Where is everyone these days?

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Lexx Yovel wrote: > Hey Tezifo (and RID)! > > I bet some people are expecting some updates from me. > > I know a few months ago I was considering rebooting RID in SWTOR and/or > SWGEmu. It's still an idea I'm toying around with, it's just I have a short > attention span :P > > It is good to see you Amaroo, and everyone else who's posted here. I'm > going to send a direct mail to all the people registered here so that > they'll check in, and let us know what they've been up to. Honestly, before > I get anything going in SWTOR, I need to re familiarize myself with the > game. It's been over a month since I've last played, and I've forgotten > which server I'm on. > > If anyone wants to get a hold of me though, I have my characters on both > SWTOR and SWGEmu named Lexxington (Lexx was taken). So keep me added on the > friends list and maybe we'll see each other in game. In fact, just the > other day I was playing around with emu, and ran into someone who claimed > to have once been in RID. It's great to see familiar faces. Definitely keep > active on these forums!

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Re: Where is everyone these days?

by Saurat Seerdon »Sat Sep 07, 2013 8:23 pm

thanks lexx, it worked :)

Re: Where is everyone these days?

by Lexx Yovel »Thu Sep 05, 2013 8:16 pm

Updated now by the way! Think you need to type in the new name if you want to log in.

Re: Where is everyone these days?

by Lexx Yovel »Tue Sep 03, 2013 5:14 pm

Kioet wrote:Lexx, can you change my username on here to Saurat Seerdon ?

I'm a few months late, but yes I can do that :lol:

Re: Where is everyone these days?

by Lexx Yovel »Tue Sep 03, 2013 5:13 pm

Hey Tezifo (and RID)!

I bet some people are expecting some updates from me.

I know a few months ago I was considering rebooting RID in SWTOR and/or SWGEmu. It's still an idea I'm toying around with, it's just I have a short attention span :P

It is good to see you Amaroo, and everyone else who's posted here. I'm going to send a direct mail to all the people registered here so that they'll check in, and let us know what they've been up to. Honestly, before I get anything going in SWTOR, I need to re familiarize myself with the game. It's been over a month since I've last played, and I've forgotten which server I'm on.

If anyone wants to get a hold of me though, I have my characters on both SWTOR and SWGEmu named Lexxington (Lexx was taken). So keep me added on the friends list and maybe we'll see each other in game. In fact, just the other day I was playing around with emu, and ran into someone who claimed to have once been in RID. It's great to see familiar faces. Definitely keep active on these forums!

Re: Where is everyone these days?

by Amaroo »Tue Sep 03, 2013 12:19 pm

Gotta come over to Ebon Hawk. We have cookies!

Re: Where is everyone these days?

by Tezifo_Wola »Wed Aug 21, 2013 12:18 am

So what server do you play on, Lexx? I got 16 characters on Harbinger.

Re: Where is everyone these days?

by Saurat Seerdon »Tue Aug 20, 2013 9:29 am

back home now. :)

Re: Where is everyone these days?

by Xenophor »Wed Jul 03, 2013 3:57 am

Hey all!! Been a while since I checked these boards (couple years in fact). I myself have tried swtor and couldn't even get past level 30. Been playing wow off and on mostly. Just found swgemu so will be giving that a try. Hope all is well and cant waitro hear from some old friends again.

Re: Where is everyone these days?

by Xoseh »Mon Jul 01, 2013 12:21 pm

If you have steam Kioet, my tag on it is SinfulEagleX.

How is SWToR these days? Any better? Any worse? Convince me to play. ;P

Re: Where is everyone these days?

by Xoseh »Mon Jul 01, 2013 12:16 pm

Oh, Kioet. ;)

Re: Where is everyone these days?

by Saurat Seerdon »Tue Jun 04, 2013 6:37 am

Lexx, can you change my username on here to Saurat Seerdon ?

Re: Where is everyone these days?

by Saurat Seerdon »Tue Jun 04, 2013 6:21 am

i'm growing impatient!!!!!!!1 aaaaaaaah!!!!!!!!! lol

Re: Where is everyone these days?

by Lexx Yovel »Mon Jun 03, 2013 7:40 pm

Lol I know I know. I still exist! Just been a bit tied down lately, but will start rallying our people in the coming weeks.

Re: Where is everyone these days?

by Saurat Seerdon »Thu May 30, 2013 11:24 pm

lexx come in!!! where u at bro? where is everyone that plays this!!!! :(
