So it seems we have an official position on AFK activity

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Post by Aerick-Fyonna » Fri Mar 14, 2008 5:47 am

Example #1: A large group of players are camped in one part of the Dantari Village on Dantooine, killing the villagers with pets and macros while AFK. As before, they have left the rest of the village open for other players, but their group is so large it is lagging the zone, so that other players cannot hunt in the same area. The interference created by the lag is an unacceptable disruption.

Mikal is correct, this is a violation, however since we can't designate a single Ryyatt Trail instance to be used solely for pet grind, the Dantari village seems to be the favored spot. That said, unless you get some kind of tangible reward for completing a collection, I can't see somebody complaining when there are temporary steps to alleviate the lag to get their collection item. For the collection in question, you do not receive a tangible reward. The only two rewards associated with that village are the badge for completing the collection, and the POI badge for going there.

Honestly people are making this much more of an issue than it needs to be. I would be so bold to say that the majority of people who cry out loudest about buying credits or AFK farming or grinding, have done so themselves at least once. That's quite hyprocritical. Just follow the rules laid out by SOE, and worry about yourself. Don't report anybody unless it's a flagrant violation of the rules. All you are doing is overloading the system and causing a ton of work for the CSRs to investigate which usually turn out to be nothing, and will cause them to change the rules yet again, in a way that will displease many and lessen their workload.


Post by Cryl » Fri Mar 14, 2008 9:09 am

/edit,this reply is for mikal means you=mikal ,didnt see fy's reply.

well the case is right,with the lagging in a zone,but..
like i said, SOE will not ban or tempban 30 ppl,just because of one persons collection.thats not a "theory" be honest.
however,the workaround,with the lower details,i wrote to help,nothing else.its not that anyone force you todo it.but if your pc cant manage that,then you have the choice:

1.lower the details,do the written hints,and get the thing
2.wait for a serverdown,and claim it in the hours ..after the sd. a useful pc,they r cheap now..atleast in europe(c2q/4gb/gts8800,for less then 1600€ ..around2.2k $) i have atm 5 of them to use,and even one can handle this zone with 3 differend clients,with full ..such a pc is worth it.
4.try to get SOE to ban all,and dont get to disappointed,if they will not,and even if just the half of them is not afk..they wont do anything at all,no matter if that ruins ur collection,with that old pc.
5.ignore the collection.

it isnt based on theory,its based on facts,situations that are equeal to urs,situations with same style of problems,and situations explained from the other side.and even vs 1.. is basicly a simple calc,no matter how you twist it)

it would be a totaly differend thing,is that group hunts down a mob like instakill who is needed for a quest (best example,the named elite on mustafar,who spawns every several hours,this ends in 24-48h bans,for every involved person.)

i still think you miss the point,that some of the ppl are not afk,they dont talk,they read a book,or watch a movie,or play on another client..windowmode(like me),and could reply in less then 5sec,if a gm sends a tell.and then its done,no prob,no rulebreak,and of course,no movement,no stop to fight,same lag.

as i got that collection i was around 55 or so,and would be happy to get a group killing the mobs there,just to avoid the pickup aggro,it was a real prob.*shrug* however,good luck on whatever method you try

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Post by Apium » Fri Mar 14, 2008 9:22 am

I am with Mikal 100%. No one should have to go through such workarounds to appease a group of people in violation of the rules. I don't care how many of them there are. Its does not matter that SOE will ignore those in violation, it is simple courtesy. Even if SOE will ignore it, the server's guilds will not. Personally, I do not want RID's name associated with a group of people afk at a POI. A POI never counts as the wilderness.

Such blatant abuse of the rules is going to lead to further devices from SOE to slow down AFK grinding. They did it with entertainers and they will do it with beast masters.
swtor: Aeroxis

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Post by Cryl » Fri Mar 14, 2008 7:22 pm

Such blatant abuse of the rules is going to lead to further devices from SOE to slow down AFK grinding. They did it with entertainers and they will do it with beast masters.[/quote]

lets make a bet on this one. 100k that they will not nerf the petpart,in the next two major patchs(i would even go more for,but thats all i ..think)
instead of this they go and give the BM more toys to play with,like the cube jewelery,..maybe.
i know ..nothing,but i are wrong on this part.

the other part wouldnt be commended because its just a opinion.
and the "sever guilds" dont care how the members reach the target,aslong as they reach it,remember last meeting? lvl 90 was called.and the member get it. and the last days,we represented there a "majority" with atleast 5members each night. next to 2 other guilds with atleast 4 members.
no names,because it doesnt have to care, at all, its legal.

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Post by Mikal » Fri Mar 14, 2008 9:02 pm

I'm still not understanding how you can say "it's legal". Valara made an official post on the matter. The official post said that if you were causing framerates to drop considerably in a zone due to a large group, it was AGAINST the rules.

If a group of people were meant to be that large in the same spot, they would allow more than 8 people in a group. That is SOE's standard for a group size, down from 20 that we used to be able to have.

Also, you talk as if I am threatening to /report you. I never once said I would. Not once. I am just saying that you guys need to watch yourselves out there.

This is all I am going to post on the matter. If you want to go against SOE policy, who am I to worry. It's just that it looks really bad on me because I too wear the RID tag.


Post by Cryl » Sat Mar 15, 2008 3:48 am

i mean.. its form of,i can stay there aslong as i want,iam not even afk. aslong as iam not afk,i could place my character elsewhere.
even inside questterrain,even inside dungeons.

and dont try to play out the wont matter or make anything more differend or difficult. afk is allowed,fighting with pets is allowed,the groupsize got shrinked because the the problems with syncronisation in the groupwindow.not because of the slow pcs from some ppl.
and in that matter,about i "have to wear the same guildtag as that guys"
yes,same as farcus,and alot others who have been there,some with multi some with single client.
talk to them how bad it is,maybe they listen,i wouldnt because atm it looks more like a run against afkgrinding,why-ever (maybe greedy of the petusers?*shrug*) then anything funded or useful or informativ.
and aslong as its not useful or informativ,its wasted time for me.done with this tread,for now.

/edit: the most useful reply was made to assist,to help,with some ideas how to get the badge,but this part was simple said "overread" and if you cant focus on the needed information,but instead aggro on the other parts..there is no help welcome,i think.done with that.


Post by Aerick-Fyonna » Sat Mar 15, 2008 9:18 am

I'll chime in one last time. Cryl has stated many times he is not running a macro unattended. There is no need to be directing any anymosity towards him for being at any POI running a macro, be it the Crystal cave or the Dantari village. If you have such a bone to pick with AFK macroers take it up with them. If you want Cryl to not run a macro at a POI I suggest you do one of two things, kick him from the guild or pay his monthly sub. I advise against the kicking, that would send a message to those of us in a lower caste that we aren't wanted, though we contribute a great deal to RID.
