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Collectables Available

Posted: Wed May 07, 2008 5:09 am
by Barney
There is a old vet player named Niiight (3 i's it kills me counting) who has taken down his personal in game museum and wants to offer these items to another person who owns a museum or some sort of collection house. I agreed to forward his list of things available to the guild.

> Big Ticket Items (I think)
> ---------------------------
> Bacta Tank
> Ornate Rug x2
> Polished Krayt Dragon Skull
> Master Hunter Trophy
> Orange & Blue Rugs
> Dead Eye Disks
> Dead Eye Decoder
> Alderaan Flora
> CU Upgrade Plaque x2
> Empty Fuel Drum (old school)
> Aurilian Sculpture Sections
> Vet Rewards Furniture
> -----------------------------
> database input terminal
> main systems datback
> decorative fireplace
> emperor's throne chair
> Geonosian in Carbonite
> Vet Rewards Holos
> -----------------------------
> Jedi Starfighter Holo
> XWing Holo
> Death Star
> Sandcrawler
> Imperial Guard Hologram
> Leia hologram
> Yoda hologram
> Vader Hologram
> Jawa
> skywalker
> Vet Rewards Figurines
> -----------------------------
> Imperial Stormtrooper
> Cu Pa Mini Statue
> Boba Fett figure
> Tusken Raider Figure
> Dewback
> rancor
> salacious crumb
> Paintings
> ----------------------------
> Krayt Dragon Skull
> Golden Petals 1 & 2
> Raventhorn Plants
> Wanted: Luke Skywalker
> Party Poster
> "A Paiting" - sun peeking under planet
> "Advertisement" - spinly dancer lounging down
> Blue Leaf Temple
> Mattberry Plant
> Residental House
> RIS One Sheet
> Double Helix
> Lucky Despot Wreckage
> Cargo Port Blueprint
> Freedom
> Droid in Contrast
> Clone Wars Painting (Clonetrooper)
> Clone Wars Painting (Grevious)
> No Division
> Life Day Patriarch
> Schematics:
> Mon Cal Eye Painting 1 & 2
> Raventhorn Painting
> Rainbow Berry Bush
> Golden Petals 2
> Mounts & Speeders
> ---------------------------
> Varactyl (Deed Form, droppable in house)
> Varactyl (Datapad Form)
> Kashyyyk Bantha (Deed Form, droppable in house)
> Kashyyyk Bantha (Datapad Form)
> Bolotaur (Deed Form, droppable in house)
> Bolotaur (Datapad Form)
> BARC (datapad)
> Flash Speeder (datapad)
> Jetpack (datapad)
> Carrion Spat x2 (datapad)
> Very Old Cat. Pre-CU BE pet. (datapad, I can't call her)
> Armor & Wearables
> ---------------------------
> Katarn Armor Set
> Pre-CU ST armor - converted to something poor no doubt
> BH Armor Pieces (bracers, nothing exciting)
> Cybernetic Arm
> Cybernetic Arm x2 on a character
> Trophies
> ---------------------------
> Uller
> Mouf
> Kashyyk Bantha
> Minstyngar
> Katarn
> Walluga
> Weapons
> ---------------------------
> Alliance Needler
> Proton
> Karanous Carbine
> Blade of Nyeni'Oris
> Old Crafted Weapons - no doubt poor quality, but maybe display-worthy.
> Executioner's Hack, Scythes, Power Hammers Grooved Two Handed Swords,
> Crafting Pieces
> ---------------------------
> What were +20 NS Pieces, now +20 to Health
> AV-21 Power Plant
> Alum Minerals (a bunch)
> Jetpack Parts:
> Base, Stabilizer, fuel dispersion unit, ducted fan
> The best WS resources Pre-CU (probably worthless now)
> 44.45 Crafting Stations: Clothing & Armor, Weapon, Food and Chemical, Structure and Furniture
> Old Trophy Drops/Rare Pieces
> ---------------------------
> Gurk King Hide
> GDK Scale
> Acklay Bones
> Krayt Scale & Tissue
> Janta Hide
> Peko Feather
> Woolamander Harrower Bone Fragment
> Enhanced Lquid Suspension
> Rancor Blood 147 Charges
> Janta Blood 290 (and 172 and 139)
> Rancor Bile (244 charges)
> Old Rarish Crafting Schems
> ---------------------------
> Enhanced E11
> Featherweight FWG5 Pstol
> Crafter Apron
> Exquisite Dancer Leotard
> Droidsmith Toolset
> Spec-Ops Field Agent Pack
> Lightweight Military Pack
> Demonlitionist's Belt
> Modified Repub Blaster
> Scythe Blade
> AV-21
> Tanning Hide Draft
> executioner's hack
> Tenloss DXR
> Geo Sword Core
> Interwoven Bone Armor Schematic
> Misc Stuff
> ----------------------------
> Pieces of Art: Wooden Blocks, Wooden Statue, Metal Statue, and Unopened Art

it cuts off here, asked him to send me rest of the list.

Posted: Wed May 07, 2008 2:57 pm
by Apium
I don't think we have any collectors in RID. Although there are at least two big museums on starsider. I think ty'kaz owns one and does t'omo own the second one?

Posted: Wed May 07, 2008 4:37 pm
by Barney
thank you very much! I will forward those names to Niiight. He says he really wants to make sure these get to a collector/museum owner, not private greedy reseller types.

If I was the rich type person I'd consider making a museum. I am certainly vet/old enough to come up with most of the items from my own pockets, however it's just not a personal interest of mine, and I never was "item" oriented in the game. I like the neat rare stuff I own to decorate my bunker as remembrance of my time spent in game, but when it all comes down it it, it's just STUFF

Posted: Wed May 07, 2008 5:56 pm
by Apium
I bought my first item of nostalgic value the other day. Although it was super cheap (1 million credits) it made me feel rich, or at least experienced. I bought an old doctor crafting apron with bonuses to medical assembly, experimentation, wound healing, and wound treatment. Doctor was by far my favorite profession. I spent hours in the big hospitals each day. Heres to hospitals being useful again in the future :D :(

Posted: Wed May 07, 2008 9:59 pm
by RettVescan
Apium Posted: Wed May 07, 2008 2:57 pm Post subject:


I don't think we have any collectors in RID. Although there are at least two big museums on starsider. I think ty'kaz owns one and does t'omo own the second one?

Guess I should start advertising my museum/estate a bit more. 8)

Posted: Thu May 08, 2008 12:09 am
by Erougn
Vescan Manor is indeed an old school museum with modern design tools actively used...chek it out.

Posted: Thu May 08, 2008 2:30 am
by Barney
I could have SWORN there was a museum in Fort Oasis.

I know how you feel Apium, I actually bought the chef apron schematic from Niiight tonight rofl. I hope you can still wear them on Wookiees like we used to do. I want to have it on Innelle, since she's (usually) a chef and there are no new aprons for wookiees.

Posted: Thu May 08, 2008 7:33 am
by RettVescan
Thanks for the shoutout Erougn! Woohoo! BTW, here is a waypoint to the museum. It might be a few meters off cause I just recently moved it from a medium house to a large one so there also a few empty spots here and there as a result. However, I plan to fill these up soon. :) Check it out as well as the other buildings on the estate. Most have something interesting in them.
-1709, 737 Outside of Mos Espa, Tatooine

Posted: Thu May 08, 2008 4:41 pm
by Erougn
It's worth the trip just to see the bathroom LAWL!

Posted: Thu May 08, 2008 4:41 pm
by Kurke Aumea
Barney wrote:I could have SWORN there was a museum in Fort Oasis.

Lexx's house near the city hall is a small museum of sorts I believe. Check with him to be sure though.

Posted: Fri May 09, 2008 9:45 am
by Lexx Yovel
There is a really small museum but it basically has nothing in it but bookshelves. I may do some basic decorating later on. Mostly the house is a filler to keep the layout symetrical :P

Posted: Fri May 09, 2008 3:01 pm
by Barney
Lol I would not know anything about layout fillers, Lexx, what an amazing concept