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Dark Jedi Academy

Posted: Sat Apr 19, 2008 6:38 pm
by Genote
I'm thinking about creating a dark jedi academy within RID, i have everything ready, just wondering is this something the jedi of RID would be intrested in RPing?

Posted: Sun Apr 20, 2008 6:16 am
by Jaysont
im no longer on starsider with my main but i do have a low level toon there so if u need any help with RP history lines or ranking titles and such lemme know when your having ur next meeting for it and ill attend, i know quite alot of stuff, i spent a year over here in a no ooc unless in tells dark jedi rp guild over here on chilly, man that was hard

Posted: Sun Apr 20, 2008 9:38 am
by Barney
I ran a light jedi school for about a year and a half.

The hardest part is not letting yourself be cliche'd and boring. If we only take ideas from the movies, and always run as if we're jedi/sith we tend to kinda just repeat everything that's been done before.

I like the idea of being jedi who hunt other jedi. For the Emperor. It explains why we're allowed to live in the first place. I know that's the entire background story of how my character was created.

I also like the idea of having a rp-training session. Of all professions played in the game, the master/apprentice role for jedi is the one most people want to roleplay out.

Actually, I'm also thinking pretty strongly of the idea of making an entire RID only rp-oriented city... a place where the dark jedi school would be awesome.

I would support and help you any way I can, but I just hate the idea of spouting off the "sith code" over and over again. I'd love it if we can figure out a fresh way to revamp the idea of a school.

Posted: Sun Apr 20, 2008 10:04 am
by Jaysont
well the one i did was kinda complecated because we ran 2 guilds, light and dark and we was constantly at war so alot of action went on, was a fun year tho.

Posted: Sun Apr 20, 2008 10:15 am
by Kurke Aumea
Barney wrote:Actually, I'm also thinking pretty strongly of the idea of making an entire RID only rp-oriented city... a place where the dark jedi school would be awesome.

Should this ever be a serious consideration, Nar Shadda would be happy to assist. Given its smaller size and out-of-the-way location on Dantooine, it may serve such a purpose well (and help drive people to live there). However, I will not make it a complete RP city as Nar Shadda is a city open to all RID members, RP or not.

Posted: Sun Apr 20, 2008 10:23 am
by Barney
Oh I only thought of that because it's easier to run into casual rp when you live in a city of all rpers, and it'd be nice to have an imperial rp city where there isn't anything but cyber and duels all the time rofl. All the all-rp cities left that I know of are either like all neutral/rebel/crime syndicate types or just exist to provide space for the strip/club and prostitution cantina's all the time for people. It's annoying sitting in cantina's in these supposed "rp cities" watching strippers do lap dances and people doing soft porn in spacial emotes.

Of course, Fort Oasis is already set up and decorated very nicely for casual rp, and so is Nar Shadda. Fort D'aroo serves the whole concept of being near Restuss very well, it's totally chaotic lol.

Posted: Sun Apr 20, 2008 10:34 am
by Kurke Aumea
Barney wrote:Oh I only thought of that because it's easier to run into casual rp when you live in a city of all rpers, and it'd be nice to have an imperial rp city where there isn't anything but cyber and duels all the time rofl. All the all-rp cities left that I know of are either like all neutral/rebel/crime syndicate types or just exist to provide space for the strip/club and prostitution cantina's all the time for people. It's annoying sitting in cantina's in these supposed "rp cities" watching strippers do lap dances and people doing soft porn in spacial emotes.

Of course, Fort Oasis is already set up and decorated very nicely for casual rp, and so is Nar Shadda. Fort D'aroo serves the whole concept of being near Restuss very well, it's totally chaotic lol.

Believe me, if I could give Nar Shadda a special reason to exist, such as RP, I would. My only issue with such an idea would be making it strictly and only an RP city (everyone has different tastes). I just wouldn't want someone coming to the city only to be yelled at or something because they weren't RPing.

Posted: Sun Jun 01, 2008 12:56 am
by Jaysont
Barney wrote:It's annoying sitting in cantina's in these supposed "rp cities" watching strippers do lap dances and people doing soft porn in spacial emotes.

i have to say im guilty of this but it was in eisly tina during prime time and we had like an entire orgie going on to freak new players out.

Posted: Sun Jun 01, 2008 4:02 pm
by Santos
Can I be the enemy? I'll come SF by myself fully buffed and attack you guys.

Posted: Mon Jun 02, 2008 5:39 am
by Jaysont
but toor that wud be unfair on them. they wud need like 30 ppl to kill ur ass.

Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2008 10:05 am
by Mikal
He would have to get through the thousands of grauls and lizards and huurtons and tribesmen just to get to us though. Although they are "low" level, get enough of em together and they make for a kinda decent defensive wall hehe.

Posted: Fri Sep 12, 2008 10:49 am
by Arev
Barney wrote:Actually, I'm also thinking pretty strongly of the idea of making an entire RID only rp-oriented city... a place where the dark jedi school would be awesome.

Not to be too much of a necro, but since Fort Keen features the most active RID RP population, I'd suggest that for those individuals wanting to establish RP "bases" for whatever (ie Jedi-Hunter School), I'd gladly open the doors of Fort Keen to you all.

Posted: Fri Oct 10, 2008 5:10 pm
by Corvallon
I like the idea of a Dark Jedi academy. Cor would fit right in.

Posted: Fri Oct 10, 2008 5:17 pm
by Arev
Corvallon wrote:I like the idea of a Dark Jedi academy. Cor would fit right in.

I need to Retcon my previous statement, Fort Keen is currently home to the 826th Stormtrooper Legion, as such, a Dark Jedi Academy would be completely out of place. In fact, I could even foresee some inter-guild RPer "drama" from this as one faction of RPers (myself included) would have a hard time rationalizing Dark Jedi running willy-nilly side-by-side with the Imperial soldiers that are supposed to clobber them.

But, I'd gladly help you in organizing something that allows you to be a Dark Side user and an RID RPer. In fact, I'd contact Safia' (a potential RID recruit and good friend of mine) who RPs an Inquisitor. Likewise, posting at StarsiderGalaxy you'll receive lots of ideas on how to be an Imperial Dark Sider and for it to make sense.

Posted: Sat Oct 11, 2008 9:40 am
by Saurat Seerdon
put em on nar shadda, at least they would fit in with all the force sensitive npcs running around on dantooine.