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Bumpn Glow wrote: > [quote="Cannar"]I question IMPHL's senserity in making amends > with RID, when their members like Mursan make posts like this, reportedly > on behalf of Bumpn: > > [quote]Dear Starsider Community, > > As of this very moment, right now, right here, IMPHL and especially me, > Bumpn, Do Not Give a **edit** What U think!!!!! > > Your countless tells, your countinous whining, and pure biatchiness have > forced me to personally tell you, **edit** OFF > > yes we know you think we are...teh > sux/noobs/exploiters/gankers/kids/**edit** ever you rainbow chasing ass > obsessed whiny biatchs think > > Do Not Come To Bumpn, With your pathetic screenies, your tells of so and so > did this please make em stop waaaa! waaaaa! > > Do not come to bumpn with your lil **edit**'d based ego on a virtual > game........ and you have the testicular fortitude to call someone kid? > > Do not come to bumpn overall anymore unless it is to comment on how godly > of a imperial he is > > Do please come to bumpn if you are a female, and naked(rebels handled > quietly ) > > In Closing, its been fun, listening to you piss and moan like a bunch of > toothless retards fighting over some graham cracker..... goodness > > seriously, i love paying 15 dollars a month to host the special olympics > with retard rebs in tells > > Dont **edit**ing bother me anymore or you will be /addignored yes, im gonna > get forum banned, and yes i really do hate you > > Your Imperial Idol, > > Bumpn[/quote] > > Lexx, perhaps Starsider would be better off if we ignored these children. > I know it is of benifit to havde their multitudes of Imperials to help win > the GCW, but it does neither of us any favors when no matter what the > occasion, no matter what the circumstances, they strive to ruin our fun, > wether we be Rebel or Imperial. When a guild has issue with one of your > members Lexx, you listen, and you do what you feel is necessary to resolve > the issue. Thats what a responsible Guild Leader does. When someone has > issue with IMPHL's members, their leadership posts this in the Starsider > forums, and members of their so called leadership council post indoursments > and continue the "Fuck Off Starsider" public message. > > Bumpn is not interested in resolving anything, he is interested in > prolonging and draging out the drama, because he thrives off it.[/quote] > > mmmk thank you cannar for throwing your useless 2 cents in.... it really is > none of your business and you are free to move back to slandering us on the > SS boards, but let the imperials do their thing on here and do it in our > own privacy being that your rebel now, your opinion dont mean jack! > > NOW!..... Mursan is my alternate account.... that post is all me and im > sorry if it offends you but.... this game has become a burden more then > anything for me, everytime i log on my chat box immediatly gets spammed > instantly with exactly what said above "BOOOHOOO So and SO stole my kills > in the dwb or was mean to me" > > for you to truley understand why i snapped and why i snapped again above at > cannar, take a look at the type of lies he spreads about my guild > > > [img]http://www.geocities.com/cspnaimlescsp/Untitled-1.jpg[/img] > > mmmk my guild is being investigated for the RL harassment of minors? dude > thats the most childish lie i have ever seen! I knew cannar was low, but > thats pathetic! > > I am tired of being backed into a corner and having people like Cannar > spread lies, and Issele tell half truths to sway someone's opinion in their > favor! Slander on every forum all over.... and now cannar has moved from > flamming and slandering me and the rest of IMPHL on SS forums to here on > RID boards! > > like i said the b.s. i put up with on a day to day basis in this game is > annoying to say the least and on another note if there are any RID members > offended by my post, i would just like to point out that it is not aimed at > you it is aimed at the whiney little lying crybabies like cannar > > I have gone in cannars vent to squash the problems and just cut the > crap.... he would not talk to me and when asked what his problem was and > why he wants to talk so much trash about us on the boards.... he would only > say "you guys remind me of AXIS" > > well i dont know what his problem was with AXIS, or why it needs to be > carried over to IMPHL but whatever its his childish B.S. > > As for the DWB i mentioned above, yes i have taken the leash off any > members who are worried to be rude in the DWB.... i sat on Mursan in the > Wraith hallway and watched WIshi from trga come be an ass to my guild.... > ive watched her try to steal spawns and fail then sick bh's on my > memebers..... > > I watched Gester come down and tell one of my guildies that they could > "attempt" to keep their spawn..... once they killed a outdamaged him a > couple times he left pissed off.... soon after that i logged on Bumpn just > to see what he would say... and i got tells about how that person in the > DWB stole his spawn and were very rude.... > > I get to log onto the forums and see cannar following everypost with a new > lie.... first i bribed people to join the guild, thats a lie..... then we > exploited against them.... thats a lie, he acts like he has any say in pvp > and yet he doesnt own a lvl 90 nor have i seen any of his toons that i am > aware of out there pvping but maybe twice, yet he feels he has the pvp > knowldge to judge how my guild kills in a battle..... w/e > > rebels get a thumbs down..... MEK aint that bad, alot of them are very > decent people i dont mind fighting agaisnt or talking to.... Just Cannar > and his lies and his ridiculous attitude and his grude that he projects > onto my guild because he was wronged by other guilds in the past..... > > as for Issele..... we need to get this meeting done, i dont want to handle > it on the boards i want to handle it in a voice chat so that it can be > handled.... im sorry but ive sat and watched the way that you operate, you > tell the parts of the story to make you look good.... then you throw in a > lil bit about your illness to get sympathy then u throw in a little bit > about an event and by then everyone loves you..... > > not this time, we will handle it in vent... i dont care if no one from RID > shows up.... i want a talk with issele and resik-j as his presence was > requested by Issele... in vent you dont have the time to play on so many > emotions and to gather people's sympathy! You only have time to present > your truths and your argument and then talk it out and leave it alone.... > if it is handled in a thread.... i will be made out to look like an ass, > because that is the way i come across when i am having to type.... vent is > where it needs to be and once it finally is set up ALL RID IS INVITED, > anyone who wants to sit down and listen to how this whole drama between our > guilds started can sit in vent and hear it and also hear the opposing side > > my aim is not to lead the core because i feel i can..... my aim is to > present my side of a story.... half truths have been tossed everyones way > and i simply want people to know what happened on my end.... i see it from > yalls end and i understand how much of an ass we must look like.... i have > read through these boards over and over again to gather up everyone point > of view and done my very best to see it from the outside in and realize > that this problem WAS NOT RID's FAULT.... but it also WAS NOT IMPHL'S > fault > > it falls down to key memebers of both guilds who pushed buttons and who > flew off the handle.... that is my only intention is to present my case and > show everyone while it looks like i was an ass for no cause.... i had > plenty of cause as did yall and try to show that both parties are equally > at fault for this problem and what is sad is i am willing to admidt what i > did wrong and willing to do it infront of all of RID.... yet Issele still > plays the inncoent role, but that will also be covered in the meeting, and > i hope resik brings the proof she is looking for to show me that i > misunderstood her words and took them the wrong way, and was lied to by > outside party > > but i wont know i have asked that resik not dicuss anything about the > meeting or about issele with me till it is all together with issele incase > i owe her an apology i can give it to her right there.... but i highly > doubt i will owe her an apology... we will see though

Expand view Topic review:RID + ME + ISSELE + RESIK-J MEETING

by Apium »Wed May 31, 2006 2:15 pm

Ri'Me wrote:Alright so then can we end this? Or DO I HAVE TO STEP IN!! *breathes heavily*

o RI'me....lol

by Ri'Me »Wed May 31, 2006 10:51 am

Alright so then can we end this? Or DO I HAVE TO STEP IN!! *breathes heavily*

by Issele »Wed May 31, 2006 10:51 am

Bumpn wrote:
Issele wrote:
bizob wrote:What happened to this meeting? We gonna re-reschedule?

No one contacted me. My guess is the holiday and real life took over. I would suggest perhaps a threed here on the RID boards to work things out. Might be better and more convient for people. I am gussing rl has resik-j tied up and Bumpns mom was just in a bad accident... and me, I am in and out. I pretty much have posted what I would say in Vent anyway because that is what happened. I did not want anyone to leave the Network, nor did Lexx, so I asked the Network if I could talk to IMPHL and Lexx gave me permission.

Hope your mom is doing ok, Bumpn.

we have a thread to discuss this.... it is this one that your posting in, yes it has flooded with off topic things, but i put it up there in a post that we can have the meeting anytime after 11 pm EST..... we waited till about 3 in the morning and i never saw u online or in trga vent....... me resik and boz were all ready for the meeting

it will now be postponed till this coming weekend

I was in MIRC but I did fall asleep. :(

by Issele »Wed May 31, 2006 10:49 am

LexxYovel wrote:I am willing to ignore anything that has been said in the past. As long as nothing continues, I'm willing to work with IMPHL.

The Boss has spoken.

by Jal'Hadon »Wed May 31, 2006 3:18 am

lol bizob. you just deleted my posts cause your afraid what i was saying was true :wink:
/back on topic

if you would like to send me the names of immature MEK members i would be happy to say somthing about it.
(unless its me...then uhhh... tell cannar :lol: )

/rant on
as for past drama, i damn near quit cause of the harasment i had to endure everytime i logged on, then i discovered the glory of /addignore.
after a week or so i cleared out the ignore list and havnt had a porblem since. except for slut-ry, that he-she is just obsesed with drama, so he/she was put back on ignore.
while i respect IMPHL as a guild no more then bumpn respects MEK, from what i have seen we have moved on from the drama, and i can say that i dont have a problem with any singular members (besides slut-ry but every bushel has a few bad apples) ive even come to call one or two friend.

the only thing i have left to resolve (personly, not for MEK) concerns Narvok and i wont bring it up here. ill talk to bumpn about it, or narvok personally if no one minds.
/rant off
sorry if anything in there dosnt make sense, really late. eerrr uuhh early.

see you all june 4th :wink:

by Bumpn »Wed May 31, 2006 12:01 am

Apium wrote:Very good post. /clap sergetov

Nice way to start of your post count eh?

This kind of inspires me to spend a few more hours in our own vent and that of imphl. If somone could pm me the info for the imphl vent it would be appreciated.

logged in to hook you up but your offline.... sorry i meant to do it earlier but i was busy

by bizob »Tue May 30, 2006 9:26 pm

I couldn't disagree with Cannar more. I have spent the last few days hangin with IMPHL members and leaders in an effort to put an end to the drama between IMPHL and RID once and for all. They were even gracious enough to invite me to hang in thier vent server with them. This was a great learning experience for me. For one, I learned that not all of IMPHL are as bad as the SS forums make them seem. In fact, most of them are cool guys and gals, perfectly happy to share thier knowledge with other imperials and jump in a fight with rebels. I'm not the only RID that IMPHL has made an effort to be cool with. Several of our members have come along for some pvp fun or just chillin with IMPHL members. Amazingly enough WE ALL GOT ALONG JUST FINE.

Cannar, I don't wish to deny you the right to express your opinion but posting things like you have posted in this thread is ... umm how shall I put it... well just not cool. First off, this matter is between RID and IMPHL and has nothing to do with anyone else or any other guild. Bringing up past drama will do nothing to make peace between us - and that has been my main goal in this game for over a week now. (Yes I've cared about this issue since the begining but last week I decided I was gonna try to solve the issue or die tryin). I do appreciate you wanting to let RID know how you feel about IMPHL and that your concern comes from a long and friendly relationship between our guilds. I'm just saying that your comments here are kind of a "wrong place, wrong time" type thing. I suggest sending such concerns to Lexx or an other leader of RID (such as myself). That way we can discuss your opinion amongst ourselves and make our decisions. Secondly, I have personally seen members of your guild act immature as well, no guild is immune to some immature members and thier actions - it's the nature of the beast. What has happened between MEK and IMPHL is between ya'll ( I can say that I live in the south hehe). It has nothing to do with RID. Last and least (ya I meant least cuz this one is a rp type thing), you're a rebel in a rebel guild and we're imperials who don't care what rebels think. ;)

One final note, i have removed some posts in this thread to keep things on topic. No offence to anyone who posted here. We're usually real relaxed about the "on topic" thing on these forums, but this thread is important to me, RID, IMPHL and the Empire in general so I want to kep things focused and productive here.

by Szul »Tue May 30, 2006 8:15 pm

Bumpn Glow wrote:and also thank you szul for your above post i understand how both of you feel and i undertsand why you want to be left out of it Szul....

Thanks, I wasn't quite sure if you would realize that was not directed at you. Just at everyone else dropping by to toss in their worthless opinions and trying to stir up shit. Bad thing to do with me around.

As far as a meeting goes, well its nothing personal. Matter of fact, you and I are on the same page, way more than you probably realize, but I don't care to, or have the freedom, to go into details to explain what I mean atm. But since we appear to understand where each is coming from and have resolved our issues, I just feel there is no reason to dialogue further and beat a dead horse. But I'm pretty blunt and straight forward and when I am finished talking, I am finished. :D

However if you wish to chatty cathy with me on an informal basis, I am sure we can talk Bizob into allowing you, and IMPHL, access to RID chat, and/or vice versa into IMPHL chat, and both PAs can get to know each other a bit better. Problem children can be dealt with as they arise, but I see no reason to attempt to continue trying to prevent problems that haven't happened yet.... ok, well once.

cannar is a baby

by ANH »Tue May 30, 2006 6:23 pm

Ok...im sorry but Cannar your a little bitch, im a fellow rebel but you said IMPHL is intrested in nothing but grief, i guess thats why Bumpns trying to get a meeting between them you have nothing to do with this so shut the fuck up you lifeless piece of shit

god ive looked at both arguements read through it all, even lexx said hes willing to look past it all, you need to grow up[ and stop having such childish grudges against IMPHL...you know even tho im rebel you were able to piss me off just reading your shit, im rebel and i BHed Bumpn plenty of times before i went back elder jedi and his buddies, and as many times as they kill me and vice versa i never have a problem with them, im REBEL and me and bumpn are cool....

You know he comes in here to talk about meeting then you butt in, dude stfu and let them talk, your not in RID so shutup

by Apium »Tue May 30, 2006 4:39 pm

Very good post. /clap sergetov

Nice way to start of your post count eh?

This kind of inspires me to spend a few more hours in our own vent and that of imphl. If somone could pm me the info for the imphl vent it would be appreciated.

by Sergetov »Tue May 30, 2006 4:34 pm

Greetings comrades,

This is my first post I have ever placed in our boards, however, I feel that I have kept quiet on the matter far too long now. In the effort to stop a whole new season of IMPHL and RID 90210, I'm going to put my 2cents, and a russian rubble, on the whole situation.

Let me first start by stating some facts. In the past few weeks I've been spending time in the IMPHL vent channels getting to know the people "on the other side" of whats been going on. Moreover, given my time zone difference, no one is in our vent while I'm playing, but IMPHL always has someone on. Anyways, what I discovered is that IMPHL is a very closely knit crew who go far and beyond to help each other out. I'm not talking about, hey come over here and help me kill this chuba lair.... these guys actually play hours upon hours (either it be camping loot drops or faction farming) to help those guildies who don't have the play time that the others do. The whole guild sacrifices their time to better equipe, and thus, strengthen their guild. Not only that, but they drop every thing they are doing as soon as one of them says they can't do something alone.

Now I say this because I want you all to understand the comaraderie that IMPHL shares. Which is no wonder why it seems that IMPHL can all come at you all at once when one of their own is under attack; they live and die together. Moreover, in the few weeks I've been playing with them, not once did they treat me any different than one of their own, even though I'm a RID member. Not once did they prejudice me nor did they treat me in any condescending manner. As a matter of fact, when ever a topic concerning RID came up, they made especially clear that they have the outmost respect for our RID players, however there were some minor problems to be resolved.

Here is the real kicker, their comaraderie, brotherly relationship, and selfless dedication to each other is EXACTLY what we RID members have with each other. Our two Guilds are no different in any manner other than our toon names. Honestly, I cannot state it any more blatantly, our guilds honor the same values. There is no difference in the amount of love we have for our Guilds, and the courage that we have when it comes to defending our own guilds.

However, the pride we share for our guilds has misalligned our focus and has tampered with our good judgement. To generalize either of our guilds as "Griefers" "noobs" or "prepubescent morons" (ok thats mine = P) is for a lack of a better word, STUPID. The fact is, none of our guilds are those. And we should stop alledging so.

I know this is cliche, however, this is just a game we all really want to enjoy. We wouldn't be coming back day after day if it wasn't something that we loved. Why would we want to befoul it with word-of-mouth accusations and mud slinging. The problems that are being worked out involve very specific key individuals, and I ask that the rest of us stop trying to fuel the fire by throwing non-issue events into it. Let those who have the problem work it out between them.

In all honesty, none if this will really affect the way you pull the trigger when you've got a rebel staring down the barrel of your gun. I'd much rather have the friendly gun of a fellow IMPHL'er next to me to cover my back.

Long, drawn out... I know. Short Version: IMPHL is a cool bunch of dudes just like ourselves. Don't listen to the hype/rumors.


by Bumpn Glow »Tue May 30, 2006 3:58 pm

CerexHendrix wrote:umm okay...i have an idea that will resolve whatever the hell is going on..just stop talking about it, stay out of eachother's business, and kill rebels. Thats about it, now this thread should be locked because its 100% grief which does not belong on the Rid forum. can i get an Amen?

yes you can.... but the wait till i can work out with Issele and Resik the time for the meeting before this htread is locked thats all i ask... and locking this thread wont stop cannar from coming in here and griefing us, he will find another oppertuinty to do it.... trust me

by CerexHendrix »Tue May 30, 2006 3:56 pm

umm okay...i have an idea that will resolve whatever the hell is going on..just stop talking about it, stay out of eachother's business, and kill rebels. Thats about it, now this thread should be locked because its 100% grief which does not belong on the Rid forum. can i get an Amen?

by Cannar »Tue May 30, 2006 3:48 pm

I agree, RIDs bored are not the place, I was done talking to you a month ago. I simply do not want to see RID griefed again by you, they are peeps that deserve better. As for the IMPHL harrasing RL players, its not you, never said it was you. Your version of events will always fit your agenda regardless of the truth, arguing with you is pointless.

Lexx, RID, for what my advice is worth, IMPHL is not interested in anything but grief.

by Bumpn Glow »Tue May 30, 2006 3:43 pm

Cannar wrote:lol, seriously, poor Bumpn is tired of all the complaints. Well maybe if you had created a guild of mature players rather than gathered together as many asshats as you could possibly find, you wouldn't have to shy away from logging in. Its sad your true colors shine through in such a blatant manner. yes the above post was mine, and its 100% correct. I should not have posted it as I was asked not to mention the investigation, but it is taking place non the less. How many IMPHL acounts are banned from the forums again? I lost count. How many MEK? None.

Thanx for posting your rant again bumpn, the screens will come in handy.

And I did talk to your sorry ass in my TS server, for 20 wasted minutes. Thinking all was settled when you had left, only to find it was just a part of your BS games. You came back 10 minutes later saying some BS about wanting to rape us, get a life, clean your room and learn how to play with out being a total asshole.

nah nah we talked in vent me and barrell and jal were smoothing things out while the whole time you sat there with a pissy attitude... once i had gone back tomy guild and told them about everything that went down and was said.... they demanded a war.....

and thats funny that you claim this investigation is happening.... because if i was harassing minors in rl.... this game would have alot to do with that? dude your stupid seriously... if im harassing minors in RL it is not going to be under investigation by SOE it will be under investigation by PD.... of FBI

and last..... like i said dude take all the screenie you want of me telling you your useless..... tape them to the wall and make a hate shrine for me and my guild..... whatever u want man, your obsessing over this game way way way way to hard dude

you have a very very very serious grudge against us and the first time ive ever heard you even say anything ot even noticed you was after 2 of your guys wanted to join us so we took them..... bro get over all the crap and learn to enjoy the game like my guild of so called " asshats" do... or be a grown up little kid

either way your personal problems with me have no place on rids boards and it is pathetic you would bring it here....

oh and last time i checked.... im the only IMPHL memeber forum banned, and im prolly right in saying that you may have had a large part to do with that.... maybe i said the word ass and you reported me about 200 times per post.... im willing to bet after the way you have allready acted on these boards and on the starsider board thats you would be as childish to do something that over the line....

but oh well like i said dude /addignore cannar.... thats what m about these days, getting annoyed with your lies makes this game less fun, and you love that... thats what keeps you going, your real life is so pathetic you sit behind your computer and make "uber MEK WEBSITE's" and you actually went as far as to make a 3-D replica for POSTERS of YOUR TOWN!.... your obviously lacking in your social life and all around out of game life... if it makes you feel better about your pathetic existance to slander me and my guild or lie and try to get this whole server to hate us.... then by all means go ahead bro

/opensdoor for Cannar

have a blast man
