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Attention all Traders

Posted: Wed Sep 24, 2008 9:50 pm
by Mikal
Hey guys. I'm posting this to give everyone a heads up that there is an opening for the position of Commercial Division Financial Officer. This is the "captain" position for the commerce division. I am now taking applications in my PM box for the position. Please note, ONLY members of the commercial division are eligible for this position. I will also say that you must be an active trader (be prepared for me to even look in on your vendors :roll: ), and you must have knowledge of the crafting therefore you must be CL 90 for this position.

The person that is chosen will be responsible for helping me operate the division. What I mean by that is keeping track of everyone, promoting our traders, and giving guidance to those of our members that need it in regard to trading.

I have a few names in my head at the moment, but anyone is still free to apply for the position...the persons I may be thinking of could be you, and besides, what if the persons don't apply?

But Mikal, you say, who are officially "members" of the commercial division, the list ingame doesn't reflect what is here. That is easy enough to answer. If you don't know that you are in the division, you aren't. If you would like to be in, since you have to be to be considered, PM me your info ALONG with making sure your info is up to date on the "Guild Trader Listing" post. If I don't have updated info on you, you aren't "in".

Ok, I guess I'll stop rambling now. If you are interested PM ME!!!

Thanks again for your time
-Mikal Zaitzev RID CFO