A change in duty

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Topic review
Melkin wrote: > Melkin approaches the podium in front of a noted press corp. Smiling out > over the crowd of reporters and holorecorders he slides his hands over the > side of the podium and speaks. > > "Ladies and gentlemen of the press thank you for coming today on this > important announcement. As you all know, Azu'kai Commercial Ventures has > become one of the most premiere businesses on Naboo, spreading many of it's > capital to it's neighbors and offering many jobs to those around the > system. Our profits have exceeded even our best estimates, our profits are > up and all is well for Naboo. Today, however I stand before you and > announce my retirement from ACV. Many of you know I have been with the > company, for as long as most of us can remember. Speaking with the > leadership and major stock holders, we have decided to split the profits > and expenses evenly and dissolve the company. > > We all felt this was the best course of action, given our recent successes. > Resurrection Resort will remain open, and projects such as the Spa and > Casino are still planned to be finished. So do look forward to those. All > inquiries for more information can be directed to my holomail. Thank you."

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by Jaysont »Tue Aug 22, 2006 9:44 am

yes sure i'm interested in continueing this plot, last thing i went to was alot of fun.

by Ri'Me »Tue Aug 22, 2006 8:28 am

If I'm on I'll rp and plot something, I like the plot so far :)

by Guest »Mon Aug 21, 2006 11:21 pm

Oh I love it! Great job Apium...and to all you RID members who are interested in RP, I would like to know who all is interested in helping with this plot. The criminal scene has gone unchecked for a long time. It's time the Empire put their foot up the criminals....well...ya'll now. *winks* Send me a mail in game or reply to this thread if you are interested or have any questions.

by Apium »Mon Aug 21, 2006 11:00 pm

Copied from the private RP forums

((You'll have to excuse me I'm just converting chat logs to full script without really thinking. Its not great I know, but I'm not going to take the time to novelize it when I already lived it. Anyone who would like to partcipate in the plot can, there will be positions for everyone experienced or otherwise.))

Apium Auvair, a soldier in the Imperial military at an undisclosed rank, slowly treaded down the boarding ramp from his battered Coriellian Freighter, as a muffled beep signaled that his commlink required his attention. A quick inspection showed the frequency was "unknown."
"Your not in my registry, please identify yourself."
The response immediately resounded over the comm, " Is this channel secure?"
Apium seeing an oppurtunity to amuse himself before his dreaded assignment in Theed began, slyly responded "I like to think so."
The person on the other side of the comm obviously wasn't here for games as they dryly said, "It either is or it isn't...."
'Hmm this isn't going to be the entertainment I thought it would be' Apium thought to himself as he replyed, "Imperial encrypted, the best available to one of my stature."
"This is Lt. Melkin Antross, Imperial Inquistion."
"Hmm I trust no one has broken any laws?"
"Oh there are laws being broken, that is what needs to be discussed."
Oh joy more work for me. "And who would the involved parties be?"
"I would prefer to meet in person."
Well there goes my relaxation before my business "Name a place.....Lieutenant."
"Theed Hotel" came the response."
"I shall be there. Auvair out."


"Filthy beasts" Apium mumbled to himself refering to a group of gungans as he waited for the Lieutenant. "They shouldn't allow their kind in here."

Hmm that defiantly looks like the "Lieutenant Melkin" sort "Lieutenant Antross I presume? I have a gaming table prepared in the back, where we won't be disturbed."

As they sat down, Antross asked "I'm sorry, but I'm not familar with your rank?"
"Shouldn't the all knowing Imperial Inquistion know of my rank?" Apium responded sardonically."
"I have been recently assigned to this position, I haven't had a chance to review personel files."
"Hmph my rank........My rank doesn't concern anyone while I'm in the field, that nonsense is for the parade ground only."
Lietenant Antross agreed with a slight nod.

"Lets get to business then, shall we? The Inquistion has been charged with ferreting out criminal organizations. It is believed this will drastically cut support for the Rebellion. Obviously my intimate knowledge of the inner workings of the underworld provide an insight the Empire currently doesn't have. What I need are troopers in the field to assist with investigations and law enforcement."

After taking all of this in, Apium said "I don't see what any of this has to do with me."
"You're the Executive Officer of RID, in charge while Colonel Yovel is away. Some of your men will need to be requistioned for this task."
Apium now surprised said, "So you know about that...."
Antross now with a grin replied, "I know a few things."

Seeing he had lost the upper hand in this meeting, Apium apologized "You must forgive me, being called out in the field like this disorients me."
"Of course. Would your men be able to perform this task?"
"They are capable, all Imperial soldiers are. Whether they are available to you is another matter. I would need details. I would hate for the Colonel to return from leave with a list of casulties on his desk."
"Of course, Apium I would not enjoy my first command being full of casulties. I plan and execute carefully, however my words mean very little to a man with experience under his belt, but I do know the inner workings of the underworld and I know how to break them."
"I do not presume to know your prior training in field tactics, but I would prefer if our infantry was directly commanded by one of our officers, if not myself."
Knowing he had the support he needed, Melkin responded "That would be fine."

"Lieutenant, I do have the soldiers for you, but I must say my men are use to policing actions."
"Alas that is why I have been asked to tend to this matter personally. I will brief and train your troops on what to look for and how to act."
"I'm not sure as to what you require in firepower, but I'm afraid there won't be many stormtroopers available. They are needed elsewhere. Although nothing demoralizes a group of thugs like a full battalion of armored stormtroopers."
Antross grinned across the gambling table from Apium.

"Sometime this week I would like to begin preliminary training with your personnel."
A slight nod from Apium was the response. "You send me the details and I'll send you the troops." Apium keys something on his datapad and then presents the screen to the Lieutenant, "You can send holo-mails with details here."
The Lieutenant took note of the address on his datapad. With a thank you and a salute, Antross left the room.

by SEETHER »Mon Aug 21, 2006 7:56 pm

Dragonus wrote:wat iz this!!! do u really want us to read a bio/ watever it is ?¿?¿?¿?¿¿?¿? ur not even a member!

Total buzz kill. ok, attention back to the story.

by Vogik »Mon Aug 21, 2006 7:18 pm

Issele wrote:
Dragonus wrote:wat iz this!!! do u really want us to read a bio/ watever it is ?¿?¿?¿?¿¿?¿? ur not even a member!

It's a role-playing story that involves RID. Your not forced to read anything you do not wish too.
I read it.. even though i did not wish to. :D

by Issele »Mon Aug 21, 2006 7:06 pm

Dragonus wrote:wat iz this!!! do u really want us to read a bio/ watever it is ?¿?¿?¿?¿¿?¿? ur not even a member!

It's a role-playing story that involves RID. Your not forced to read anything you do not wish too.

by Erougn »Mon Aug 21, 2006 4:22 pm

A lot of people post a lot of drivel on the forums, this was actually pretty good.

by Dragonus »Mon Aug 21, 2006 3:50 pm

Jaysont wrote:hes a good friend so yeah he does expect us to read it dumb ass

well SOOOO RRYYYY .. he should have written it in bold ^read this good friend of member^ i think dat would have helped

by Jaysont »Mon Aug 21, 2006 3:44 pm

hes a good friend so yeah he does expect us to read it.

EDIT: ok sorry for calling you a dumb ass and hes a general friend of RID not in perticular member friend aight.

by Dragonus »Mon Aug 21, 2006 3:10 pm

wat iz this!!! do u really want us to read a bio/ watever it is ?¿?¿?¿?¿¿?¿? ur not even a member!

by Melkin »Sat Aug 19, 2006 12:05 am

Melkin stepped off his shuttle, looking around the docking bay of the Dantooine mining outpost, everything seemed to be in order. Smirking he thought how good habits were hard to break. So often he came to these ports and many just like them to deliver goods and services not sanctioned by the local governments or the Empire. As he took his first steps forward, a squadron of storm troopers entered, accompanied by an officer. He was the only one in the docking bay, and standing between him and the Empires elite was nothing but open ground. Normally he’d offer a bribe or have something prearranged with a local garrison, but just two days before he announced his retirement across the holo-news service from Azu’kai Commercial Ventures, the legal front to the Azu’kai Family. Melkin still carried weapons, he wasn’t stupid of course, the blaster on his right hip and a knuckler tucked away in the small of his back was standard issue for him. Not having it would be like removing a hand or leg. Melkin decided to play it cool as the officer approaches , a captain by the insignia on his collar.

“Melkin Antross I presume..” the officer spoke in a clinical tone, one that had a certainly in his words, not quite a question, but more like he was stating a fact that required no answer. The captain wasn’t very tall, maybe five foot six by Melkin’s best guess. His hair was cut short, standard for the Empire and their appearance of good looks. Melkin simply nods, meeting his green eyes with the officers brown ones.
“You are to come with us.” The officer, turns and motions to the storm troopers. Almost at once they broke their fanned out position, one of them approaching Melkin and holding out his hand.

“Your weapons”

Melkin looks at the trooper then the officer and asks “Am I being charged with something, if so let’s hear the charge.” The officer turns, staring at Melkin a moment in silence then says, “Mister Antross despite my better judgment I have orders to take you to docking bay eleven, you’ll get back your weapons when they are finished.” Melkin nods slowly and only out of curiosity slowly reaches under his duster, removing the FWG5 and his knuckler. He wasn’t being arrested, at least that was the thought. If they were going to arrest him, they would have just done it right there, or forced him to land in the Imperial outpost. So who was here and what did they want? The storm troopers formed around him and escorted him in silence to dock eleven.

In the middle of dock eleven, an Imperial Lambda shuttle sat in its pristine white. The troopers stop on either side of the door as the captain moves towards the shuttle , the ramp lowered. Melkin looks around the docking bay, noting the lack of any containers. They defiantly weren’t transporting anything, and didn’t seem to be leaving with any extra cargo. The officer stopping at the ramps entrance, waves his arm up towards the opening. “This is where I stay Mister Antross…” Melkin nods and walks slowly up the ramp.

Melkin walked up the ramp cautiously, his eyes darting back and forth taking in the corridor as they became used to the dim lighting. Another officer, apparently waiting for him waved his arm across the hall to the open door. Melkin nodded at the officer and complied. Time to find who went through all this trouble, and what the Empire wanted.
His answer came in the form of a man he didn’t recognize. His pale skin fit rather well against the white walls of the interior. His hair, what left of it, was gathered in the middle of his head and fell below his shoulders in a long thing ponytail and thinly kept mustache wrapped down his lip before curving back up to travel along his jaw. The black robe he wore seemed new, highlighted in a gold embroidering along the ridge of his high necked collar, that fit nicely with the red pattern that brought color to his face. His brown eyes silently regarded Melkin as they came up from the multiple data pads on the gray desk; he motioned for Melkin to sit down.

“Mister Antross, thank you for seeing me on such short notice.” He spoke. His voice was dry and relatively uncharacteristic. “I am Inquisitor Vrke“. Melkin smirks, finding the irony in the Inquisitors words. He’d never heard of an inquisitor thankful for much of anything and it’s not like he had a choice in coming to see him, but still played along.
“Absolutely sir, what is it I can do for you?” Melkin says, offering his best business smile.

“I see by your records here you’re quite the popular person to be investigated. Always under some ones microscope, but never charged.” He spoke, a shade of doubt in his voice. “Just recently Colonel Lexx put you under house arrest, but that was later dismissed. Tell me Mister Antross, how long did you think you could keep up your operation before you were shut down?” Melkin frowned inwardly. The inquisitor seemed to have all the different reports from the various officers that have investigated him over the years gathered up right in front of him. The inquisitor continued, “Murder and conspiracy to commit, dropped due to lack of evidence…smuggling, possession of spice and suspicion of a distribution network, racketeering. Bribing an Imperial officer, blackmail, extortion…etc..etc…etc. What do you have to say about these?” The inquisitor looked up from the list, staring cold into Melkin’s eyes.

“Well as you said sir, “ Melkin began “ These are simply charges, none of which were actually filed or prosecuted on. I appreciate the severity of these charges, but no proof was ever offered to the courts to begin prosecution.” Melkin shrugs and sits back in his chair. The inquisitor smiles, leaning forward in his chair and lowering his voice, “Do you know what the worst charge is Sergeant Major Antross?” Melkin blinked, he hadn’t been called that in almost a year and a half. During his very brief interlude within the Imperial ranks of the 13th Army Division, commanded by General Wolfmourne Ironglave, a man he considered a brother and equal, Melkin had been made a Sergeant Major by Tyral Skyfire during the Generals absence and put over all enlisted men. The inquisitor, sliding a data pad across the desk continued “Dereliction of duty, failure to report to command, conspiracy against the Empire!” His hand slammed on the desk bringing Melkin’s head back up from reading the data pad, the final words reading, Sergeant Major Antross is to re-enter the criminal underground and report to command. Melkin stared back into the eyes of the inquisitor, regarding his options and potential fate. He had his saber up his sleeve, and could quickly end the ranting of the inquisitor. The officer just outside the door would be easy, but he didn’t know how many more were on the ship or outside. It was possible to lie, but unlikely he would be believed.

“It is now time that you came under our watchful eye Mister Antross, and high time you finish the assignment you were given Sergeant, but the decision is ultimately up to you of course.” The inquisitor grins and sitting back in his chair. The choices were drawn out; either finish an age-old assignment, or be prosecuted for a lifetime of charges, which under the Inquisition would only result in a short one-sided trial ending with his execution. He still had some old enemies, and with the backing of the Empire he could make quick work of them, legally. Imperial hardware, troops, and intel, and his intimate knowledge of the underworld he could very well bring down other syndicates and provide help to those that have been helpful to him over the years.

”What all does this entail?” Melkin finally asked, looking for any kind of loophole that may help him, however slight. “Despite my better judgment, those over me have decided that you’re better to us if you’re cooperative, but if not, which I really hope you aren’t, you will be judged harshly. You will follow through with the previous orders given to you as a Sergeant Major and will execute those orders with perfection and restore the laws of this galaxy. Laws that have gone unchecked for far too long.”

“What’s my sphere of jurisdiction?” Melkin asks, becoming slightly amused by the turn of events.

“The Inquisition knows no barriers, no red tape, we see all and have the authority from the Emperor himself to ensure our laws are followed in all sectors.” The inquisitor states proudly, his chin actually elevating up slightly, like he was the Emperor himself. “You will also be elevated to the rank of First Lieutenant, giving you rights to command personnel in the field and coordinate efforts between divisions.” Melkin nods, listening, his mind already spiraling with the possibility of the things to come. “Now, Lieutenant be assured that I will have my eye on you, and with the first misstep, I will forgo any hearing and simply have you brought down is that understood?” Melkin nods quietly, his mouth and jaw set firmly as he stares ahead then mumbling “Yes, sir.” The inquisitor reaches into his desk and tosses a leather bound ID holder to Melkin. “Dismissed”

A change in duty

by Melkin »Sat Aug 19, 2006 12:05 am

Melkin approaches the podium in front of a noted press corp. Smiling out over the crowd of reporters and holorecorders he slides his hands over the side of the podium and speaks.

"Ladies and gentlemen of the press thank you for coming today on this important announcement. As you all know, Azu'kai Commercial Ventures has become one of the most premiere businesses on Naboo, spreading many of it's capital to it's neighbors and offering many jobs to those around the system. Our profits have exceeded even our best estimates, our profits are up and all is well for Naboo. Today, however I stand before you and announce my retirement from ACV. Many of you know I have been with the company, for as long as most of us can remember. Speaking with the leadership and major stock holders, we have decided to split the profits and expenses evenly and dissolve the company.

We all felt this was the best course of action, given our recent successes. Resurrection Resort will remain open, and projects such as the Spa and Casino are still planned to be finished. So do look forward to those. All inquiries for more information can be directed to my holomail. Thank you."
