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Topic review
Thyse wrote: > [quote="Amaroo"][quote="Apium"] > > omg, I thought it was just my computer. The movement was terrible. At one > point it took me 5 minutes to drive through an archway in my speeder. I > can't believe we actually played with that in Pre-CU![/quote] Well, I liked > old time better because of the cool Jedi Saber Animations. I appreciated > those alote :D > > LOL...what about before we even had speeders, or any kind of mounts > :roll:[/quote]

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by Takura »Thu Nov 20, 2008 3:00 pm

Just a heads up if any of you still pay attention to the swg emulator..

Major Stress Test:
We will be holding a VERY important stress test sometime during the first weekend of December. We need a phenomenal turnout. Our record so far has been 452, lets do better this time . MUCH better. I (Ramsey) should have the entire mission ensemble finished and stable in time for the test. We'll be able to have stress test specific missions that can be accomplished solo or in groups, this will hopefully make the test much more goal oriented.


This stress test may not be our last for 2008, but it will definitely be the BIGGEST event we will hold to date. Every single developer on the team will have something that will need to be tested. Please, please, please spread the word about the stress test. Do anything to get people involved and on for test time. We have compiled a list on ways you can get new people involved with the stress test.

-Dig out your live SWG guild contacts and let them all know
-Introduce younger siblings to the game. Group with them on the TC and explain how basic combat works.
-Install the client on multiple computers, or multiclient. There is no important ingame economy yet and in this case, it will only make the game better
-Get KOTOR players interested in the project
-Alert your personal server communities and form groups ahead of time.
-Bring SWG veterans into the project
-Use this opportunity to connect with an old e-friend
-Talk about the project with other gamers
-Write articles about the project on other online portals you are a part of

Another update

by Takura »Wed Aug 20, 2008 12:25 pm

Bi-Weekly Update 8/11
1) Update Overview: (TOC)
Social Event Stress Test
Medical Progress
New Loot Table Manager
New Player Punishment Zone
New Items/Clothes on the Blue Frog
Client Dev Team Update
2) Body:

8/9 Social Event Stress Test
The other day Lorrianna held a "Social Event Stress Test". The Cantina was packed with about 173 players online. The Stress Test was aimed to help find any Bugs in the Entertainer System, as well as test the Stability of the server. There was only one crash reported at the time. Oru had confirmed it was due to a "DeadLock".


Medical Progress
cRush has been busy lately hammering down the medical professions:

-Numerous bugs have been fixed with the recent medical implementations.
-Doctor buffs now play a vital role on the Test Center, bringing back a feeling of nostalgia for many players.
-Cloning now incurs wounds as it did Pre-CU. Woundpacks have been introduced to counter the effect.
-Resuscitation Kits have made their way in game. You can now resurrect a player who has given you consent, or is in your group.
-Added new commands: /consent <name>, /unconsent <name>, /hasconsent, /diagnose, /activateClone
-Added new gm command: @revive - revives a dead player.


New Loot Table Manager
Farmer_John has recently finished up the new Loot Tables, which are already on the Test Center. Loot is now loaded from DB, and all items currently static have been moved to the LootTable. Kellina will be updating the LootTable, with more items this week, and fixing drop %'s along with what drops from what etc. And also going through the Loot Area on the Forums to add all of what should be dropping from each creature/npc.

Here is an overview on the new Loot Tables:

-Loot has been moved to the database and is seperated into lootgroups.
-Creatures can belong to one (or more) lootgroups.
-Drop is now level and race controlled, so be aware:
--Nightsister biceps wont drop from a Worrt anymore
-We are populating the lootable and building the different lootgroups for all creatures.


New Player Punishment Zone
Farmer_John has added a new feature called the Punishment zone, which is a viable option to ban evasion that is currently occurring on TC. Offending/Rule violating Players will be warped to the punishment zone and will be incapable of moving, speaking, or leaving, and it is up to the CSR to decide when the offender is released.


New Items/Clothes on the Blue Frog
Lorrianna was kind enough to place nearly 100% of all clothing from Pre-Cu onto the Blue Frogs. So be sure to visit your local "Blue Frog" and grab some of those new clothes. Please note that not ALL of the clothes have been put on the blue frog yet, but all the clothes are in the source code. There are some known issues with Gender Restriction and players running around with every single piece of clothing on them. Devs are working on a fix for this. If you bump into Lorrianna be sure to thank her for taking her time to give us all these clothes!


Client Dev Team Update:

Hey! Davin here, with some updates from the client dev team!

It's been a good couple of weeks for us with Sytner giving us an Alpha of his Snapshot editor which means that a couple of projects we've had on hold are now getting kicked back into action including Kashyyyk which Valkyra is working on and a brand new instance that I'm working on.

With Sytner's WS editor there's a good amount of progress that's being made on kashyyyk, the newest addition being the webweaver cave!

Entrance to the cave

Progress continues as Valkyra begins to add Kachiro!

New Instance
The new instance is the first SWG planet ever to be created completely from scratch outside of SOE and aswell as that it has also been achieved without the help of a terrain editor! This is a step in the right direction and knowledge I've learned from this will hopefully go into helping along Sytner's terrain editor making the creation of planets a lot easier and a lot more accessible to those who may have the creativity but not the technical knowledge that it currently takes to create a planet.

The new instance is fairly basic terrain-wise but not a lot was needed for what I was basing it on. The planet the instance takes place on is called Flashpoint and it once housed a research center (over 3500 years ago in the timeline) but that was destroyed; the planet also has an orbit that is incredibly close to its sun and so days pass by very quickly here, the proximity to the sun also leaves the planets surface covered with radiation which is certainly not healthy!

There's still some work to be done on the terrain itself (mainly giving the planet a couple more textures since at the moment there's only one texture noticeable) but I've now started world building so here are some shots of the basic layout I've got setup at the moment, there's going to be two more surface buildings that I haven't added yet:


Like I said, before, this is just a start but I hope you find it interesting :wink:[/url]

by Thyse »Sat Aug 16, 2008 1:49 pm

The Emu is almost done. All that is needed is NPC's across the Galaxies, star-ships for the expansion "STAR WARS GALAXIES: JUMP TO LIGHT SPEED", and maybe add the other three planets (Exception of the Ord Mantel Space zone) WITHOUT the NGE update. It would practiclly be SWG without the NGE. But, the live STAR WARS GALAXIES will be dead once the STAR WARS KNIGHTS OF THE OLD REPUBLIC MMO is released. So... eh :(

by Apium »Thu Jul 03, 2008 12:30 am

Erougn wrote:Shoot 2 or 3 more years in developement and they may actually have a 6 year old game!

You all know that Lucas is sitting at home every night, waiting to unleash an Army of lawyers on the emu?

I'm ready for force unleashed :)

by Erougn »Sat Jun 28, 2008 8:03 pm

Shoot 2 or 3 more years in developement and they may actually have a 6 year old game!

You all know that Lucas is sitting at home every night, waiting to unleash an Army of lawyers on the emu?

by Santos »Sat Jun 28, 2008 5:37 pm

Text colors are in! Who called it? :D

by Takura »Fri Jun 27, 2008 2:20 pm


by Santos »Fri Jun 27, 2008 12:53 pm

I found one of the devs farming Darktroopers and joined in, he ended up telling me a bit more than he was probably supposed to :D

Apparently there's a huge announcement planned for the 4th of July, the game should be finished by December, and there's a good chance the next update will feature mission terminals and lairs, along with the highly anticipated text colors.

Another update..

by Takura »Fri Jun 27, 2008 12:41 pm

1) Update Overview
-Cave Implementations
-Stomach Fillings & Decay rate
-New Administrator Commands
-Image Designer
-Test Center Stability Fixes...AND YOU!

2) Body
Cave Implementations:
Kellina (and the Cave Research Forums) have been blazing through cave implentations the past two weeks. I'll give a summary of what caves have been added and the creatures to expect there.

Sennex Cave (Tatooine):
The Sennex Cave scripts to SVN a few days back. The following creatures populate the area: Sennex Hunter, Slave Master, Sennex Lookout, Sennex Slaver, Sennex Guard, Sennex Warder, Cave Beetle, and the Dune Beetle.

Afarathu Cave (Corellia):
Committed on 6/9. Creatures to expect: Afarathu; Ruffian, Assassin, Savage, Zealot, Brute, Bodyguard, and Leader.
Cave Profile

Drall Cave (Corellia):
Committed on 6/9. Creatures to expect: Drall; Patriot Foot Soldier(M/F), Tactical(M/F), Chieftain(M/F), Legionaire(M/F), Conqueror(M/F).
Cave Profile

Lord Nyax Cult (Corellia):
Committed on 6/9. Creatures to expect: Nyax; Fiend, Diciple, Zealot, Minion, Thug, Servant, Visionary, Lord Nyax.
Cave Profile

Rouge Corsec Base:
Committed on 6/9. Creatures to expect: Rouge Corsec; Trooper(M/F), Commander(M/F), Deserter, Traitor, and Mtara Vinram.
Base Profile


Stomach Fillings:
Small addition by McMahon. Stomach fillings are currently set through the commands @setFoodFilling and @setDrinkFilling .


New Administrator Commands:
Kellina has added some "fun" and helpful admin commands - which should be of interest to future server operators. If you are going to run a SWGEmu server in the future, and would like to see an administrative feature added to Core3, do NOT hesitate to post about it in the Open Source Discussion forum and talk about it in #opendev. On to the new commands:

@kick <name> - Target the user and type @kick or use the syntax provided. This command is something we've been missing for a long time, and its really one of the staple admin commands.

@killArea <range> - Kill's users within a certain range.

@kickArea <range> - Kick's users within a certain range. Secret server hijack party needs kicking?

@mutePlayer <name> - Mutes the Spatial Chat for the specified player.


Image Designer:
McMahon has been hard at work with the image designer features. On 6/1, he committed the Image Design screen and performed wiki updates for image design related packets. He is currently doing Customization Variable research pertaining to image design.


With lair's done (and have been for quite some time - see previous Biweeklys), Missions are the next step. Preliminary structure research on Missions packets were completed way back in September of 2006, but after that they were never looked into much detail. The time has come that we are digging through out old notes and bringing them back into the light. I completed research on the mission packets late last night, as well as wrote the implementation & packet classes. All that is left is the MissionManager class (which is going to be the hardest part ). For those of you interested in the progress of missions, just glance at the timeline over the next few weeks. As far as XP goes, I'm pretty sure Ultyma did it like 2 years ago .

4) Closing

Something that didn't make the body but is very important nonetheless, bobius has made Blue Frog enhancements which include a variety of weapons that are diverse in their stats, paired with Scripting changes which now make it possible to create and modify (stats!) weapons via script.

The Profession team is going strong and is still hard at working in closing the gap of research we have in each individual profession. _PLEASE_ help out with their efforts, its something even a casual PreCU SWG player can do. See their forums: http://swgemu.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=26


This update leaves us at a turning point in what is being presented to the community. There will always be code enhancements, core features being revamped, and interesting bugs to fix - but the past month there has been an increase in content related additions. Content is an area which does not require the knowledge of crazy programming languages to contribute to. If you are standing by and waiting for the project to finish, use that "down time" to HELP us reach a more perfect PreCU.

As always,

-Team SWGEmu

Caves list

by Thyse »Tue Jun 17, 2008 1:23 pm

Awesome :P

by Takura »Thu Jun 12, 2008 1:16 am

Bi-Weekly Update 5/29/08
1) Update Overview:
-Crafting: Assembly and Experimentation
-Cave Implementation
-Launchpad Enhanced
-Player Buff Manager added to code: Entertainer buffs implemented.
- /imagedesign - first UI trigger
-Species specific equipment
-Test Center DB Wipe
-Profession Reps (<3)

2) Body:
Here it is, as promised by kyle . The crafting code has been added to the TC, and we are doing stability testing with it. We know the server is crashing more than usually because of the influx of updates, but be assured that the number of crashes will be reduced to almost 0 like it was before! Kyle is working on a crafting script editor, so its limited to one item for right now. There will be lots of room for people to help get crafting done, if you want to help please come hang out in IRC in the #CraftingTesting room. Watch the timeline for more info!


Cave Implementation Updates: (Kellina, LearningDisease)

We have updated and moved the Cave Spawning Forums here.
Discussion: Cave Implementation - Community Discussion about the caves and mob lists etc.
Cave Implementation List - List of all of the caves, and their TC spawning status.

"Cave Name" (Current Bugs) - Please From now on, use these bug threads so we can keep everything organized.

Last night the "Dungeon Trio'O'Fun" (Squill Cave, Hutt Hideout, Tusken Bunker) patch was commited to the SVN, and should hit the TC soon. We are still finishing up the Beetle Cave (Sennex Cave) and that should be done this weekend.

We will be working on Corellia next, and proceed to follow the list.
Each week we are planning on submitting a new a patch with all of the caves from the planet currently being worked on.

We are still missing some caves on a couple of the planets, and creature/npc info/stats.
Feel free to find any info we are missing, and be sure to wach for all our future updates!


Launchpad Enhanced Updates: (Kyle, Kellina)

Please pay attention to the Game Updates section on the right side of LPE, as it will let you know on any updates that have hit the TC recently, Just like SOE SWG does.

IF you are not currently using LPE please feel free to visit the link below and get it setup, as it will automate the install process and keep you updated on TC Updates, Events, New Loading Screens, etc.

We encourage all to use LPE.

News/Setup Guide - Please use this link for setup/support help, it is trolled on the clock and someone is always happy to help.


Player Buff Manager:
A player buff manager was added to the code by McMahon to facilitate player buffs. To showcase the new manager, some entertainer buffs were added. See Changeset 376 for more details.



Also added in changeset 376, mcmahon added spices via @spice command (temporary).


ImageDesign Popup:

Also added in changeset 376, mcmahon added - /imagedesign - first UI trigger and first step into implementing Image Designer


Species Specific Equipment:

bobius added species specific equipment like the wookie armor set to work ONLY with wookies. In order for this feature to work properly, we'll be doing a DB wipe within the next few days.



by Thyse »Sat May 24, 2008 3:38 pm

Fantabulous! The EMU is so much better when I have a high amount of power. I tried the Jawa Frog/Like thing and I just love it! :P

by Thyse »Sun May 18, 2008 6:31 pm


by Takura »Wed May 14, 2008 12:55 pm

They just added blue frogs (jawas in this case) to the testcenter.

by Mikal »Tue May 13, 2008 9:44 pm

Well, back in the EXTREMELY early days massive groups of people would fly out to Endor just to check things out. Only thing was, Ewoks were evil at the time. They liked to raid the starport and massacre everyone there. A group of 20 of us was wiped out before we realized what was happening on one occasion when 2 ewoks spawned in the middle of us. What great fun!
