Community Interaction and Feedback
Rogue asked in his Producer Letter for people to drop him a line and you certainly have....
I have been really impressed with the amount of constructive feedback I have received through private messages over the past few weeks. Additionally, I have been seeing/hearing a lot more constructive feedback in forum threads and in podcasts like the Galaxy Report. Please continue to provide us with this feedback. Though I can't respond to threads as often as I would like, please know that not only myself, but all of our development team, are actively seeking out the feedback you are giving us.
Also, be sure to watch for posts from some our design team today. They will be describing some of the fixes that they were working on this afternoon.
What's Next?
Next week expect to see an introduction from the SOE Star Wars Galaxies Live Associate Producer, David Jones. I will let him tell you more about what he does but I want him to get out on the boards as well to help answer questions and share information about what the development team is doing.
Time line movement?
Answer: I know no word yet.
PvP Rewards/Risk issuePvP Rewards/Risk issue - what specifically are you asking? There is a lot of details associated with "PvP Rewards/Risk issue".
Answer: On the PvP rewards/Risk issue, DEV Team would remind everyone that when this is on TC, to get involved in the feedback process.
Non-Modal Chat?
Answer: Non-modal chat issues should be fixed soon. Maybe in the next hotfix.
Bone (could ya throw usone?)
Answer: Next week, Rogue ( Producer) will be working on getting some more publish 28 info out to you. At least one or two docs.
Lava Cannon Issues:
The fact that the Lava Canon currently does double damage is due to a typographical error on my part when entering numbers into a big spread sheet. I erroneously typed a "2" instead of a "1". It was never meant to do double damage. The fact that it does AOE damage is enough of a bonus. Doube damage every attack on top of 100% AOE damage is almost obscene.
I have some things to report about the Syren series (as I have gotten many requests to know about changes.) So, here they are (as of the next publish, barring catastrophe):
The quests now have levels:
Chapter 1: level 55
Chapter 2: level 55
Chapter 3: level 75
Chapter 4: level 75
They also have experience!
Additional changes have been made to reflect these levels in the quest. Without giving spoilers, the 2nd Chapter’s enemies are of a much higher level than they were, but with fewer numbers. For those that haven’t played, please don’t post spoilers in this thread.
Chapter 2 now completes when it is supposed to. (For those that have completed chapter 2 and have gone on, the quest should complete automatically)
All of the quests may be abandoned while active
Issele SWG DEV Daily News Update [EDIT]
Moderator:Lexx Yovel