids are created both legally and illegally. I suppose part of this is just my innate desire to run around as a soulless killing machine, but is that so wrong? Plus, the roleplaying opportunities are endlessly entertaining.

I'm sure at least one of my ideas is somewhere near the target area of what BioWare has (or will) come up with for KOTORO. If not, that might even be better as it could mean they've been able to and allowed to think up wholly new races and/or classes.

Longest post I've seen on the forum ftw. Lol :p

But if it really is a KoToR MMO that they are making, I think I'm going to have to leave SWG :( KoToR was the best game I've ever played.

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Post by Saurat Seerdon » Tue Jul 22, 2008 1:02 am

i'll play both!!!!! :D
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Post by Waucod » Tue Jul 22, 2008 8:56 am

Xoseh wrote:
Terrag wrote:With the less-than-grandiose announcement that Electronic Arts, BioWare and Lucas Arts are working together on a KOTOR MMO, I've found myself pondering the game that until now was nothing but a rumor. Granted, I already thought about the game quite a lot even before it was the now more official affair.

There are no two ways about it. Star Wars as an MMO presents developers with a tough issue: how to deal with the Jedi class. I still think that one of the many mistakes with Star Wars Galaxies was setting it during the original trilogy, where Jedi were almost non-existent. I got the draw of the setting, but for an MMO it really didn't cater to the fervent desire to roll a Obi-wanna be character. Yet I also feel like it's a mistake making Jedi readily available without presenting players with other options that are equally appealing. Neo-futuristic-magical-samurai with energy swords aren't a hard sale for most players choosing which class they want to play. Thankfully, BioWare seems to have chosen itself a wonderfully powerful loop-hole: Knights of the Old Republic.

My basic goal with each of these ideas is to pull as many players away from the Jedi class as possible. Of course, no matter what you create or do some players will inevitably go for the class and that's fine. However, it's worth doing everything that can be done to give people a valid reason not to create the force-enabled, lightsaber chopping characters. Variety is good for us all.

Sith Image

Let's start with the Jedi's most hated nemesis as a class option: the Sith. During the KOTOR era there were several "Sith Wars" that broke out between Jedi and their fallen brethren. In the time before Exar Kun gave into the dark side, the Jedi operated quite differently from how they've been portrayed in most movies, videogames and books. Jedi apprentices were chosen not solely during their childhood, but also up through their young adulthood. Surprisingly, the Jedi were exceptionally decentralized and had no qualms with members seeking marriage and family. This of course led to the Jedi proliferating much more than in their later years. However, it also allowed Exar Kun to convert and amass a huge Sith army. Thus leading to the Great Sith War, which would be a perfect setting for an MMO within the KOTOR timeline.

Sith use the force very differently from Jedi. They operate the force through passion and raw power where the Jedi instead deal in emotion-free, focused control. One classic Sith attack is a surge of lightning that can deal massive damage to any target. The closest Jedi variant of this power, Droid Disable, is essentially a carefully focused electrical blast that disables or damages hostile droids. Even Sith and Jedi lightsaber preferences differ, although that's a more subjective topic. Another way to look at this is that while the Jedi are almost like Paladins, a Sith is much more akin to a Dark Knight. Granted there's more variation to both sides than that example, but it's a simple metaphor that illustrates the point well enough.


In the KOTOR era Mandalorians are considered ruthless, heartless and fearless warriors. They were especially seen this in this light during the time of Sith Lord Exar Kun because of their alliance with him. It's also important to point out that Mandalorians aren't a single race (although they started out as one) but are in actuality a amalgam of countless other races. The entire "race" is named after their great, ancient warrior-leader Mandalore, a name which has since become something of a trophy that many Mandalorians have attempted to claim as their own.

Similar to the classic Bounty Hunter in that they make amazingly sought after mercenaries; Mandalorians differ in that any surviving members possess a imposing warlike nature. They prefer (now-iconic) heavy armor and ordinance over anything else and also consider war a source of both pride and honor. Basically, these guys wear impressive armor, wield seriously awesome weaponry and love every day they get to spend doing it.


Silver-haired and fair-skinned, this is the race who pioneered the martial style of Echani. They also exude a strong elf-like aura, which makes them a prime candidate for a certain group of players. Oh, they're also a prominently female race. It's always cool to see some cool butt-kicking women in a game.

From the very beginning of their lives, Echani are trained in their inherited martial art. They are literally a culture that worships combat. Many of them are force sensitive (I sometimes wonder if their style is similar to Teräs Käsi, with the channeling of your inner force) and can also become Jedi. The question is whether or not it should be allowed, since the more races allowed Jedi status the more Jedi we're bound to see running around. It's also worth mentioning that the art of Echani is practiced without the use of weapons, armor or force powers. They're basically the monks of the KOTOR universe, so why would you want to make one a Jedi anyhow? Wait, don't answer that.

Of course I should mention that you don't have to be Echani to practice their martial art, which would allow for lots of racial choices when picking the class. A long time ago in SWG players were given the option of learning Teräs Käsi as an advanced profession, but that martial style reminds me more of the original trilogy. For some reason that style doesn't resonate with the Old Republic setting as well as Echani does, at least not for me.


"It's not wise to upset a Wookie." -- Han Solo

It was at this moment that I think a lot of people decided Wookiees were pretty awesome. It doesn't take much to convince most people that facing one of these guys in battle would be at the very best a harrowing experience, which kind of makes this part of the article easy! Their incredible strength is what Wookies are especially known for and allows them to fire their patented Wookiee Bowcasters. It also gave rise to the Wookiee fighting style that is best described as a raging barbarian type of affair. You really don't want to go toe-to-toe with an enraged Wookiee. Despite their animalistic nature this fur-covered race is actually quite advanced as demonstrated by their weapons technology and combat tactics.

Done well, a race such like Wookiees is a strong draw for many players. I don't see why it wouldn't be as -- if not more -- popular with BioWare putting their touch to the race.

First-degree Droids

I probably know what you're thinking: Droids, seriously?

Well stop and turly consider it for a moment. Putting aside the obvious comparisons to HK-47, there are lots of really cool reasons for BioWare to design a playable droid race. First of all, seeing as how the setting of the game is so flexible it's very believable that never-before-seen combat droids could exist in the KOTOR MMO. Droids can also offer a unique armor system in an MMO wherein new equipment essentially amounts to new bodyparts. Plus, there are all sorts of different types of droids: Battle, assassination and medical droids are all possible class types that could have their own unique thematic presentation. They don't have to play mechanically different from their non-droid counterparts. Simply giving them a visual difference should cause a lot of players to think twice (if not thrice by this point) about just creating a Jedi. Who doesn't want to be like HK, really?

As for the "First-degree" thing, it pertains to droids enabled to have complex and creative thought processes. In an MMO set during a great Sith War it's entirely possible to imagine a galaxy where many droids are created both legally and illegally. I suppose part of this is just my innate desire to run around as a soulless killing machine, but is that so wrong? Plus, the roleplaying opportunities are endlessly entertaining.

I'm sure at least one of my ideas is somewhere near the target area of what BioWare has (or will) come up with for KOTORO. If not, that might even be better as it could mean they've been able to and allowed to think up wholly new races and/or classes.

Longest post I've seen on the forum ftw. Lol :p

Not even close...

And yeah, I'd probably give this a try...
2030 + however many I have now...

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Post by Xoseh » Tue Jul 22, 2008 9:44 am

Waucod wrote:
Xoseh wrote:
Terrag wrote:With the less-than-grandiose announcement that Electronic Arts, BioWare and Lucas Arts are working together on a KOTOR MMO, I've found myself pondering the game that until now was nothing but a rumor. Granted, I already thought about the game quite a lot even before it was the now more official affair.

There are no two ways about it. Star Wars as an MMO presents developers with a tough issue: how to deal with the Jedi class. I still think that one of the many mistakes with Star Wars Galaxies was setting it during the original trilogy, where Jedi were almost non-existent. I got the draw of the setting, but for an MMO it really didn't cater to the fervent desire to roll a Obi-wanna be character. Yet I also feel like it's a mistake making Jedi readily available without presenting players with other options that are equally appealing. Neo-futuristic-magical-samurai with energy swords aren't a hard sale for most players choosing which class they want to play. Thankfully, BioWare seems to have chosen itself a wonderfully powerful loop-hole: Knights of the Old Republic.

My basic goal with each of these ideas is to pull as many players away from the Jedi class as possible. Of course, no matter what you create or do some players will inevitably go for the class and that's fine. However, it's worth doing everything that can be done to give people a valid reason not to create the force-enabled, lightsaber chopping characters. Variety is good for us all.

Sith Image

Let's start with the Jedi's most hated nemesis as a class option: the Sith. During the KOTOR era there were several "Sith Wars" that broke out between Jedi and their fallen brethren. In the time before Exar Kun gave into the dark side, the Jedi operated quite differently from how they've been portrayed in most movies, videogames and books. Jedi apprentices were chosen not solely during their childhood, but also up through their young adulthood. Surprisingly, the Jedi were exceptionally decentralized and had no qualms with members seeking marriage and family. This of course led to the Jedi proliferating much more than in their later years. However, it also allowed Exar Kun to convert and amass a huge Sith army. Thus leading to the Great Sith War, which would be a perfect setting for an MMO within the KOTOR timeline.

Sith use the force very differently from Jedi. They operate the force through passion and raw power where the Jedi instead deal in emotion-free, focused control. One classic Sith attack is a surge of lightning that can deal massive damage to any target. The closest Jedi variant of this power, Droid Disable, is essentially a carefully focused electrical blast that disables or damages hostile droids. Even Sith and Jedi lightsaber preferences differ, although that's a more subjective topic. Another way to look at this is that while the Jedi are almost like Paladins, a Sith is much more akin to a Dark Knight. Granted there's more variation to both sides than that example, but it's a simple metaphor that illustrates the point well enough.


In the KOTOR era Mandalorians are considered ruthless, heartless and fearless warriors. They were especially seen this in this light during the time of Sith Lord Exar Kun because of their alliance with him. It's also important to point out that Mandalorians aren't a single race (although they started out as one) but are in actuality a amalgam of countless other races. The entire "race" is named after their great, ancient warrior-leader Mandalore, a name which has since become something of a trophy that many Mandalorians have attempted to claim as their own.

Similar to the classic Bounty Hunter in that they make amazingly sought after mercenaries; Mandalorians differ in that any surviving members possess a imposing warlike nature. They prefer (now-iconic) heavy armor and ordinance over anything else and also consider war a source of both pride and honor. Basically, these guys wear impressive armor, wield seriously awesome weaponry and love every day they get to spend doing it.


Silver-haired and fair-skinned, this is the race who pioneered the martial style of Echani. They also exude a strong elf-like aura, which makes them a prime candidate for a certain group of players. Oh, they're also a prominently female race. It's always cool to see some cool butt-kicking women in a game.

From the very beginning of their lives, Echani are trained in their inherited martial art. They are literally a culture that worships combat. Many of them are force sensitive (I sometimes wonder if their style is similar to Teräs Käsi, with the channeling of your inner force) and can also become Jedi. The question is whether or not it should be allowed, since the more races allowed Jedi status the more Jedi we're bound to see running around. It's also worth mentioning that the art of Echani is practiced without the use of weapons, armor or force powers. They're basically the monks of the KOTOR universe, so why would you want to make one a Jedi anyhow? Wait, don't answer that.

Of course I should mention that you don't have to be Echani to practice their martial art, which would allow for lots of racial choices when picking the class. A long time ago in SWG players were given the option of learning Teräs Käsi as an advanced profession, but that martial style reminds me more of the original trilogy. For some reason that style doesn't resonate with the Old Republic setting as well as Echani does, at least not for me.


"It's not wise to upset a Wookie." -- Han Solo

It was at this moment that I think a lot of people decided Wookiees were pretty awesome. It doesn't take much to convince most people that facing one of these guys in battle would be at the very best a harrowing experience, which kind of makes this part of the article easy! Their incredible strength is what Wookies are especially known for and allows them to fire their patented Wookiee Bowcasters. It also gave rise to the Wookiee fighting style that is best described as a raging barbarian type of affair. You really don't want to go toe-to-toe with an enraged Wookiee. Despite their animalistic nature this fur-covered race is actually quite advanced as demonstrated by their weapons technology and combat tactics.

Done well, a race such like Wookiees is a strong draw for many players. I don't see why it wouldn't be as -- if not more -- popular with BioWare putting their touch to the race.

First-degree Droids

I probably know what you're thinking: Droids, seriously?

Well stop and turly consider it for a moment. Putting aside the obvious comparisons to HK-47, there are lots of really cool reasons for BioWare to design a playable droid race. First of all, seeing as how the setting of the game is so flexible it's very believable that never-before-seen combat droids could exist in the KOTOR MMO. Droids can also offer a unique armor system in an MMO wherein new equipment essentially amounts to new bodyparts. Plus, there are all sorts of different types of droids: Battle, assassination and medical droids are all possible class types that could have their own unique thematic presentation. They don't have to play mechanically different from their non-droid counterparts. Simply giving them a visual difference should cause a lot of players to think twice (if not thrice by this point) about just creating a Jedi. Who doesn't want to be like HK, really?

As for the "First-degree" thing, it pertains to droids enabled to have complex and creative thought processes. In an MMO set during a great Sith War it's entirely possible to imagine a galaxy where many droids are created both legally and illegally. I suppose part of this is just my innate desire to run around as a soulless killing machine, but is that so wrong? Plus, the roleplaying opportunities are endlessly entertaining.

I'm sure at least one of my ideas is somewhere near the target area of what BioWare has (or will) come up with for KOTORO. If not, that might even be better as it could mean they've been able to and allowed to think up wholly new races and/or classes.

Longest post I've seen on the forum ftw. Lol :p

Not even close...

And yeah, I'd probably give this a try...

"Longest post on the fourm I've seen."
Don't know what you see, don't want to either.:p

Kurke Aumea
First Lieutenant
Joined:Sun Dec 16, 2007 11:11 pm

Post by Kurke Aumea » Tue Jul 22, 2008 5:32 pm

Since day one with SWG, I've always believed that playable Jedi were wrong. If you're going to set the game in the classic movies, there are only a small handful of Jedi.

I've always believed that you could get away with a KOTOR based MMO because of how frequent Jedi are. The downside is that most people out there (despite how good the KOTOR games were) are most familiar with the classic trilogy and want to be a part of it. I mean, yes it is Star Wars, yes it has Jedi, and yes it can be all the fun that you are supposed to have in Star Wars. However, if it isn't the classic trilogy, some people just won't care.

The ultimate sin would be to use the prequals as the basis. You can lampoon the prequals all you want, but they were halfway decent. The problem is that the source material in the sequals isn't as enjoyable as teh classic trilogy. A MMO between episodes III and IV would be interesting, but you are faced with the Jedi dilemma again...

I think a KOTOR MMO is a great idea, I just wonder if it will catch on with the masses despite not being based on that which everyone is really familiar with, the classic trilogy.

And if you want some super-long posts, I could dig up a few of my old threads from way back in the day...
3134 Posts + Whatever I have now

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Post by Waucod » Tue Jul 22, 2008 7:01 pm

Or the RID history posts haha...

But yeah Kurke you make a really good point, not as many people would be attracted to a game set in a period of time that they don't know much about.
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Post by Apium » Wed Jul 23, 2008 7:12 am

Kurke Aumea wrote:Since day one with SWG, I've always believed that playable Jedi were wrong. If you're going to set the game in the classic movies, there are only a small handful of Jedi.

I've always believed that you could get away with a KOTOR based MMO because of how frequent Jedi are. The downside is that most people out there (despite how good the KOTOR games were) are most familiar with the classic trilogy and want to be a part of it. I mean, yes it is Star Wars, yes it has Jedi, and yes it can be all the fun that you are supposed to have in Star Wars. However, if it isn't the classic trilogy, some people just won't care.

The ultimate sin would be to use the prequals as the basis. You can lampoon the prequals all you want, but they were halfway decent. The problem is that the source material in the sequals isn't as enjoyable as teh classic trilogy. A MMO between episodes III and IV would be interesting, but you are faced with the Jedi dilemma again...

I think a KOTOR MMO is a great idea, I just wonder if it will catch on with the masses despite not being based on that which everyone is really familiar with, the classic trilogy.

And if you want some super-long posts, I could dig up a few of my old threads from way back in the day...

That is a good point. Luckily with Bioware at the helm, we can hope to see an MMO that is compelling in its own right as well as a worthy addition to the Star Wars franchise. There are a great number of MMO players who know nothing about the world they are playing in; its just one playstyle out of many. With a well told/created Star Wars story/setting and decent gameplay it can't fail.

To be honest, I am starting to think it was a slip. I've seen a lot of direct questions posed to the supposed developers, producers, and publishers and all of them have been shrugged off with a little amnesia. I think the EA CEO just wasn't paying a lot of attention and let it slip out. Then again it couldn't be a calculated move in order to promote discussion and anticipation such as this thread displays.
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Post by Kurke Aumea » Wed Jul 23, 2008 8:37 am

Wihtout a doubt it was a slip of the tongue. Nobody in their right mind would purposefully let something like that out unless they were either testing the waters or ready to make a full statement. If you're going to develop any Star Wars game, you probably don't need to test the waters (unless its an idea so far out into left field that you don't know how it would work...).

And let's be honest, given the time it takes to properly develop a MMO, why would you announce it now? If anything, I imagine that this MMO is a good two years away from release. Hyping it up now would only kill its thunder when it comes out. I'll use Alan Wake as my example on this topic. That game has been to like three E3s now and no new information on this game has come out in like a year (if there is, I haven't seen it...). I just don't think you'd want to announce a game that you know won't be released for two years.

I think that was part of the problem with SWG. They announced it almost two years before it ever was actually released (I think) and by the time it got here, everyone had these hyped up ideas of what to expect out of the game and many were really disappointed.

I think another thing that could have happened was that what the guy said was a slip of the tongue, but only because the MMO was supposed to be announced at E3, but it was decided not to by EA or LA. That could explain some of the amnesia by folks surrounding the game.

I dunno...

Too many questions and I'm sure we'll not have any answers for a while. At least we have something to get excited about (I'm not giving up hope on SWG, but it's five years old already so a newer game wouldn't necessarily be a bad thing).
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Post by Saurat Seerdon » Wed Jul 23, 2008 9:42 pm

or it was under development for some time (when did the rumors start?)
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Post by Kurke Aumea » Wed Jul 23, 2008 10:08 pm

Kioet wrote:or it was under development for some time (when did the rumors start?)

I do believe that the announcement of the partnership was announced sometime in late 2006 or early 2007. Does that mean they could have been working on it before then? Yes. But I highly doub't you will see anything before Christmas 2009 (beta test maybe...).
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