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Pickup groups and why I hate them

Posted: Thu Nov 27, 2008 7:43 am
by Bovive
I really do hate pickup groups cause you never know what your gonna get (Forest Gump voice). However, in order to ease my mind I am asking you guys what you think about a situation that happened last night. Myself, Arramen, Ysiermo, and Zorbinafrii started a group to run the HK instance. We searched and invited people to fill the remaining spots. Now mind you, this is our group so I figure they either agree to our rules or don't group.
There were two Jedi in the group, Arramen and Tojo (not of RID). Another person was in the group but had a Jedi alt. Arramen and I used to do instances a lot with a Rebel guild that befriended us and I learned a lot from them. They had a great loot structure that I chose to adhere to.

1) Guild members get first call on loot
2) Loot is called by profession and only if needed
3) No calling for alts
4) If nobody needs it then we roll for it

We even left it on free for all since there was nothing No-Trade in the instances, and happily traded it to whoever needed it. No muss, no fuss and no problems. So I bring you to the situation that happened last night.

One person says he wants the JMC for his alt if it drops, but nobody else calls anything. In fact there is no calling for this instance at all, we agreed to set it to random. So we set random loot (mind you when it is set to random you decide to accept it or leave the group) until we get to HK and then do Lottery since some people already had the YT-2400 and that is a no-trade item. Zorbinafrii looted a black JMC (Yah, I know u want it Corv and I'm sure we can trade it for a brown one if u loot it hehe). Because nobody actually needs this item following our rules, Zorb won it fair and square. Furthermore, the JMC sells for 90 mil so it is just as wanted by a non-jedi as it is a jedi. Unfortunately two people in the group threw a fit saying that they needed to roll for it because it wasn't fair that he received it on random loot. I disagreed and said that it is fair, random loot is nothing but an auto-roll. The only difference between random loot and lottery is the ability to choose whether or not to roll for the item(s). Now Zorb was going to hand it over to them, but I sent him a tell saying not to do it. He traded the JMC to me so he could stay out of it. Of course I am just holding on to this for Zorb, I'm not actually keeping it. The loot was then set to lottery and Ysiermo won the YT-2400 and other loot from HK-47 which just further pissed people off, but grats Ysiermo!!! I told Zorb to just ignore them and leave the group after we finished. He then logged onto his alt and I took the flak for their complaints. I forget the guys name (I sent it to Lexx) started sending me tells that it was immature and unfair that Zorb kept the JMC. I told him that he won it fairly being that it was given on random loot and that he was acting immature demanding it just because he didn't win. He says he is going to send Lexx a mail, post on the forums and submit a ticket to SOE. Well, I can tell you what SOE is gonna say to that already :) So I ask you, were we right by not handing it over and are these fair rules? I appreciate your input.

Re: Pickup groups and why I hate them

Posted: Thu Nov 27, 2008 8:43 am
by Daiho
Bovive wrote:1) Guild members get first call on loot
2) Loot is called by profession and only if needed
3) No calling for alts
4) If nobody needs it then we roll for it

In another game I've played, World of Warcraft, it worked like that and it was going very well. Unfortunatly, I understand if you saw a loot for your ALT and you CAN'T call it, but you can always go with your other toon later.

So I give my support to this idea to create the loot rule for RID.

Re: Pickup groups and why I hate them

Posted: Thu Nov 27, 2008 8:48 am
by Bovive
In another game I've played, World of Warcraft, it worked like that and it was going very well. Unfortunatly, I understand if you saw a loot for your ALT and you CAN'T call it, but you can always go with your other toon later.

So I give my support to this idea to create the loot rule for RID.[/quote]

Thanks Daiho. Now I would happily offer an item to a RID alt if they needed it and nobody else wanted it. The problem I see is that some people have a lot of alts, but if they are RID I completely support them.

Posted: Thu Nov 27, 2008 11:06 am
by Lexx Yovel
So Tojo didn't want the JMC or what?

Anyways, following your loot system, since Arramen is a guildy, it should be his.

Just so long as loot rules are made clear in the future, not much of an issue. Perhaps keep a mail which explains loot rules, and then forward it to all group members so that they are clear.

I wouldn't worry about it, loot disputes have always been problematic with people in the past lol.

Posted: Thu Nov 27, 2008 1:46 pm
by Jaysont
i agree with lexx on this but i just wanted to point out, random is not an auto roll, ive found the loot tends to go to the person who deals the most OVERALL dmg, (why u think im officer :P) but yes by ur rules lexx is right, this shud go to arramen.

Posted: Thu Nov 27, 2008 4:14 pm
by Corvallon
1) Guild members get first call on loot
2) Loot is called by profession and only if needed
3) No calling for alts
4) If nobody needs it then we roll for it

I hate pickups too. I like these rules, simple and fair.

I don't need the JMC as I already have one. I prefer the black one because Cor is dark and the dark wears black in Star Wars tradition. Let's face it, brown is gross. Arramen needs, Arramen gets.

Posted: Thu Nov 27, 2008 7:21 pm
by Bovive
Arramen already has a JMC so nobody actually needed it. I like the idea of sending a mail Lexx, I'll do that. I have never heard of random going to the person that deals the most DPS. Is this actually published somewhere or just your belief? I wouldn't think Zorb would get DPS over anyone else in the group. But no, Tojo did not want the JMC for himself.

Posted: Thu Nov 27, 2008 7:46 pm
by Zorbinafrii
I can promise you that i wasn't the highest DPS hahaha ... seriously.

anyway - it would have even been a different story if it hadn't turned into an immediate case of playground-bully by the power gamers. The reason that the other guys were wanting to roll for it (after i'd had it 30 minutes) was to give it to the one guy who was throwing a fit if any one of them won.

Ask Bov - if there was a guildie there at all that needed it, i would have traded without hesitation. But some guy's jedi alt? Also i trust bov, and i was doing what he told me.

His tell of "don't trade that" came half a second before the other guys "i want that"

Posted: Thu Nov 27, 2008 9:56 pm
by Bovive
Zorbinafrii wrote:
His tell of "don't trade that" came half a second before the other guys "i want that"

Yah with the way they were acting I just knew where it was going :)

Posted: Fri Nov 28, 2008 5:29 pm
by Tenvik
The loot system you have set is there Bovive it great, Like Daiho I too played wow and when we were doing runs and a Item dropped like that it was always Main 1st, then after that if someone wanted to get it for a alt we would talk it over, then if no main OR Alt wanted it we would greed roll which was like the random you guys did. but we would also do this, if a Item dropped that we knew that a Main guildie DIDN'T Need we would sell it and split the earnings with the members in the group that were there to help get it. Now this was only done on GUILD only runs. I don't mind giving anything I get to someone in the guild, because that just helps us out as a whole, but I sure as hell aint gonna sell the item and split the earnings with some PUG that I found in the gutters of Mos Eisley. As far as I am concerned you all did nothing wrong. The dude wanted the Cloak for his alt, he should have been playing his alt with you. and I agree with Lexx, you should have a saved Mail set up with the loot rules that you guys roll with that way when you get a pug you can send it out to them once they join, if they don't like it... Adios. Just my 2c on that.