Ettiquette, and the like.

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Re: Ettiquette, and the like.

by Monthigos »Mon Dec 26, 2011 9:35 pm

Yeah, selecting 'need' for more than one item in a flashpoint usually gets people upset. I think people get angrier about looting than anything else in the game. Even if you are the only person in the group who can use the items, people still get upset. It's silly but it happens. I don't 'need' items group a guy got mad that I pressed 'need' once. >_<

Re: Ettiquette, and the like.

by Lexx Yovel »Mon Dec 26, 2011 9:01 pm

Just grouped up with someone today for a quest and got a better understanding on the loot system. Also agree with Monthris on this one. Prior coordination helps a lot too.

It might raise some eyebrows if someone keeps claiming they "need" something even though it's true. So dividing the spoils beforehand can help quite a bit. There's always going to be gray areas, but when writing the Code of Conduct I'll try to phrase the rules and concisely as possible.

Re: Ettiquette, and the like.

by Monthigos »Mon Dec 26, 2011 7:00 pm

Priority to a group member who can actually use the item is pretty standard looting for instances, so whatever my opinion is worth I think this plan is good and it will work. I think the biggest problem is when two guild members are after the same equipment. Communicating beforehand how they are going to rotate looting is probably the best way to avoid hard feelings later on (IE one person is after weapons, or another person is after armor, or they are going to take turns, or they are going to both roll against each other, etc.)

Re: Ettiquette, and the like.

by Lexx Yovel »Mon Dec 26, 2011 6:15 pm

After reading this more closely, I think it's a good proposal.

But I'm unfamiliar with the loot system. Is there a way for group leaders to set that up (like lotto, free for all, etc)?

Re: Ettiquette, and the like.

by Lexx Yovel »Sun Dec 25, 2011 5:23 pm

Thanks for starting a post on this.

Input from anyone else would be helpful before devising our code of conduct.

Ettiquette, and the like.

by Rafen »Sat Dec 24, 2011 9:55 pm

After talking to Lexx, and in an atempt to make sure everyone is on the same page, have decided to start a discussion about questing, flashpointing, and what to consider when doing need vs greed. I'll put my opinion here, and leave it open for discussion in order to make sure we come up with something, as a guild, to be mutually agreed upon. Of course, a good rule is if there is a main in the group who uses the stats on the item, one should ask before needing against them.

Green Items: I say free for all, can need for mains or companions with no need to ask the group.
Blue or better: Which ever toons in the group uses the primary stat should get first option for need. If none want/need it, then it can be needed for a companion.

Green: See above
Blue or purple: See blue above.
Orange: Need for mains only. Orange items usually come with higher statted components. If you are going to need on a Orange, I personally think you should be doing so because you need the item, or some component of it. If you can't use it on your main, you should only be greeding it.

Of course, if the group agrees to let you roll need for an orange, then by all means, do so. When in doubt, ask..

Your opinions, good, bad, indifferent, are welcome.

Merry Christmas...
