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Food and Drink Menu

Posted: Sun May 30, 2004 10:44 pm
by Lexx Yovel
This list gives the general attributes than can be gained by eating or drinking certain foods. The numbers are average - depending on the quality of ingredients and the skill of the the chef, some of the values can go much higher!

Ahrisa: Focus +184 for 38m
Air Cake: Increase chance to dodge 15% for 15m12s
Almond-Kweevu: +8.7 Taming for 16m
Bivoli Tempari: Wound Treatment +9.5 for 16m
Blap Biscuit: Health +602 for 37m (Pets Only)
Blob Candy: Action +39 30m
Blood Chowder: Increased resistance to Bleed 14% for 22m20s
Bofa Treats: Health +43 for 41m
Caramelized Pkneb: Wound Healing (Dancing) +8.9 for 14m
Cavaellin Creams: Reduces incap Recovery time 53%
Chandad: Surveying +9.0 for 14m 36s
Chor-nor-hoola: Increase Disease and poison resistance 12% for 26m 20s
Citros Snow Cake: Increase attack accuracy +19 for 20m
Crispic: Attack Accuracy +13 for 11m 24s
Deneelian Fizz Pudding: Increases chances to dodge an attack 33% for 1m30s
Dustcrepe: Reduced duration of DOT effects 11
Dweezel: Trapping +8.2 for 15m12s
Exo-Protein Wafers: Reduces damage taken from attacks 12% for 15 attacks
Felbar: Mind +819 for 36m (Pets only)
Gorrnar: Reduces wounds incurred by cloning 14%
Gruuvan Shaal: Strength +174 for 36m30s
Halva: Reduces heal recovery time +47 for 23 heals
K-18: Burst run HAM decrease 22 Recovery decrease 18
Kanali Wafers: Constitution 51 for 42m36s
Karkan Ribenes: Enhances Trandoshan Regeneration 72%
Kiwik Clusjo Swirl: Quickness and Stamina +465 for 3m36s
Ormachek: Increases XP 4% for 15 grants
Parwan Nutricake: Burst run HAM Decrease 57 Recovery decreasse 44
PasteBread: Action +702 for 38m (Species Restriction: Pets)
Pikatta Pie: Dodge +23% for 20m16s
Pyollian Cake: Increases assembly roll of next crafting attempt 6
Rakririan Burnout Sauce: Unarmed Damage +8.7 for 14m36s
Scrimpi: Quickness +190 for 39m30s
Smuggler's Delight: Reduces downtime of spice next spice taken 28%
Sweesonberry Rolls: Health, mind, action +455 for 35m30s (Pets Only)
Synthsteak: Reduce damage taken from attacks 23% for 30 attacks
Teltier Noodles: Stamina +47 for 39m
Terratta: Camouflage +9.2 for 15m24s
Thakitillo: Defense Vs Knockdown +36 for 10m48s
Travel Biscuits: Terrain Negotiation +9.3 for 14m24s
Trimpian: Increase fire resistance 19% for 25m
Vagnerian Canape: Focus and Willpower +470 for 3m42s
Vegesparine: Melee Defense +9.0 for 15m35s
Veghash: Creature Harvesting +14.55 for 11m 25s
Vercupti of Agazza Boleruuee: Health, Action, Mind +1440 for 13m3s (Pet only)
Won Won: Strength and Con +505 for 3m 45s

Accarragm: Action, Quickness and Stamina +136 for 30m
Aitha: Mind Healing 135
Bespin Port: Increases success rate for next experimentation attempt +4
Blue Milk: Mind Healing 356
Breath of Heaven: Strength, Quickness, focus +246 for 11m15s
Caf: Willpower +46 for 40m48s
Corellian Ale: Wound Healing (Music) +9.3 for 15m35s
Corellian Brandy: Defense Vs. Knockdown +9.1 for 13m24s
Deuterium-pyro: Defense Vs. Intimidate +8.5 for 14m48s
Durindfire: Defense Vs. Stun +8.2 for 14m
Elshandruu Pica Thundercloud: Ranged Defense +8.5 for 14m24s
Flameout: Reduces Damage taken from 4 attacks 74%
Garrmorl: Health, Strength, Constitution +127 for 37m
Gralinyn Juice: Creature To-Hit Bonus +10 for 14m48s
Ithorian Mist: Defense Vs. Dizzy +9.1 for 15m12s
Jaar: Enhance next Wookie Roar 18 (You can't take this if you're not a wookie)
Jawa Beer: Mask Scent +8.7 for 14m12s
Ruby Bliel: Reduce heal recovery time 27 for 14 heals
Spiced Tea: Mind +41 for 36m30s
Starshine Surprise: Reduce Incap recovery time 25
Tilla Till gives +200 to focus and willpower, for around 320s
T'ssolok: Reduces Entertainer required buff time 18% for 7m36s
Vasarian Brandy: Mind, focus, willpower +136 for 33m30s
Vayerbok: Block +9.1 for 14m40s
Veronian Berry Wine: Defense Vs. Blind +8.4 for 14m12s