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Heroics, PuPs and +35 Suits

Posted: Thu Mar 05, 2009 8:57 am
by Bovive
Hey All,

First I want to apologize for not including as many RID members in my heroics groups as I possibly could. I have about 50 heroics friends I roll with which are all very experienced and I get invited a lot. I also form my own groups and unfortunately I do not always have the spots available for the types of professions that are online. Honestly, Jedi are hard to fill. Especially in EK, which I have run a LOT lately. If you get at least a 3 piece from other heroics I will take you on EK runs. The problem is that I run EK on Bovive right after the reset at midnight CST and not many members are online at that time. I also do not always have the deciding factor on who joins and who does not. Fortunately I have learned every instance in and out over and over again (except Hoth) and I can run a group with fairly new people (that listen) and complete it successfully. For the standard heroics you can get away without a +35 suit but need PuPs. On EK that is also true, I have taken people with no PuPs and no +35 suit on EK and done it successfully, however only one with the group I roll with. The key is that the person listens to instructions. I have taken two people with no suits that had never done EK before and completed it successfully. I most def want to get RID members involved in my groups though, as we rarely ever have an all RID group available at any given time. So here are my requirements:

1) You have PUPs. If you do not have PUPs please contact me and/or arramen (aka Gweido) to get them made for you. I'll do 1 mil per PUP which is only the cost of the +35 and is about 2-4 mil below market value.

2) You are at least working toward a +35 suit. If you do not have one, again contact me and/or Arramen to get one. We will work with you to make this happen. It may take some time, but we are dedicated to equiping you with what you need.

3) You have an appropriate weapon for your class. If you need one made contact me and I'll craft one for you for a very reasonable fee. I might need you to supply the weapon augmentations however. I do have some, but maybe not enough for everyone. I will only charge my costs.

4) You listen to instructions and are able to at least listen to voice chat. I prefer that you are able to talk in voice chat. The groups that I roll with have 90% of the people able to talk in voice chat. Believe me when I say that it makes it so much easier. I find that it also binds us together better as friends.

5) If you want to do EK I will take you. I will not take a 100% RID group on EK though at this time. I need at least 70% of the group to be experienced in EK. You also need to at least have your 3 piece jewelry. Not so much for the buff, but that I know you are able to run heroics. This will also help me pick who gets to go first. I will take those that need EK for jewelry over those that do not. I have run EK flawlessly several times with 41 mins and no deaths being my best run.

On a side note I encourage everyone to make friends with the people in my groups that you go with. They will ALWAYS be good people. Add them to your friends list and ask them every day you see them on if they are running heroics. Believe me, if you are half-way decent they will roll with you.

Bovive does have his 5 piece already so he is available to help with any EK run you want to do. I also have Jobo and Verantis that need all heroics. I can take them as well. Want to beat the Wampa Boss? No problem, I can run you through that too. I'm not trying to sound demeaning toward anyone, but rather I would like to build up people new to heroics into uber players. Believe me, I remember when AM was tough! Work with me and be patient and I will help RID become one of the best heroic guilds around. I will do absolutely anything to make that happen. Sorry for the huge wall of text, I guess Lexx is rubbing off on me :)


Edit: Oh yah, you also have to sign up at or I kills u :P

Posted: Thu Mar 05, 2009 12:10 pm
by Arev
I'm free to run late-night heroics on Thursday-Sunday nights (usually). Look me up on either Arev or Agios.

Posted: Thu Mar 05, 2009 12:32 pm
by SkyeLine
Looks like I need to finish my prequests one of these days. o.O

Posted: Thu Mar 05, 2009 12:55 pm
by Arev
SkyeLine wrote:Looks like I need to finish my prequests one of these days. o.O

Let me know when you're on! I'm taking my BH alt through them as well as another Medic (Rebel) friend.

Posted: Thu Mar 05, 2009 2:10 pm
by SkyeLine
Arev wrote:
SkyeLine wrote:Looks like I need to finish my prequests one of these days. o.O

Let me know when you're on! I'm taking my BH alt through them as well as another Medic (Rebel) friend.

You have a pm, Sir. And sure will do. :)

Posted: Fri Mar 13, 2009 10:26 am
by auren
Hi bovive if you see me if you can invite me that would be great

I made a few errors with my medic the last few weeks so if anyone has a medic
that can help in heroics or just general gameplay advice i would appreciate that. I would like to try and be a better medic :D

I also have 50 sets of 23 plus stat items and i have saved 18 million is there a way anyone can help me with advice for armor add ons and a person that makes these please?

thanks R

Posted: Fri Mar 13, 2009 11:36 am
by SkyeLine
Medic SEA/PuPs

The exotics you use as a medic depend on both what you plan to do, and what your expertise spec is. Whether your a PvP or PvE oriented medic, or spec'd for buffing, beast master, or debuffing. (I didn't say healing support, because I don't believe any medic should skimp on their healing abilities for buffs or damage; if your going to be a medic, be a medic!)

I have played all specs, and through them all I find healing potency pups the most superior by far, especially if you know how to use them.

If you're a PvE heavy medic, a block suit is probably the best way to go. Strength, Agility and block value (or sometimes precision) stacked in your core 35s will help this a lot as well. Your exotics should probably be a few of the follwing: block chance, glancing blow(ranged, melee or general), dodge, crit hit reduction or one of your core stats that you stacked.

PvP medics don't vary far from this. Even though you rely on your group, you can never rely on your group's composition to be constant, so you should feel independent when drawing up your 35 stats. More defense is always an important thing.

Dodge, glancing, crit hit reduction as well as agility are usually good places to visit. Even though if you don't use block as much, your core stats might follow something similar to a block suit since the other stats can be critical as well. Debuffer medics need action badly, so you might stack stamina. However if you use your stamina correctly, and you spend a lot of time in company of a decent officer your action will not be that much of an issue.

Please note: As a medic in PvP, your survivability will not be determined by your 35s however, but by your defensive tactics.

Keep in mind that as a medic you will never be made to do damage, so do not try. It will only work as a detriment for yourself and your group. If you want to be someone with a lot of damage output, medic is not a good profession for you. In most cases you will rely on dots and/or debuffs to fight the battle for you, and the heals to keep you alive longer than your opponent will be.

I hope this gives you an insight on how you should put your medic together. If you want to get more advice, template help or anything else feel free to pm me.


Posted: Fri Mar 13, 2009 4:41 pm
by Corvallon
I always up a heroic now that I finally got them unlocked. I could certainly use a new suit so I hope someone buys my baton. :D

Posted: Fri Mar 13, 2009 6:04 pm
by Bovive
Corvallon wrote:I always up a heroic now that I finally got them unlocked. I could certainly use a new suit so I hope someone buys my baton. :D

gaffi stick? I finished it btw.

Posted: Sun Mar 15, 2009 3:21 pm
by Corvallon
Yepper. Hope it sells. Really need the $