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Imperial Theme Park Walkthrough

Posted: Sun Jul 12, 2009 2:21 pm
by Arev
I copied and pasted the old Imperial TP walkthrough from the SWG Forums.

Imperial Theme Park Walkthrough by Nebaf

Note: You must be Combatant or SF to start or complete any of the Imperial Themepark Missions.

Warning: This is a detailed walkthrough of the entire Imperial Theme Park and thus contains lots of spoilers.

If you are just looking for a specific location of an Item/NPC, a list of Important Imperial Theme Park Waypoints can be found here.

A few hints/tips before you get started:

* It's a trap! Be mindful when activating terminals, investigating various objects, or committing acts of sabotage. You'll never know who might be lurking nearby.
* Make use of camps with shuttleport becons by placing them near the Emperor's Retreat, and mission related dungeons to make travel fast for you and your friends.
* If you're skilled, and I mean really skilled, many of these quests can be done solo. However, I strongly recommend bringing at least a couple friends for most of the missions.
* To find objects easily, be sure to have "Show all item names" under Misc in your options selected.
* You can use the /target command to quickly target an NPC or object closeby.

You can start the Imperial Theme Park by conversing with Kaja Or'Zee, who is located inside the Emperor's Retreat on Naboo at 2407, -3945.

1. Imperial Spy - Level 85 [Group]

Description: An Imperial officer is rumored to be aiding the Rebel Alliance. Track down this officer and use his treachery to aid the Empire.

The first part of this mission doesn't involve any combat:

Speak with the Pilot: The pilot is located right outside near the Lamda Shuttle at (2447, -3898). The pilot is named DS-579. Simply converse with him and you're done.

Check the Requisition Terminal: The Requisitions Terminal is located inside the Retreat at 2401, -3925. Summon the radial menu to check the terminal.

Investigate the Guard Towers: There will be several guard towers surrounding the retreat. Attached to each guard tower is an 'access panel'. Summon the radial menu on the access panel to investigate the guard tower. Not all the guard towers will have evidence of unauthorized entry. The guard tower locations are as follows:

* 2551, -3646
* 2341, -3560
* 2177, -3695
* 1907, -4020
* 2117, -4182
* 2366, -4096
* 2537, -3881

Once you complete the three objectives your mission will update. The traitor is Major Barret Herand. His office is located on the bottom floor of the Retreat. Head down the elevator and to his office, which is located at (2393, -3914). Summon the radial menu on ‘a data terminal'. Two level 85 elite Imperial Traitors will spawn. After you kill them, another level 85 Imperial Traitor will spawn as well as Major Barret Herand. Kill them and you're done.

Reward: 112,160 Experience, GCW Points and Imperial Forest Camouflage Armor Left Bicep

Converse with Kaja Or'Zee to start the next mission

2. The Spy's Handler - Level 85 [Group]

Description: Send a message to Major Herand's Rebel contact that tells them the officer has been compromised and request aid in escaping Naboo. Travel to the rendezvous point, eliminate any Rebels present, and gather any data you can about other Rebel spies operating on Naboo.

First, head to the back of the retreat and summon the radial menu on 'a communication array' located at 2378, -3981. Once the message is sent, the mission will update with the location of a Rebel Camp (-4891, -6879). You will need to kill at least 12 of the Rebel troopers. They are level 85 elite NPCs. The datadisk is located at (-4887, -6871), Summon the radial menu to obtain the data.

Return to Kaja for your reward.

Reward: 112,160, Imperial Forest Camouglage Armor Right Bicep and GCW points.

Converse with Inquistor Redge to start the next mission. He is located inside the Retreat at 2382, -3967.

3. The Force-senstive Twi'lek - Level 86 [Group]

Description: Apprehend a suspected Force-sensitive Twi'lek hiding on Endor and find the Rebels who have been aiding him.

Head to Endor, and then the Marauder's Stronghold. The camp is located not to far outside the Stronghold at -4611, -2538. Kill Zalbar Jyvun, who is a level 87 elite NPC.

The datapad is located inside the tent at -4607, -2546. You can take the datapad via the radial menu. Your mission will update and you will need to head to a Rebel camp on Lok. You will be given the general location of the camp; its specific location is -6075, 5959.

You will need to fight your way through level 86 Rebel Troopers to get to the crate of supplies. The first crate can be found outside at -6077, 5951. The second crate can be found inside the small building at -6063, 5944. Next head into the bunker and destroy the crates as you make your way to the bottom. The crates can be found at the following locations:

* -6100, 5955
* -6103, 5965
* -6113, 5957
* -6103, 5966

The Rebel Commander spawns at the last room at -6102, 5959. He's a level 87 elite. Once you kill him, return to Loam Redge to claim your reward.

Reward: 116,190 Experience, Imperial Forest Camouflage Armor Left Bracer and GCW points.

Converse with Loam Redge for your next mission

4. Find the Missing Imperial Courier - Level 86 [Group]

Description: A courier with information for Inquisitor Redge has gone missing. Find the courier and retrieve the information he was delivering.

Head to Corellia and port to Bela Vistal Shuttle B. Rogan Fel is located right next to the shuttle at 6937, -5522. Converse with him and you will be given the waypoint to the courier. Converse with 'an Imperial Courier' who is located at 6983, -5669; you will be given the waypoint to the Meeting Location (-3614, -356).

This part is relatively simple; you will arrive at a camp with level 87 elite Rebel Troopers and Gravestone Bandits. Kill 7 Rebel Troopers, 6 Gravestone Bandits, the Gravestone Bandits' Leader Macz Cynthisa and the Rebel Commander Major Zyyacah Kolzaar. All the NPCs are out in the open so you shouldn't have too much trouble finding them.

Once you complete the 4 objectives, return to Loam Redge to complete the mission.

Reward: 116,190 Experience, Imperial Forest Camouflage Armor Right Bracer and GCW points.

Converse with Lord Hethrir for the next mission. He is located inside the Retreat at 2380, -3952.

5. Thwarting the Rebels - Level 87 [Group]

Description: The information retrieved from Inquisitor Redge's courier detailed Rebel operation. They are planning an assault on an Imperial base. You will stop them.

Travel to the Imperial Outpost on Talus. Right outside the Outpost you should see a large group of level 88 elite Rebel troopers at about -2278, 2243. The Rebel Commando is located in the middle of the NPCs. Once you kill the Commando and 14 Rebel Troopers the mission will update. Head to Nashal. There are quite a few elite level 87-90 NPCs roaming around Nashal, so be careful.

First head outside Nashal to the Rebel Camps located about 100-200m behind the starport. The camp locations are as follows:

* 4756, 5363
* 4785, 5433
* 4706, 5426
* 4658, 5519
* 4738, 5558

Kill the level 88 elite Rebel sentry NPCs until you obtain the helmet.

Next, find and kill the Selonian Advocate who is located at 4571, 5454. He's a level 89 elite NPC.

Once you kill him, the mission will update. You will need to converse with an Imperial Operative located at 4520, 5236. Once you converse with him, the mission will be complete. Return to Lord Hethrir to claim your reward.

Reward: 120,350 Experience, Imperial Forest Camouflage Armor Gloves, GCW Points and an Imperial Medallion of Service.

Head to the back of the Retreat and converse with Captain Thrawn to start the next mission. He is located at 2369, -3922.

6. Rebel Starships - Level 88 [Group]

Description: Captain Thrawn has learned of a manufacturing shop where Rebel starships are repaired. Help him use this information to the Empire's benefit.

Travel to Kor Vella, then make your way to the Repair Shop's Offices located at -3376, 3319. The shop is filled with level 88 elite starship technician's so be careful when entering.

Fight your way to the bottom of the bunker, then access the 'a database server' located at -3362, 3345. Once you access the database, the mission will update. You will receive a waypoint to a Rebel Base located at 148, 4535 on Coriella. The base is guarded by level 89 elite Rebel Troopers. Be very careful when pulling them as they are close together.

The three Rebel starships are located inside the base at the following locations:

* 159, 4536
* 159, 4523
* 118, 4494

Once you place the tracking devices on the three starships, head inside the main base. The Base Commander, Captain Eirt Astar is located inside the small square room deep inside the base at approx. 139, 4574. Once you kill him the mission will be complete.

Return to Captain Thrawn for your reward.

Reward: 124,650 Experience and GCW points.

7. Downed Imperial Transport - Level 88 [Group]

Description: An Imperial transport was shot down on Rori. Investigate.

Upon traveling to Rori you will be given the located of the Downed Imperial Transport which is located at 0, 1989. The crashed ship is surrounded by level 90 elite Rebel scouts, so you're going to be in for a tough fight. The datapad is located at -7, 1998. The starship transponder is located at -3, 2019. Once you recover both items, the mission will update.

Head to Narmle, and converse with Major Geg Winthazen who is located at -5300, -2099. Next you will need to converse with Seldair, who can be found in Narmle at -5131, -2269. Once you converse with him, head outside Narmle to the bunker where the thieves are hiding. The bunker is located at -5491, -2520. They are level 91 elites. Keep killing thieves until you obtain the Prototype Rockets.

Once you obtain the Prototype Rocket, the mission will update. You will receive a waypoint to a Rebel Commando Squad located at 7269, 110. You will need to kill 9 of the Rebel Commando's, which are level 89 elite NPCs. Once you kill the 9 commandos the mission will be complete.

Return to Captain Thrawn for your reward.

Reward: 124,650 Experience, Imperial Forest Camouflage Armor Helmet, GCW points and a Schematic: Lightweight Military Pack.

For the next mission converse with Colonel Veers who is located next to Captain Thrawn at 2368, -3920.

8. Investigating the Destruction of the Death Star - Level 89 [Group]

Description: You are to infiltrate a Rebel command base looking for information about the destruction of the Death Star.

Travel to Talus, and then make your way to the Rebel Base which is located at -3480, -3256. This is a small bunker, so it won't take long to complete this leg of the mission. Make your way to the bottom, killing the Rebel NPCs along the way. Major Dare Nekor is in the last room at -3490, -3229. The information about the destruction of the Death Star can be obtained from 'an information server' also located in the room with Major Dare Nekor (-3484, -3230).

Once you complete those objectives, the mission will update. You will need to kill three pilots believed to be involved in the destruction of the Death Star.

The first pilot can be found on Lok, near Mount Chaolt. His specific location is 3016, -4402.

The second pilot can be found on Dathomir near Misty Falls. His specific location is 3456, 1378.

The third pilot found on Yavin IV, is located inside the Geonosian bunker. Fortunately Fen isn't located too deep inside the bunker. You will need to enter the passcodes for two of the doors. The first passcode is 32281, the second passcode is 12872. Fen is located at -6302, -341.

Reward: 129,095 Experience and GCW points.

Posted: Sun Jul 12, 2009 2:22 pm
by Arev
9. Informant Meetings - Level 89 [Group]

Description: Meet with a Rebel officer who has information for the Empire.

Travel to Dantooine. Once you arrive on Dantooine you will receive two waypoints. One for the Rebel Informant's Base Entrance (7009, -3993) and the other for the Rebel Informant himself (6946, -4072). Fight your way through the base, which is filled with level 90 elite Rebel troopers, to the location of the Rebel Informant. Once you arrive at the waypoint the mission will update, it turns out you were set up. Be careful if you're in a large group, two elite level 90 Rebel Troopers will spawn for each person that has the mission, so don't enter the room all at once.

You will have 10 minutes to find and defeat the Rebel officer who set you up. If you don't kill the officer within the 10 minutes, the mission will be failed and you will have to return to Colonel Veers. The officer in a nearby room at 7022, -4058, you should have plenty of time to get to him. He is named First Lieutenant Veris Tarrk.

Once he is dead, return to Colonel Veers for your reward.

Reward: 129,095 Experience, Imperial Forest Camouflage Armor Boots, GCW points and Schematic: Droidsmith's Tool Set.

To start your next mission converse with the Emperor. He is located on the second floor at 2394, -3958.

10. The Emperor and the Queen, Part I - Level 90 [Group]

Description: Aid the Empire in his plan to manipulate the Queen of Naboo into revealing the location of the Rebel General she is believed to be hiding.

Travel to the Smuggler Outpost on Endor. You will be given the waypoint of a Mercenary Bunker on Endor, located on northern part of the planet at 3647, 7463.

You will need to fight your way through the elite level 90 Jantsk mercenaries in order to reach the leader, who is located on the bottom floor at 3631, 7357. Head inside the base, take a left and the elevator is straight ahead. Go down an elevator and take another left, you should end up in a large room with Vurrha Jantsk.

Once you converse with him the mission will update, you will need to travel to Dantooine. When you land on Dantooine you will be given a waypoint to a location near the rebel base: 4000, 5300. The actual location of the Rebel Base is 4039, 5423.

You will need to head inside and obtain a Rebel Datadisk, which is located in the second to last room of the base at 4023, 5429. Once you have the disk, travel to Kaadara on Naboo. The Imperial Operative is located at 5084, 6790. Once you converse with him, the mission will update. Head back to Endor and give the disk to Vurrha Jantsk.

Return to the Emperor to claim your reward.

Reward: GCW points and 129,095 experience

11. The Emperor and the Queen, Part II - Level 90 [Group]

Description: Aid the Emperor in his plan to manipulate the Queen of Naboo into revealing the location of a Rebel General she is believed to be hiding.

Travel to Theed, and then make your way to the Theed Palace. The 4 Security Experts are elite level 90 NPCs and are located inside the Palace at approxiametely -5514, 4758. The security terminals are located at -5531, 4758 and -5497, 4761.

Once the guards are dead and the terminals have been deactivated, talk to the Queen in the next room. She is located at -5532, 4779.

Return to the Emperor to claim your reward

GCW points and 129,095 experience

12. The Emperor and the Queen, Part III - Level 90 [Group]

Description: Aid the Emperor in his plan to manipulate the Queen on Naboo into revealing the location of a Rebel General she is believed to be hiding.

Remember Vurrha Janstk for The Emperor and the Queen, Part I? You're going back to see him, only this time you need to kill him and retrieve the Rebel Datadisk. Head inside the bunker, and down the elevator like before. The layout of the bottom floor will be different than earlier in the quest line. The datadisk is located in the room connected to the elevator at 3581, 7452. Vurrha Jantsk is located at approximately 3612, 7412 and is a double elite level 90 NPC, so you'll be in for a tough fight.

Once you obtain the Rebel datadisk and kill Vurrha Janstk, travel to the Theed Palace and give the disk to the Queen. She will then give you the location of the Rebel General (General Jacen Nire), who is located outside Dee'ja Peak at 6898, 80.

Once you kill him, return to the Emperor to claim your reward.

Reward: 129,095 Experience, AT-AT Pilot Survival Suit, Imperial Forest Camouflage Armor Leggings and GCW points.

Converse with Darth Vader to start the next mission. He is located inside the Retreat at 2387, -3888.

13. Darth Vader's Inquiries, Part I - Level 90 [Group]

Description: Darth Vader is curious about the pilot who destroyed the Death Star. Help him satisfy that hunger for knowledge.

Travel to Narmle then make your way to the Rebel Courier who is located at -4966, -2394. He is an elite level 90 NPC. Once you kill him, the mission will update. You will need to travel to the Death Watch Bunker on Endor, and converse with Mara Jade.

The DWB is located at -4659, 4317. Mara Jade is located past the section A room at approximately -4693, 4268. For those of you not familiar with the DWB, make your way to the large square room that has two small rooms connected to it, with hallways opposite those rooms. Once you have kill all the NPCs in that room, hit the terminal on the second hallway door. A couple Death Watch NPCs will slowly spawn. Eventually Rageon Vart will spawn, kill him and you will loot the section A passkey.

Once you converse with Mara the mission will update, you need to kill Ahnyx Pollard. Travel to Moenia on Naboo. He is located a few hundred meters outside Moenia at 4425, -5064.

Once you kill him, return to Darth Vader for your reward.

Reward: GCW points and 129,095 experience

Converse with Darth Vader to start the next mission

14. Darth Vader's Insquiries, Part II - Level 90 [Group]

Description: Darth Vader is curious about the pilot who destroyed the Death Star. Help him satisfy that hunger for knowledge.

Ahnyx Pollard had information regarding a boy from Tatooine and a connection to the destruction of the Death Star. Travel to Yavin IV and find the Rebel leaders that Ahnyx claimed would have more information.

Travel to the Mining Outpost on Yavin IV. The first Rebel Leader is located at approximately 589, 4654. His name is Captain Demaia Maru, he will be surrounded by many elite level 90 NPCs.

Once you kill him, head west to the location of the second Rebel Leader. This one is going to be a little more difficult than the first one. Head to the Rebel Base which is located at -6221, 5360 and make your way to the Rebel Leader (Major Osto Elrad) who is located at -6275, 5360.

Once you kill him the mission will update with the location of some debris from the Death Star (5509, -534). Once you examine the debris you will be given waypoint to a Dark Jedi Leader named Magus Jocle (5192, 510). Make your way through the bunker to the Dark Jedi Leader, converse with him. The mission will update and you will need kill the Dark Jedi Leader. Be careful, soon as you finishing conversing with him he will attack you. He is a double elite level 90.

Once you kill him, return to Darth Vader for your reward.

Reward: GCW points and 129,095 Experience

Converse with Darth Vader to start the next mission.

15. Darth Vader's Inquiries, Part III

Description: Darth Vader is curious about the pilot who destroyed the Death Star. Help him satisfy that hunger for knowledge.

The Dark Jedi found strong emanations of the Force from the Death Star debris. Vader immediately realizes that this is connected to Obi-wan, but is also forced to admit that the boy is somehow involved as well and directly connected to his former master. Travel to the Nightsister's Spider Cult cave on Dathomir and retrieve a Force crystal from a cave there.

The force crystal is located inside the Cave at -934 6151. Once you retrieve the force crystal, the mission will update. Head to Ben Kenobi's hut on Tatooine, which is located at approximately -4499, -2269. Walk around Kenobi's hut and a window should popup with the following message, "The strongest lingering echoes of the Force that you find is clearly from Obi-wan, but there is another that remains unidentified. For now."

Return to Darth Vader to claim your reward

Reward: 129,095 Experience, Imperial Forest Camouflage Armor Chest Plate, GCW points, Tie Pilot Survival Suit and Badge: Imperial Badge of Merit.

That's it, you're done!