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Rules on who we do business with?

Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2008 2:09 am
by Saurat Seerdon
What are the rules on who we do business with? I've learned of a few rebel affiliated traders that i could sell to for decent amount of credits, but should I give in?

What is R.I.D.'s stance on this? In my opinion, we should go hard on the rebellion's source of supplies and only sell and buy from loyal imperial supporters.

I'm considering putting a stop on tipping rebel entertainers, I've already decreased the amount of credits they get for buffing me. drastically. (from 15k to 2k) otherwise, i just drain my credits so fast from constant pvp.

I wish i could see the faction affiliation of traders through their vendors.

Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2008 6:09 am
by Apium
The Commercial Company does not have any restrictions against dealing with rebel traders. I don't see anything wrong with not dealing with rebel traders in a roleplay sense, its probably a little mean to under tip their entertainers though. There never will be any faction restrictions on trade within the guild as it eliminates half of our customer base. In the past we have banned individuals and guilds, but we just don't have a powerful enough merchant force for anyone to care.

Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2008 10:51 am
by Saurat Seerdon
I intend to seek out imperial merchants and will provide waypoints to their vendors so they get more business. tipping rebel entertainers is iffy, because they could also be our spies. it's just something personal's annoying getting killed by a rebel and then going to a rebel entertainer and paying for it. it's humiliating! (but there are some nice ones in theed that i like

also, my armorsmith who i haven't seen in over a year i lost contact with. his name is Snaafu and resides in Crystal Hollow. probably the only reason i don't have a decent suit of shocktrooper armor.

Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2008 12:23 pm
by Mikal
Well, I very rarely buy anything, and as a trader, I don't get buffs hehe. Mostly I just rely on people buying things. I can safely say that most of my buyers are Imperial though, as most of my sales on space parts are from the same people that just bought an Imperial chassis from me. From a roleplay standpoint I DO wish there was a way to keep rebels from buying from me, as I sell things that directly affect Imperial control in space. That being said though, my bank account says to sell to whomever is buying lol.

Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2008 4:39 pm
by Saurat Seerdon
we need a sticky with waypoints to various vendors in our guild. i was not aware there was a vendor in fort oasis that sold bottles of flameout.

Does RID have a weaponsmith or armorsmith?

Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2008 7:10 pm
by Apium
Kioet wrote:we need a sticky with waypoints to various vendors in our guild. i was not aware there was a vendor in fort oasis that sold bottles of flameout.

Does RID have a weaponsmith or armorsmith?

that is not one of our vendors. Its an ex-RID who left the guild shortly before you joined. As the commercial commander, I send out a weekly traders list, but I have not done so for the last three weeks because of the division revitalization. Once everything is sorted out, there will be many features that will help our traders connect with our adventurers and vis versa.

RID has an excellent armoursmith, he is one of the best on the server (I say one of the best, but I haven't seen anyone better), but he is currently on vacation. I will be maintaining a list of preferred non-RID traders, that I would like everyone to use if they can't get up with a guild trader. The reason for this is it provides RID with huge leverage provided our members use these traders.

Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2008 7:29 pm
by Saurat Seerdon
yes, i would prefer to use our traders than outside sources.

Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2008 11:54 am
by Mikal
Fort Oasis on Tat and Nar Shaddaa on Dant both have vendor malls. If something can't be found in the Nar Shaddaa mall, send Kurke or Mikal a mail and we can see about getting that type of vendor. I would personally like to see the guilds' traders set up shop in our malls, make a sort of one stop shopping experiance. One thing I used to hate back before I made a trader was travelling all over the place to buy different things. I've always liked to be able to go to one place, make my purchases, then get back out there and kill stuff.

If anyone needs a waypoint to any of the vendor locations in Nar Shaddaa, look me up. Everyone SHOULD have a waypoint to FO. The mall there is in the little ditch that is near the shuttleport.

On a side note, if anyone that doesn't currently live inside a RID city needs a place to live, give Kurke (or his alts) or myself (or my alts) a shout and we can get you set up!

Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2008 5:03 pm
by Apium
Mikal wrote:Fort Oasis on Tat and Nar Shaddaa on Dant both have vendor malls. If something can't be found in the Nar Shaddaa mall, send Kurke or Mikal a mail and we can see about getting that type of vendor. I would personally like to see the guilds' traders set up shop in our malls, make a sort of one stop shopping experiance. One thing I used to hate back before I made a trader was travelling all over the place to buy different things. I've always liked to be able to go to one place, make my purchases, then get back out there and kill stuff.

If anyone needs a waypoint to any of the vendor locations in Nar Shaddaa, look me up. Everyone SHOULD have a waypoint to FO. The mall there is in the little ditch that is near the shuttleport.

On a side note, if anyone that doesn't currently live inside a RID city needs a place to live, give Kurke (or his alts) or myself (or my alts) a shout and we can get you set up!

It won't happen until Nar Shadda gets a shuttleport. I refuse to move my shop into a city without a shuttleport and even if I sucked it up and did, I wouldn't want to force others to take hits to their profits only to centralize our crafters. And Kurke is just as stubborn, he won't move his vendors out of his city, so we are going to be split. I've come to accept that and I am planning accordingly.

Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2008 7:27 pm
by Kurke Aumea
Considering all I sell is pretty much resources, I make a pretty good business for being 2.5km from MO. I do offset any slowdowns by posting items in the bazaar in Mos Eisley, but it seems as time goes on and I keep up advertising for my vendors that I don't need the bazaar items as much.

Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2008 10:10 pm
by Mikal
Oh, I wasn't saying that we should all move our vendors to backwater Dantooine hehe. Just saying that it would be good for us to have our mallS full. Plural...hehe. I think that we have enough traders to fill two malls. I do however think that FO mall should get more attention for now due to what you said Apium. People don't want to drive 2.5k, unless it is a GREAT deal. The shuttleport helps a bunch especially if you have a nearby location for people to be shuttling to your city in the first place (Fort Tusken and Imperial Oasis for example). That helps to increase sales just because they are in town anyways.
I'm kinda with Kurke as well though. I want to keep my vendors off in Nar Shadda because it is too much to travel back and forth all the time to keep vendors stocked on a planet that I don't live on hehe. Of course, my main thing I sell is chassis', so the bazaar is out for me (unless they increased the cap to a couple mill that is hehe).

p.s. Still plenty of housing space in Nar Shaddaa for those that are interested in living out in the middle of nowhere and killing humanoids and grauls!