Trials of Obi-Wan Quests - Complete Reference Guide

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Trials of Obi-Wan Quests - Complete Reference Guide

Post by Issele » Sun Apr 02, 2006 3:02 pm

Tips For This Expansion:

The planet of Mustafar has no space zone, so you can’t fly your personal ship there, in space or by travelling. In fact, the only way there is to take a shuttle from Corellia or Talus.

Getting around Mustafar can be a bit dangerous if you’re not careful, due to the liquid hot magma all over the place. Luckily all of the continents are connected to each other by bridges, so it is definitely possible to get to all areas without needing to singe yourself (though it can be a long trip, especially to Tulrus Isle and Berken’s Flow). With that being said, you can make it small distances over lava before you’ll melt, so it is possible to take shortcuts occasionally. However, the best way to take in that wonderful sulphur aroma is by using the Lava Flea Mount, a Desert Skiff, a Jetpack, or the Lava Skiff (not to be confused with the Desert Skiff), all of which can transport you over lava without harm.

BTW, don’t forget about the new Abandon Quest feature! You can abandon any of the quests In Trials of Obi-Wan, even quest series. If you want to start the quest again simply talk to the NPC (or interact with the item) that originally started the quest. For quest series you don’t start over again at the beginning of the whole series, just at the current quest in the series that you were on. For Obi-Wan, you can use the Holocron at the Shore of Remorse to start over one of his Trial quests again if you abandoned it.

Many quests in this expansion require that you kill a specific NPC or creature. These MOB’s will often spawn at a set location, which I usually include waypoints to in this guide. However, be aware that they usually do not spawn specifically for a quest holder, but are instead on re-spawn timers at that location. Also, sometimes there are placeholder MOB’s at the location where the quest MOB is supposed to spawn, which you must kill in order to allow the quest MOB to spawn. Even then though, the spawn is still usually on a timer, meaning you must kill the placeholder(s) repeatedly until the quest MOB spawns. Credit for killing quest MOB’s is the same as looting rights, the person/group that does the most damage gets it.

Finally, the following is a post by the devs on NPC AI and the expected level of challenge from encounters:

A number of changes have gone in recently changing the way NPC's behave in combat.

Relative combat level difference combat modifiers have been adjusted. NPC's close to the players level +/- 2 will have less of a combat difference. NPC's far from the players level +/- 10 will have a greater difference.

NPC Jedi specific skill modifiers are now being applied. NPC Jedi and pseudo Jedi (Nightsisters) should see receive a noticeable boost in their offensive and defensive capabilities.

Elite and boss class NPC's have had their damage ranges adjusted. Average damage has been raised slightly and minimum damage has been raised by a moderate amount.

Most NPC's have attained combat classes and can make use of abilities inherent to that class. These include defensive stances as well as powerful offensive attacks.

Some NPC's have gained the ability to resist or be outright immune to some effects. These effects include root, snare, daze, attack slow and armor break.

NPC's have had their chance to perform knockdown attacks greatly reduced.

For reference, an even level con is roughly broken up into four categories.

Normal: This is an even fight for one person
Elite: This is intended for 2-3 players
Boss: This is intended for 4-6 players
Special Event: These encounters will often vary wildly, from the solo Lord Vartonis [edit] experience to the Kubaza Beetle Cavern event which was designed for 5-8 players.

As you know many NPC's range up to level 90. A level 90 boss is intended to be a challenge for a full group of combat players.


1) Symbols of Chu-Gon Dar [non-combat, risky]
Rewards: Chu-Gon Dar Cube, A Barely Glowing Old Cup, A Barely Glowing Datapad, A Barely Glowing Worklight
Start: Ithes Olok, [435,-1215], Mensix Mining Facility, Mustafar
Part 1: Find the Ruins - Located at [326,-2975]
Part 2: Locate the Tablets - Ancient Tablets: [336,-2981], [329,-3023], [262,-3021]; Radial menu: “Copy tablet”
Part 3: Return the Notes - To Ithes Olok

2) Miner Madness [combat]
Rewards: Mustafarian Modified Disruptor Pistol (CL55, Pistoleer:Master)
Start: Chief Armstrong, [309,-1269], Mensix Mining Facility, Mustafar
Part 1: Travel to the Poisoned Miners’ Camp [-2716,-2025]
Part 2: Use the Tracking Computer [-2716,-2034] - Radial menu: “Activate Tracking Computer”
Part 3: Wait for Track - Takes about 10 seconds
Part 4: Track the Crazed Miners - Homing Beacon Location [-2499,-1210]
Part 5: Destroy the Crazed Miners - Combat: 10 Trilom Infected Miners (CL69) will spawn when you reach the homing beacon location, kill them all
Part 6: Return to Chief Armstrong

3) Being A Good Samaritan [combat]
Rewards: Wild Force Shard (Offensive Burst)
Start: Pwwoz Pwwa, [449,-1118], Mensix Mining Facility, Mustafar
Part 1: Scene of the crime - Pwwoz’ camp site [-2505,-1232]
Part 2: A flea in a haystack - Combat: A bunch of Lava Fleas (CL65) spawn in the camp, kill them until you get the crystal
Part 3: A decision to be made - Return to Pwwoz; You can choose to either give him back the crystal or keep it
Option A (give):
Part 4: Possessed - Combat: If you choose to give it back you’ll have to fight him, Pwwoz Pwwa (CL83 Elite Jedi); You only get the reward if you defeat him; If you die you can go back and fight him again
Option B (keep):
If you choose to keep it you’ll finish the quest and get the shard, but 2 Hired Thugs (CL70) will spawn and attack you at some point (you don’t have to fight them though)

4) A Collector’s Business [combat (voluntary)]
Rewards: 10K Credits, Sith Holocron (Forbidden Knowledge I)
Start: Q4P3, [430,-1230], Mensix Mining Facility, Mustafar
Part 1: In search of a droid - Last known droid coordinates [-1455,-1307]
Part 2: Collecting a memory - Broken Droid [-1537,-1317]; Radial menu: “Plug in scanner”
Part 3: Target located - Possible Codex location [-1585,284]
Part 4: Can this be it? - Pile of Rubble [-1578,284] and [-1583,278]; Radial menu: “Search rubble”
Part 5: Ambush - Combat: A Trinity Assassin (CL83 Elite Jedi) will spawn when you search the second rubble pile; You don’t have to defeat it, you can run instead
Part 6: Head back - To Q4P3

5) The Serpent Shard [combat]
Rewards: 20K Credits, Shard of the Serpent (Harmonious Counteraction)
Start: Ikt, [365,-1155], Mensix Mining Facility, Mustafar
Part 1: Tracing back the steps - Head to the Southern Jedi Ruins [-1683,230]; After receiving the popup message to search the area go to the Altar at [-1656,216]; Radial menu: “Closely inspect”
Part 2: Stakeout - A few seconds after inspecting the Altar a NPC will spawn somewhere very close by, named Illiv Orfa, converse with her; Combat: Illiv Orfa (CL84 Elite Jedi)
Part 3: Shard retrieved - Go back to the Altar [-1656,216]; Radial menu: “Inspect shard”
Part 4: Another one - Return to Ikt

6) An Archeologist’s Problem [combat]
Rewards: 5K Credits, Mustafarian Distance Globe (Mustafarian Heat Shock)
Start: Doctor Mi Fon Lu, [-1755,320], Southern Jedi Ruins, Mustafar
Part 1: Defeat 10 Blackguard - Combat: Blackguard NPC’s (CL72 to CL80 Elite); Found around the ruins at [-1518,208]
Part 2: Return to Dr. Lu
Part 3: Defeat Vansk of the Blackguard - Combat: Vansk of the Blackguard (CL80 Boss Jedi) [-1532,183] or sometimes at [-1478,173]
Part 4: Return to Dr. Lu
Part 5: Defeat San’sii the Kursk - Combat: San’sii the Kursk (CL82 Boss Jedi) [-1500,255]
Part 6: Return to Dr. Lu

7) Symbiosis [combat (voluntary)]
Rewards: Caller of Storms (CL55, Fencer:Master)
Start: Bag (“Inspect”), [1328,-2508], Mining Fields, Mustafar
Part 1: A virus? - Examine the dead Treasure Hunter corpses in the immediate area; Radial menu: “Examine corpse”; Combat: Spawns 2 Unknown Arachnoids (CL67) each time; On one of the corpses you’ll get the next part of the quest
Part 2: Dangerous indeed - Grab the contents of the Bag [1328,-2508]; Radial menu: “Seal and grab container”
Part 3: Stop the plague - Lava river [1296,-2275]; Travel to the waypoint and you will throw the bag into the lava
Part 4: Looking for clues - Corpses [1335,-2516]; Examine the dead Treasure Hunter corpse up on the hill [1346,-2565]; Radial menu: “Examine corpse”
Part 5: All you can do - Combat: After the second popup message you get the reward and 6 Unknown Arachnoids (CL67) will spawn, you don’t have to fight them though

8) The Man-eater [combat]
Rewards: 5K Credits, Mounted Tulrus Spine
Start: Chief Ulon Glost, [449,-1156], Mensix Mining Facility, Mustafar
Part 1: Collect the Contents of Tulrus’ Stomachs - Combat: Kill 10 Tulrus, any kind will do (CL78 to CL81); Found around the Tulrus Nesting Grounds [1160,655]
Part 2: Message from Chief Glost - Received via comlink immediately after killing the tenth Tulrus
Part 3: Travel to Area of Most Recent Attack - Most Recent Attack Location [2459,91]
Part 4: Destroy Foehorn - Combat: Foehorn (CL82 Elite Tulrus); Spawns when you reach the waypoint
Part 5: Return to Chief Glost

9) Beasts from the East [combat] ---repeatable
Rewards: 7K Credits
Start: Ivory Tulrus Tusk (“Study Horn Closely”), looted from Tulrus
Part 1: Kill 20 Tulrus - Combat: Kill 20 Tulrus, any kind will do (CL78 to CL81); Found around the Tulrus Nesting Grounds [1160,655]

10-1) The Cursed Shard [non-combat, dangerous]
Rewards: none
Start: Menth Paul, [385,-1155], Mensix Mining Facility, Mustafar
Part 1: What to do? - While traveling around Mustafar you will be attacked on two occasions:
Combat: 3x Tulrus (CL70) area around the Crystal Flats POI marker (was at [-997,-1589] for me)
Combat: 2x A Smoldering Lava Flea (CL80 Boss) area around The Burning Plains POI marker (was at [-363,2107] for me)
You don’t have to fight them, just trigger the attacks; A few minutes after the second attack you will get the next quest
Starts “The Cursed Shard, Part II” quest...

10-2) The Cursed Shard, Part II [non-combat, risky]
Rewards: Microsensory Mesh Gloves (Healer's Touch)
Start: Continuation of “The Cursed Shard” quest
Part 1: You now have a choice in the way you can rid yourself of the obviously cursed shard...
Option A (destroy):
Part 2: Destroy the menace - Throw the cursed shard into the lava river from the bridge to the Central Volcano [10,1502]
Part 3: What it wants? - Once you arrive at the bridge proceed to the half way point on it [34,1334] and you will throw the shard into the lava below; A few steps later you will get the reward
Option B (sell):
Part 2: Not your problem - Deceive Uggo into taking the shard, he’s at the bar in the Mensix Mining Facility [383,-1168]

11-1) Fragments of the Past [combat (voluntary)]
Rewards: none
Start: Old box (“Inspect”), [-1506,190], Southern Jedi Ruins (Blackguard section inside long building), Mustafar
Part 1: Crystal splinters - Combat: Spawns 2 Trinity Assassins (CL83 Boss Jedi); Walk around [-1500,235] until you get the popup message that says the splinters are humming; Search the area for some “Crystal splinters” [-1490,253] (/target crystal); Radial menu: “Gather up splinters”
Starts “Fragments of the Past, II” quest...

11-2) Fragments of the Past, II [combat]
Rewards: none
Start: Continuation of “Fragments of the Past” quest
Part 1: Reunited? - You have to find 4 Shard splinters around Mustafar (in any order). In order to do this you must first get a “humming” popup message and then a “Splinters awake” task, where you must search the nearby area for a splinter. This process is repeated for all 4 splinters. One is found on the ground, for the others you must defeat enemies to get them.
Shard splinter 1: Humming message [2176,3068]; Find the splinter on the ground at [2135,3161]; Radial menu: “Gather up splinters”
Shard splinter 2: Humming message [-1447,412]; Combat: Defeat Xos (CL88 Elite Jedi) [-1407,340] for splinter
Shard splinter 3: Humming message [1020,955]; Combat: Defeat Magma Horn (CL82 Elite Tulrus) [998,1012] for splinter
Shard splinter 4: Humming message [3344,2880]; Combat: Defeat Phantoms Bandits (CL69) in the area around the escape pod until you get the splinter
Part 2: Splinters awake - Need to complete this part for each of the Shard splinters
Starts “Fragments of the Past, III” quest...

11-3) Fragments of the Past, III [combat]
Rewards: Wild Force Shard (Defensive Burst)
Start: Continuation of “Fragments of the Past, II” quest
Part 1: Assembling a crystal - Enter the Old Research Facility at [2109,3104], an instanced dungeon with plenty of CL80+ droids and creatures in it (see “Maps” links); Proceed through the dungeon as follows (use “/target” to find objects):
Main Floor:
1) Power Access Terminal (“Activate Power”) to open the door to the 1B Floor
1B Floor:
2) Storage Chest (“Open”) for the Access Key Card
3) Door Terminal (“Use Access Card”)
4) Journal Screen (“Inspect Closely”) for the Security Code
5) Door Terminal (“Use Security Code”)
6) Security Station (“Override Security”) to open the doors on the 2B Floor
2B Floor:
7) Photon Fusion Welder (“Start fusion process”)
Part 2: Process under way - Wait 10 seconds for the fusion process to finish
Part 3: Finished - Access the Photon Fusion Welder again (“Retrieve crystal”) to get the reward

12-1) A History Lesson [combat]
Rewards: Mustafar Lore Disk, Target Enhancement Helm (Battle, Assualt, or Recon version)
Start: Epo Qetora, [443,-1229], Mensix Mining Facility, Mustafar
Part 1: Ancient bunker - Old Research Facility [2109,3104]; Receive next part once arriving nearby at [2194,3051]
Part 2: Data search - Enter the facility, an instanced dungeon with plenty of CL80+ droids and creatures in it (see “Maps” links); Proceed through the dungeon as follows (use “/target” to find objects):
Main Floor:
1) Power Access Terminal (“Activate Power”) to open the door to the 1B Floor
1B Floor:
2) Storage Chest (“Open”) for the Access Key Card
3) Door Terminal (“Use Access Card”)
4) Journal Screen (“Inspect Closely”) for the Security Code
5) Door Terminal (“Use Security Code”)
6) Security Station (“Override Security”) to open the doors on the 2B Floor
2B Floor:
7) Venitlation System (“Start Ventilation”)
8) Air Systems Terminal (“Open Stuck Vents”)
Main Floor:
9) Defeat the Ancient Xandank (CL87 Boss, Immune: Armor Break) ---not required
10) Log Access Terminal (“Scan terminal”); All group members with quest need do this
Part 3: Computers - Kill Security Droids in the facility until you get the Decryption Key
Part 4: The right key? - Go back to the Log Access Terminal and select “Use decryption key” from its radial menu
Part 5: Mission accomplished - Return to Epo Qetora
Opens “A History Lesson, Part II” quest...

12-2) A History Lesson, Part II [combat]
Rewards: Mustafar Lore Disk II, Coynite Disruptor Rifle (CL55, Rifleman:Master) *OR* Coynite Sfor Republic Carbine (CL55, Carbineer:Master) *OR* Coynite Disruptor Pistol (CL55, Pistoleer:Master)
Start: Epo Qetora, [443,-1229], Mensix Mining Facility, Mustafar; Continuation of “A History Lesson” quest
Part 1: A second lesson - Travel to the Berken’s Flow Jedi Ruins at [3207,1260]
First tablet piece - Pile of rocks [3208,1042]; Radial menu: “Seach rubble” for tablet piece
Second tablet piece - Remains [3259,1389]; Radial menu: “Search remains” for tablet piece
Third tablet piece - Combat: Defeat Scavengers (CL72) around [3207,1260] until you get the tablet piece
Fourth tablet piece - Combat: Defeat Skar (CL84 Elite Jedi) [3068,1613] for tablet piece
Part 2: All done, hopefully - Return to Epo Qetora

13) A Hidden Treasure? [combat]
Rewards: Modified Fusion Reactor Schematic (Shipwright:xx4x)
Start: Buried Tablet (“Inpsect”), [2916,1410], Berken’s Flow Jedi Ruins, Mustafar
Part 1: A vault? - Secret vault [1750,1214]
Part 2: Disabling the security system - The following instructions are given once arriving at the vault:
Step 1) Turn the left Dial to 8 (“Turn to 8”)
Step 2) Click the saber symbol on the Holocron (“Click saber symbol”)
Part 3: A hidden treasure, the choice - Choose between the left or right Lever on the vault; Radial menu: “Pull lever”; The outcome and reward is the same for pulling either lever
Part 4: The ancient guardian - Combat: Guardian Droid (CL78); Spawns if you pull either Lever
Part 5: A strange schematic - After killing the droid you will get the reward

14) Sickness of the Storm Lord [combat]
Rewards: Mustafarian Injector (Advanced Poison Protection)
Start: Jural, [3321,2139], Berken’s Flow Jedi Ruins, Mustafar
Part 1: Destroy the Storm Lord Minions - Combat: Kill 15 Storm Lord Minions (CL80); Found all around the ruins at [3207,1260]
Part 2: Return to Jural
Part 3: Destroy the Storm Lord Zealots - Combat: Kill 10 Storm Lord Zealots (CL83); Found all around the ruins at [3077,1259]
Part 4: Return to Jural
Part 5: Defeat the Prophet of the Storm Lord - Combat: Prophet of the Storm Lord (CL87 Boss Jedi) [3195,770]
Part 6: Return to Jural
Part 7: Defeat the Storm Lord - Combat: The Storm Lord (CL90 Boss Jedi) [3069,1131]
Part 8: Return to Jural

15) Activate the Miner Markers [non-combat, risky]
Rewards: 5K Credits per area (35K Credits total), Mounted Lava Lizard Heart, Badge: Master Mustafar Trailblazer
Start: Surveyor Jo Keslev, [313,-1267], Mensix Mining Facility, Mustafar
Part 1: Travel to each of the miner’s markers and use “Activate Marker” from their radial menu. Note that you can (and should) grab all the quests for each of the marker sets (seven total) from Keslev at the same time, they don’t have to be done individually. The Credits are rewarded automatically upon activating all the markers in an area. Return to Keslev when you’ve activated ALL of them to receive the Mounted Lava Lizard Heart reward and the badge. BTW, these markers also serve as great waypoints to a lot of quest destinations around Mustafar, so it’s a good idea to keep them handy.
(thanks goes to Altyrell for originally posting a set of these waypoints in the ToOW Beta forums)
The Mining Field Markers - Activate the Five Miner Markers:
- Chu-Gon Dar Ruins [337,-2920]
- Southern Lava Falls Marker [2146,-3168]
- Koseyet Bridge Marker [3049,-3181]
- Destroyed Mining Facility Marker [845,-2271]
- Mensix Mining Facility Marker [-70,-1682]
The Crystal Flats Markers - Activate the Five Miner Markers:
- Crystal Flats Bridge Marker [-2327,-469]
- Crystal Fields Marker [-1139,-543]
- Crystal Falls Marker [-1771,-1283]
- Salvage Bandit Camp Marker [-3041,-2873]
- Crossroads Marker [-1369,-2797]
The Smoking Forest Markers - Activate the Five Miner Markers:
- Northern Jedi Ruins Marker [-2573,3219]
- Burning Plains Bridge Marker [-1551,1985]
- Field Miner Camp Marker [-2271,1268]
- Southern Jedi Ruins Marker [-1404,400]
- Western Smoking Forest Marker [-3345,1413]
The Central Volcano Markers - Activate the Three Miner Markers:
- Kubaza Beetle Cavern Marker [-823,430]
- Old Republic Cruiser Crash Site Marker [97,179]
- Main Lava Flo Marker [-95,1201]
The Burning Plains Markers - Activate the Five Miner Markers:
- Berken’s Flow Bridge Marker [764,2536]
- Temple Ruins Marker [90,2945]
- Central Volcano Bridge Marker [103,1618]
- Central Burning Plains Marker [74,2156]
- Northern Burning Plains Marker [-1610,2930]
The Berken’s Flow Markers - Activate the Five Miner Markers:
- Droid Factory Marker [3272,-758]
- Tulrus Isle Bridge Marker [2305,-486]
- Jedi Ruins Marker [2959,996]
- Old Republic Facility Marker [2269,3056]
- Berken’s Flow Marker [2373,706]
The Tulrus Nesting Grounds Markers - Activate the Three Miner Markers:
- Sher Kar Cave Marker [909,1098]
- Tulrus Nesting Grounds Marker [1082,63]
- Tulrus Nesting Grounds Entrance Marker [1220,-530]

16) Exploration of Mustafar [combat]
Rewards: 10K Credits, Map of Mustafar
Start: Planetary Map (“Study Map”), [410,-1321], Mensix Mining Facility, Mustafar
Part 1: Explore Mustafar - Travel to the each of the areas and do something specific there
Travel to Tulrus Isle [1920,-525] - Hunt 5 Tulrus - Any (CL78+)
Travel to the Berken’s Flow [1055,2466] - Hunt 5 Xandank - Any (CL75+)
Travel to the Central Volcano [44,1367] - Examine the Crash Site - [95,555]
Travel to the Burning Plain [-1177,2038] - Hunt 5 Kubaza Beetles - Any (CL70+)
Travel to the Smoking Forest [-2196,-242] - Hunt 5 Blistmoks - Any (CL67+)
Travel to the Crystal Flats [-1180,-2950] - Hunt 5 Lava Fleas - Any (CL65+)

17) The Jagged Teeth [combat] ---repeatable
Rewards: 8K Credits
Start: Medical Hologram (“Use”), [386,-1080], Mensix Mining Facility, Mustafar
Part 1: Collect 15 Jagged Jundak Teeth - Combat: Kill Jundak (CL78+) until you get 15 jagged teeth

18) A Strange Gem [combat] ---repeatable
Rewards: 5K Credits
Start: Kubaza Beetle Beads (“Study Lava Beads Closely”), [366,-1256], Mensix Mining Facility, Mustafar
Part 1: Collect Kubaza Beetle Beads - Combat: Kill Kubaza Beetles (CL70+) until you get 15 beetle beads

19) Skull of the Jundak [combat]
Rewards: Jundank Skull
Start: A Bleached Jundak Skull (“Study Skull Closely”), [372,-1259], Mensix Mining Facility, Mustafar
Part 1: Collect Skull of an Ancient Jundak - Ancient Jundak [1264,1299]; Combat: Ancient Jundak (CL84 Elite)
Part 2: Bleach the Skull - Vat of Bleach [442,-1220] inside the Mensix Mining Facility; Radial menu: “Bleach Skull”
Part 3: Bleaching the Skull - Wait 10 seconds and then use the Vat of Bleach again to “Remove Skull from Vat”

20) Skin the Blistmoks [combat]
Rewards: Blistmok Skin Rug
Start: Blistmok Skin Rug (“Use”), [443,-1124], Mensix Mining Facility, Mustafar
Part 1: Collect Rug Materials - Collect the following to create your very own Blistmok Skin Rug:
Collect Pristine Blistmok Skins - Combat: Kill Blistmoks (CL67+) until you get 10 pristine skins
Collect Preservatives - Collect 3 preservatives from Chemical Lockers in mining camps around Mustafar:
[14,-3248], [-2676,-2020], [2477,100], [-2484,1444], [-519,2346];
Radial menu: “Take Preservative” ; Can take only one from each locker
Part 2: Gather Skin of Ura Jen [-903,-334] - Combat: Ura Jen (CL80 Elite Blistmok)

21) The Jedi’s Guard Dog [combat]
Rewards: 10K Credits, Mustafarian Miner’s Boots
Start: Data Recorder (“Activate Recording”), [-3136,-3052], Salvage Bandit Camp, Mustafar
Part 1: Find Cobak - Combat: Kill Cobak (CL80 Elite Xandank) [1672,1854] to get the keycode from his collar
Part 2: Open the Chest - Old Locked Chest [1672,1853]; Radial menu: “Enter Keycode”; Keycode: 78452

22) A Moral Choice [combat (voluntary)]
Rewards: 20K Credits, Hologram (Executive from Option A *OR* Miner from Option B)
Start: Mining Corporation Executive, [307,-1222], Mensix Mining Facility, Mustafar
You have a choice with this quest, either to do as the Exec asks and sabotage the striking miners or to do the ‘right’ thing and see that the truth behind the miner’s stike is made public...
Option A (sabotage):
Part 1: Dirty business - Striking miners camp [-2387,1515]; Power Generator; Radial menu: “Tear out cables”; Combat: Spawns 2 Miners on strike (CL70), don’t have to fight them though
Part 2: Take the core - Power Generator; Radial menu: “Steal core”; Combat: Spawns 2 Miners on strike (CL70), again, you don’t have to fight them if you don’t want to
Part 3: Return - To the Mining Corporation Executive [307,-1222] to get the executive holo
Option B (truth):
Speak with the Mining Strike Leader [-2385,1508] instead of sabotaging the Power Generator and let him know what you were sent there to do...
Part 1: Switched sides - Bring the disk to the Mining Network Terminal in the Mensix Mining Facility [371,-1215]; Radial menu: “Upload data”; Combat: At some point 3 Corrupt Security Guards (CL70) will spawn and attack you in the Mensix Mining Facility, you don’t have to fight them though
Part 2: Mission accomplished - Striking miners camp [-2387,1515]; Return to the Mining Strike Leader [-2385,1508] to get the miner holo

23) The Strike [non-combat, risky]
Rewards: 10K Credits, Mustafarian Mining Suit
Start: Urup Fal’co, [306,-1226], Mensix Mining Facility, Mustafar
Part 1: Talk with Foreman Nurfa Laz’op - Striking Miner’s Camp [-2500,1464]
Part 2: Steal Tulrus Eggs - Travel to Tulrus Isle [1220,-530]; Look for Tulrus Nest Sites along the edges of the inner valley:
[983,705], [1109,993], [1204,524], [1243,318], [1105,185], [938,-83], [1306,-33], [1353,-208], [1335,-281], [970,-326];
Radial menu: “Steal Egg”; You need to get 10 eggs
Part 3: Return to Foreman Nurfa Laz’op [-2517,1471]
Part 4: Return to Urup Fal’co

24) Clear Out Beetle Nest [combat]
Rewards: 10K Credits, Mounted Kubaza Beetle Head
Start: Foreman Donko Jen, [446,-1173], Mensix Mining Facility, Mustafar
Part 1: Travel to the Mining Camp - Kubaza Beetle Infested Mining Camp [-506,2355]
Part 2: Destroy the Four Kubaza Beetle Nests - Look around the outside of the camp area for Kubaza Beetle Nests; Radial menu: “Place Charges”; Move a safe distance away and wait 10 seconds for them to go off; Combat: Spawns 5 Plains Kubaza Beetle Soldiers (CL 77 Elite) per person in the group with the mission, you need to kill them all (not easy!); Repeat for all four lairs...
Destroy Kubaza Beetle Nest [-544,2383] - Defeat Kubaza Soldier Beetles
Destroy Kubaza Beetle Nest [-518,2401] - Defeat Kubaza Soldier Beetles
Destroy Kubaza Beetle Nest [-497,2395] - Defeat Kubaza Soldier Beetles
Destroy Kubaza Beetle Nest [-469,2381] - Defeat Kubaza Soldier Beetles
Part 3: Clean up Any Remaining Kubaza Beetles - Combat: Kill 5-6 Kubaza Soldier Beetles (CL80) around the area
Part 4: Return to Donko Jen

25) Unlocking the Secrets [combat]
Rewards: 10K Credits, DP-23 Rifle (CL55, Bounty Hunter:Master)
Start: Pletus Croix, [-2911,2832], Northern Jedi Ruins, Mustafar
Part 1: Find the Three Glyphs - Locate each of the glyphs; Radial menu: “Copy Glyph”
Glyph of the Mustafar in Change [-2414,3009]
Glyph of the Mustafar that Is [-2504,3051]
Glyph of the Mustafar that Was [-2415,3108]
Part 2: Return to the Historian [-2911,2832]
Part 3: Defeat the Coyn’s Commanders - Get the 2 missing glyph chunks from the following enemies:
Defeat Captain Starkill - Combat: Captain Relgon Starkill (CL82 Boss) [-2553,3040]
Defeat Commander Razor - Combat: Commander Hal Razor (CL85 Boss) [-2420,3014]
Part 4: Return to Historian [-2911,2832]

26) The Deadly Raptors [combat] ---repeatable
Rewards: 7.5K Credits
Start: Blistmok Heart (“Study Heart Closely”), looted from Blistmoks
Part 1: Kill 25 Blistmoks - Combat: Kill 25 Blistmoks, any kind will do (CL67+); Found all around Mustafar

27) A Whole Pack of Trouble [combat]
Rewards: Mounted Xandank Head
Start: Miner Renlo Hens, [-2523,1452], Striking Miner’s Camp, Mustafar
Part 1: Travel to the Pack’s Last Location - Xandank Pack Last Location [-1900,1498]
Part 2: Search the Area - A xandank resting spot [-1896,1501]; Radial menu: “Examine Tracks”
Part 3: Follow the Pack’s Trail - Xandank Pack Location [-1481,1498]
Part 4: Search the Area - A xandank resting spot [-1458,1485]; Radial menu: “Examine Tracks”
Part 5: Follow the Pack’s Trail - Xandank Pack [-1706,2128]
Part 6: Eliminate the Pack - Eliminate All Members of the Pack and Collect Head of the Packleader:
Eliminate the Xandank Pack - Combat: Kill 6 Xandank Pack Mates (CL75) found around the area
Remove the Head of the Packleader - Combat: The Xandank Packleader (CL79 Elite) [-1704,2133]
Part 7: Return to Miner Renlo Hens - Striking Miner’s Camp [-2500,1464]

28) Hunter Becomes the Hunted [combat] ---repeatable
Rewards: 6.5K Credits
Start: Massive Xandank Jaw (“Study Jaw Closely”), looted from Xandank
Part 1: Kill 25 Xandank - Combat: Kill 25 Xandank, any kind will do (CL75+); Found all around Mustafar

29) Lava Flea Hunt [combat] ---repeatable
Rewards: 7K Credits
Start: Bounty Document: Lava Flea (“Accept Bounty”), [379,-1245], Mensix Mining Facility, Mustafar
Part 1: Hunt 15 Lava Fleas - Combat: Kill 15 Lava Fleas, any kind will do (CL65+); Found all around Mustafar

30) The Tasty Tanray [combat] ---repeatable
Rewards: 7K Credits
Start: Plate of Tanray Meat (“Study Tanray Meat CLosely”), [388,-1167], Mensix Mining Facility, Mustafar
Part 1: Hunt Down 20 Tanray - Combat: Kill 20 Tanray, any kind will do (CL74+); Found all around Mustafar


This quest series starts off inocent enough, but rapidly evolves into one of the hardest in the game... Bring lots of friends, you’ll need ‘em! In the end though you’ll end up with a lot of rewards, loot, badges, and a deed for the YT-2400!

Note that the YT-2400 Deed is looted from the final boss faced in this quest series. It’s not automatically looted and anyone in the party can get it, so keep that in mind. You can, however, go back into the instance after completing the quest and attempt to loot one again if you need to. Just be aware that a player can loot the YT-2400 Deed one time only on a character. At this time it is unknown if you need the badge in order to fly the ship, but it is certified in the Master box of all three piloting professions...

Also, there are a lot of instances that you’ll have to go through during this quest series and there are some special rules to Mustafar instances that are good to know beforehand.

First of all, getting into an instance. Everyone in the group should follow this procedure:

1) Everyone in the group should click the door or NPC that allows entry into the instance (making it the current target).

2) If anyone has a Lockout for the instance it will appear now. These people will not be able to enter the instance until their Lockout timer has expired. Discuss with your group if you still want to proceed into the instance. If you decide you want to the people with Lockout timers must leave the group.

3) Make sure everyone in the group closes any Lockout windows that were opened and have them re-select the entrance to the instance.

4) Get acknowledgements from everyone that they’re ready to proceed.

5) Have the group leader (and only the leader) choose the option to enter the instance.

6) Everyone else in the group should now get an invitation to enter the instance. Quickly accept the invitation.

7) Success! Hopefully everyone followed the rules and is now in the same instance.

However, if for some reason not everyone made it in, the whole group should exit the instance immediately and try the steps again. If you take too long to get out of the instance, kill anything in there, and/or complete any of the tasks for the instance you will enable the Lockout timer for yourself and will not be able to enter the instance again for a period of time.

1-1) Supplies for the Miners [non-combat, risky]
Rewards: 5K Credits
Start: Foreman Chivos, [333,-1126], Mensix Mining Facility, Mustafar
Part 1: Deliver the Supplies - Mustafarian Miner Field Camp [5,-3213]; Go to the Field Supply Locker at [-21,-3237]; Radial menu: “Restock Supplies”
Part 2: Message from Company Headquarters - Chivos contacts you via comlink and gives the next quest
Starts “Replace Air Filters” quest...

1-2) Replace Air Filters [non-combat, risky]
Rewards: 5K Credits
Start: Continuation of “Supplies for the Miners” quest
Part 1: Replace Air Filters - Ventilation Ducts: [-502,-1600], [-276,-1647], [-183,-1613], [-5,-1589]; Radial menu: “Replace Air Filters”
Part 2: Return to Foreman Chivos
Opens “Salvage or Die” quest...

1-3) Salvage or Die [combat]
Rewards: 5K Credits, Miners Medallion (Advanced Fire Prevention)
Start: Foreman Chivos, [333,-1126], Mensix Mining Facility, Mustafar; Continuation of “Replace Air Filters” quest
Part 1: Investigate Crashed Capital Ship - Located at [150,150]
Part 2: Collect Four Power Rods - Collect the rods at the crash site from the following:
Find Power Rod - Find 3 in Power Rod Core Housings [137,660], [139,259], [146,104]; Radial menu: “Remove Power Rod from Core”
Take Rod From A Salvage Leader - Combat: Kill a Salvage Bandit Chief (CL80 Elite) to get the fourth rod
Part 3: Return to Foreman Chivos
Opens “The Downed Ship” quest...

1-4) The Downed Ship [non-combat, risky]
Rewards: none
Start: Milo Mensix, [301,-1224], Mensix Mining Facility, Mustafar; Continuation of “Salvage or Die” quest
Part 1: Travel to the Wreckage - Again, located at [150,150]
Part 2: Locate a Working Terminal - Use the Working Terminal at [260,24]; Radial menu: “Converse”
Starts “Activating the Terminal” quest...

1-5) Activating the Terminal [combat]
Rewards: none
Start: Continuation of “The Downed Ship” quest
Part 1: Salvage Circuit Boards - Locate another terminal at [210,286]; Radial menu: “Remove Circuit Board”
Part 2: Search Salvage Bandits - Combat: Kill Salvage Bandits (CL75) in the area until you get 4 Circuit Boards
Part 3: Fix Terminal - Return to the Working Terminal at [260,24]; Radial menu: “Install Circuit Boards”
Part 4: Activate Computer - Use the Working Terminal; Radial menu: “Converse” (make sure you read this, it’s hilarious!)
Starts “The Transfer of the AI” quest...

1-6) The Transfer of the AI [combat]
Rewards: Badge: Kubaza Bane, Badge: Old Republic Seeker
Start: Continuation of “Activating the Terminal” quest
Part 1: Create an Uplink - Kubaza Beetle Cavern [-724,507]; Enter the cavern, an instanced dungeon (see “Maps” links); About 5-8 people should be enough to handle the dungeon; Proceed through the dungeon as follows:
1) Destroy the Kubaza Beetle Lairs around the cavern, there are 4 total, try to ignore the Soldiers for now if you can
2) Kill all of the left over Kubaza Soldier Beetles (CL80) and those that occasionally spawn around the cave
3) Wait for Droid to set up 11 Uplink Relays to establish the Uplink Signal, protecting them from being destroyed by the Kubaza Beetles
4) Once done, The Kubaza Beetle Foreman (CL81 Boss, Immune: Armor Break) will spawn in the middle of the cavern
5) Before attacking the Foreman, first kill the Kubaza Defender Beetles (CL81 Elite) and Kubaza Beetle Drones (CL80), because they’ll heal and buff him if you don’t (the drones aren’t really necessary, but easier if you do)
6) Now kill The Kubaza Beetle Foreman
Part 2: Return to the Ship’s Computer - Working Terminal [260,24]; Radial menu: “Converse”
Part 3: Travel to the Old Republic Facility - Old Research Facility [2104,3111]
Part 4: Turn Facility Power On - Enter the facility, an instanced dungeon (see “Maps” links); About 3-5 people should be enough to handle the dungeon; Start by turning on the power:
Main Floor:
1) Power Access Terminal (“Activate Power”) to open the door to the 1B Floor
Part 5: Find Terminal Delta-Five - Proceed through the dungeon as follows (use “/target” to find objects):
1B Floor:
2) Storage Chest (“Open”) for the Access Key Card
3) Door Terminal (“Use Access Card”)
4) Journal Screen (“Inspect Closely”) for the Security Code
5) Door Terminal (“Use Security Code”)
6) Security Station (“Override Security”) to open the doors on the 2B Floor
2B Floor:
7) Venitlation System (“Start Ventilation”)
8) Air Systems Terminal (“Open Stuck Vents”)
9) Defeat the Ancient Tulrus (CL85 Boss, Immune: Armor Break) ---not required
10) Box of Computer Parts (“Pick Up Parts”) to get the spare computer command core
Main Floor:
11) Defeat the Ancient Xandank (CL87 Boss, Immune: Armor Break) ---not required
12) Main Computer Terminal (“Install”) to replace the computer command core
13) Main Computer Terminal (“Reboot Computer Systems”)
1B Floor:
14) Terminal Delta Five (“Access Terminal”); All group members with quest need do this
Starts “Wrong Place, Wrong Time” quest...

1-7) Wrong Place, Wrong Time [combat]
Rewards: ?
Start: Continuation of “The Transfer of the AI” quest
Part 1: Investigate the Droid Factory - Droid Factory [3272,-758] (around there)
Part 2: Repair the Factory - Enter the factory, an instanced dungeon (see “Maps” links); About 4-6 people should be enough to handle the dungeon (note you must have at least 4 people to complete this dungeon); Proceed through the dungeon as follows (use “/target” to find objects):


Post by Taldiro » Fri May 11, 2007 3:14 am ... _id=247990

Anything not there, consult Atom Bender or Alakazahm

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Lieutenant Colonel
Joined:Wed Mar 30, 2005 4:19 am
Location:England, London

Post by Jaysont » Sat May 12, 2007 9:57 am

or you could use
