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Guest wrote: > [quote="Issele"][quote="BUMPN"]so the truth comes > out.... you have been drug along by Issele > > all i see on the forums is yall defending yourselves and thats fine.... I > too would support my guild all day everyday! > > but it all comes down to the fact that.... you have all been misled, as i > told the new IMPHL ex RID members WE WERE DONE DIRTY BY ISSELE! > > SZUL if you care to shut your mouth long enough to hear the full story > instead of acting like a RL badass on these forums u can contact me > anytime.... > > Lexx.... i have given u the story behind my distate for RID more then once, > but you are too closed minded to even consider it! I have sat back and > watched as you have twisted my words and manipulated them to your be and > nefit..... for instance when you where told about the IMPHL core... your > post said that i told you "IMPHL WOULD LEAD THE CORE AND NO RP'ERS WOULD BE > ALLOWED!" .... this is a flat out lie and you know that! > > i said we would start a core for PVP anyone be them rp'ers or strict pvpers > it doesnt matter.... anyone was welcome to join it! and another point i > stressed was THIS IS NOT A CORE LED BY IMPHL but a network of alliances > where everyone is equal and IMPHL will be a member in the core that they > will start > > .... up until i seen this post i had alot of respect for lexx, he is far > more mature then I would have ever expected from someone his age.... but > after that post! /thumbsdown > > this whole beef between IMPHL and RID was not started by IMPHL! Yes we did > drag it out a little and maybe over react in a couple cases.... but it > began with ISSELE and her EGO! my whole guild was misled by her to believe > that she was the leader of the core and she ran it with an iron fist.... to > my own suprise lexx revealed that the core was run by all guilds equal! > > we were told by issele that all victories by former greats such as Nos and > Axis were won by her supreme tactic and the "Network" that she runs.... > > after sitting in NOS's TeamSpeak for an hour or so.... i mentioned this > idea to Stridder and STL... and thier responce (and i quote) "who the fuck > is issele?" > > after talking to old axis memebers i have learned that they did in fact > join her network... they stuck around for about a week and decided it was > useless and left and cut all ties... > > i cant prove this and i dont expect you to believe me... but ive been > bugging lexx to let me in yalls vent alone, for some time so that i could > give my side of the story.... > > i dont mind being flamed here, or being called a liar... i dont mind at all > simply because i have told my side of the story and i know for a fact it is > true! and if you choose not to believe me thats up to you! > > SZUL you are the worst form of hipocrit! how are u going to call us > exploiters and griefers then say that you will exploit sher kar to come get > us? Well buddy ill see you tonight at the tounry! > > Issele you are the worst kind of liar and fake! You claimed for so long to > be the most hardcore imp and imp guild.... then you go rebel ROFL! plus u > said repeatedly how rebels need to die and so on... then i have pics of you > on leave tickling them while pvping... and to go even further u have a post > on here where u stated you would hire rebels as mercanaries to kill us? > Very hardcore rebel! > > Lexx.... you have been misled by issele, and i really really DO hate to do > this... but I TOLD YOU SO! dude i called it out, told u she was up trga's > ass.... you guys are called by 90% of IMP pvp'rs as rebels in disguise, and > i wanted nothing more then peace and an alliance and pvp but lies and > manipulation wouldnt allow it... im very dissapointed that you twisted my > words in that post but... oh well nothing i can do! > > my story is told! > > FLAME ON GUYS ..... or LETS MOVE ON > > its really up to yall[/quote] > > You want the truth... here it is: > > Its kind of hard to believe your stance on Role-players when at the last > event we had IMPHL members were spanning" ALL Role-players leave Starsider! > Role-players DO NOT belong on OUR server. Followed by constant griefing of > Role-player guilds on this server by IMPHL. > > I was never the leader of the Core. My part in the Core was to do events > and bring Imperial guilds together. What I did for the Core, The Network I > did FOR the leaders of this allaince many worked hard to build. Carine > founded the Network. If anyone was its leader, it would have been him. I > did nothing in the Network without the approve of ALL the leaders in the > Network because that is how it was and I has happy it was like that. I was > even leary about being one of the Mods on the fourms but the leaders wanted > me too so I said ok. > > Show me ONE place where I evenr posted or claimed to be leader of the Core. > We did not want to see the Core die so some of us worked our butts off to > try to not let it die and I faught tooth and nail to not let it die. Show > me ONE place, ever I said I lead the Core. I was a Rep of the Core, an > Diplomate and worked 3 years doing events for us. > > Show screenshots and Logs please of what you claim I said about NoS and > XFOR and who ever else. Post em here please. I told you who were members of > the Past Network and I TOLD you if you look in the movie RID made you could > see for youself. ITS ALL IN THAT MOVIE OF THE FIRST CONFERNCE. What I said > was that Role-playing guilds and pvp guilds COULD work together and that > was the proof how we ALL use to team up for the same cause, to fight > rebels. Do you really listen to what I say or is this just all a issue > where you misunderstood me and just assmumed what I said instead of > checking it out with me? Why in the hell would I say something I could not > back up when ALL the Conferences were flimed of who was there and who was > not? What would it matter anyways? But you want to twist something into a > lie. In the 3 years the Network/Core was active NOT one time did anything > like this happen except with IMPHL. All the Core/Network guilds never had > a issue with each other or bashed each other. You need to take a look at > that fact. > > When IMPHL left the Network and posted about it on Starsider boards, a lot > of guilds in the Network were upset about that post and IMPHL. I asked if > I could meet with IMPHL and work out any issues and the Network guilds said > yes. I did not have to do this but volenteered to do it because I gave a > damn. I really wanted to fix any issues we had and bring Imperial Network > back together like it once was with IMPHL a part of it and for that matter, > ALL Imperial guilds. Many of us met about this and honestly wanted to fix > this. Ask Lexx, ask SHC, ask WAVE, ask THM. > > I meet with you guys for two hours and you told me that the reason you all > left the Network was that you did not feel a part of the Network and felt > you were ignored and picked on. I sat there for 2 hours and listened and > did this because I see myself as a nobody but just someone who really cared > and you can ask anyone in the Network that 99% of the stuff I have done in > the past was for other people and not me. Many of the events I did I was in > the background and others where in the sporlight. > > We spoke that night for 2 hours on Dantooine and we came up with some ideas > to bring IMPHL and RID closers. I even asked if you guys would be willing > to help RID with some pvp training and you said yes. We left that night on > good terms and with a lot events planned to bring us together and all > Imperial guilds. And to bring IMPHL back. You can not say this is not the > truth. > > The next day I got a /tell from you asking if I could come into IMPHL vent > to talk. I told you I was not feeling good and could we do it another > night. You said ok and next thing I got a /tell from one of your members > saying I suck, RID sucks and Lexx sucks. Your member said he had 1/3 of the > vote and his vote was to have nothing to do with RID, Network and that > Lexx, me and RID were a joke. I told your member I was not feeling well > and could we please talk about this later. This came out of the blue after > the 2 hour talk we had the night before that I really wanted to fix all > this. I sent Lexx the logs of all this. Every since this IMPHL has bashed > me left and right. The night we meet for 2 hours I did nothing but try my > best to solve these issues and if you may have noticed I was the only one > who came forward to try to solve this after you guys made that -I am > leaving the Network- post. Most of the Imperial guilds wanted to wash > there hands of IMPHL but after you shared with me how IMPHL felt and why > you guys pulled out, did not I sit there with you for 2 hours working on > ways to bring us all together. Show me one place before this that I have > trashed IMPHL. > > After the meeting where I showed I gave a damn, since that day I have been > griefed by IMPHL and so has RID. Your claims are unfounded and cannot be > supported because they are not true. Talk to me, come to me and sit down > with me, Lexx and few more and lets talk about the truth, work this out > once and for all. I can show you tons of screen shots I have been sent, I > have taken how IMPHL has gone out of thier way to spread hate about me. > Lets get at the truth here. > > Right after that meeting is when IMPHL began to grief RID any chance you > guys got IG, on the Forums and even our own boards. Do you relaize that > RID took it upon themselfs to TRY to work it out right after you guys > posted on the boards about the Network? Did any other guild come to you > like we did? But we sure have gotten treated like shit for it. You want > statictics: 90% of the Imperial guilds wanted IMPHL kicked out of the > Network before you guys left once you started all that crap with OC on the > forums. A few of us said, let em work it out between themselves and many of > us were glad when OC and IMPHL became friends. Then it seemed your next > target was RID because I stepped forward and met with IMPHL to try to work > things out. This is the truth and this is what happened. You say IMPHL > felt left out of the Network? Try being a part of the team and not bashing > people all the time and maybe, just maybe all this may stop. Oh you can > keep bashing me if you want, I can take it. Just know this Bumpn, the > truth does come out in the end. I can back up everything I say because I AM > telling the truth. > > 2 days after getting out of ICU and the hospital when I got back home and > logged into SWG I was in the Cantina helping a new players and IMPHL comes > in and starts spanning : Issele likes 15 year old boys everyone beware. > The new player sent me /tell asking who you all were. I said just ignore > them. The new player wanted to meet a rebel guild , Xaneth walked in and I > told the guy to talk to Xaneth. IMPHL kept bashing role-players, spanning > crap about my char. I sent Rogue a /tell and asked if if they could stop, > that this guy was new to SWG, Rogue replied back: Oh we are just > role-playing and you guys kept spanning: Issele does 15 year olds... and > you wonder why people have a issue with IMPHL???? I let you guys get to me > that night cos I was still sick, Dude get a clue, I was in ICU for 4 days! > Xaneth told me to just ignore you guys and we even moved to the other side > of the Cantina, but did IMPHL stop? No, you guys kept at it. I logged out. > You won. Never saw that new player again.... TRUE STORY > > > What the hell is your problem? > > Do you REALLY want to slove this once and for all? Then step up and meet > with me Lexx and any people you want there. I will log everything that is > said and post it here. You want to get at the truth once and for all, work > this out so we can get beyound this? I offering that to you in a sincere > manner. Balls in your court. Heck why not invite the whole community > since just yesterday you posted a long list of guilds IMPHL has had issues > with. Ask youself why is it IMPHL has had so many issues with 90% of the > guilds on Starsider? Is it them or maybe is it the way IMPHL tries to > communicate with others? I am not saying this to be mean I am saying this > that you really need to look at that. IMPHL is great at PVP, everyone knows > that. But your people skills sucks. You can do 100 things good but do one > thing wrong and one thing wrong is what people will see and judge you buy, > not the 100 good.[/quote] > > no no no no no! > > there is a lot of things left out of this post.... i did not intend on > replying to this post because i feared that once i read it i would get > frustrated and say something that can be taken the wrong way..... so all i > will do is take you up on your offer for a sit down, i would like you, biz, > apium, szul, lexx, buhi..... and really who everr else wants to talk/hear > > i will not do this in game.... the in game never turns out good it will > have to be in vent sorry.... if you cant agree to this then it will be > cancelled and i will move on

Expand view Topic review:To RID

by Apium »Wed May 24, 2006 6:43 pm

Szul wrote:
Apium wrote:
Szul wrote:No big deal, its an odd enough name to question coincidence, so figured I would ask. I had a wookie called Econik in my old Sunrunner PA, was long time ago though. He was one of my core crew. I thought that maybe if it was him, and he actually remembered "Veto", the he could tell you folks about how much Veto enjoyed fucking with people just to piss them off. I miss my old crew... they understood and appreciated my artistic style. :D Now days, I'm surprised that I don't have parents logging into their kids accounts and sending me tells with threats of lawyers if I don't leave their lil' sweeties alone. :lol: No sense of humor. :cry:

Rogue actually has had parents call him.

I recall reading that, but it was obviously someone he knew or a fake tale. Its impossible to get phone number unless you know RL name and specific area lived in for correct prefix, and then only if its listed in the book.

I had a parent log in and bitch at me in Everquest once, a long time ago, which is why I said that. I forget the details, but yea... we'd made their poor little sweetie cry about something ridiculous, and seems like I recall after I talked to the parent and got things straight, the kid ended up grounded, which was even more precious.

lmao. Knowing rogue he most likely gave out his phone number.

by Szul »Wed May 24, 2006 2:54 pm

Apium wrote:
Szul wrote:No big deal, its an odd enough name to question coincidence, so figured I would ask. I had a wookie called Econik in my old Sunrunner PA, was long time ago though. He was one of my core crew. I thought that maybe if it was him, and he actually remembered "Veto", the he could tell you folks about how much Veto enjoyed fucking with people just to piss them off. I miss my old crew... they understood and appreciated my artistic style. :D Now days, I'm surprised that I don't have parents logging into their kids accounts and sending me tells with threats of lawyers if I don't leave their lil' sweeties alone. :lol: No sense of humor. :cry:

Rogue actually has had parents call him.

I recall reading that, but it was obviously someone he knew or a fake tale. Its impossible to get phone number unless you know RL name and specific area lived in for correct prefix, and then only if its listed in the book.

I had a parent log in and bitch at me in Everquest once, a long time ago, which is why I said that. I forget the details, but yea... we'd made their poor little sweetie cry about something ridiculous, and seems like I recall after I talked to the parent and got things straight, the kid ended up grounded, which was even more precious.

by Apium »Wed May 24, 2006 2:27 pm

Szul wrote:No big deal, its an odd enough name to question coincidence, so figured I would ask. I had a wookie called Econik in my old Sunrunner PA, was long time ago though. He was one of my core crew. I thought that maybe if it was him, and he actually remembered "Veto", the he could tell you folks about how much Veto enjoyed fucking with people just to piss them off. I miss my old crew... they understood and appreciated my artistic style. :D Now days, I'm surprised that I don't have parents logging into their kids accounts and sending me tells with threats of lawyers if I don't leave their lil' sweeties alone. :lol: No sense of humor. :cry:

Rogue actually has had parents call him.

by Waucod Meesman »Wed May 24, 2006 7:21 am

yeah nvm about the sig

by Szul »Wed May 24, 2006 2:06 am

Waucod Meesman wrote:That sig and avatar are gonna bug me

Avatar is oversized, but Lexx has to set the maximum size allowed in the board settings. Not sure what you mean by his sig is bugging you, because your sig is larger.

by Waucod Meesman »Tue May 23, 2006 10:15 pm

That sig and avatar are gonna bug me

by Takura »Tue May 23, 2006 7:54 pm

haha.. What he said ^^

by Szul »Tue May 23, 2006 7:48 pm

No big deal, its an odd enough name to question coincidence, so figured I would ask. I had a wookie called Econik in my old Sunrunner PA, was long time ago though. He was one of my core crew. I thought that maybe if it was him, and he actually remembered "Veto", the he could tell you folks about how much Veto enjoyed fucking with people just to piss them off. I miss my old crew... they understood and appreciated my artistic style. :D Now days, I'm surprised that I don't have parents logging into their kids accounts and sending me tells with threats of lawyers if I don't leave their lil' sweeties alone. :lol: No sense of humor. :cry:

by Bumpn Glow »Tue May 23, 2006 1:27 pm

Anonymous wrote:
Szul wrote:I noticed a vendor in the IMPCL mall called Econik's Vendor. Seems like I recall seeing that name, not sure if its IMPHL or not. If he is in IMPHL, ask him if he used to play on Sunrunner, and was a member of an OLD Rebel PA called <WW> Waelwulfas. If he says Yes to both of those, let me know. I can't recall if that damn wookie was called Econik or Econix. I think it was with the "K".

he is on break from school right now... and he has gone home so we are waiting for him to get some internet and hop back on.... i will say that i am 90% sure he never played on a different server though but i will ask lol

this guest is me again... i thought i was signed in, my bad

and for the record Econiks loot is my vendor that i run for him lol

by Guest »Tue May 23, 2006 1:25 pm

Szul wrote:I noticed a vendor in the IMPCL mall called Econik's Vendor. Seems like I recall seeing that name, not sure if its IMPHL or not. If he is in IMPHL, ask him if he used to play on Sunrunner, and was a member of an OLD Rebel PA called <WW> Waelwulfas. If he says Yes to both of those, let me know. I can't recall if that damn wookie was called Econik or Econix. I think it was with the "K".

he is on break from school right now... and he has gone home so we are waiting for him to get some internet and hop back on.... i will say that i am 90% sure he never played on a different server though but i will ask lol

by Szul »Tue May 23, 2006 3:05 am

I noticed a vendor in the IMPCL mall called Econik's Vendor. Seems like I recall seeing that name, not sure if its IMPHL or not. If he is in IMPHL, ask him if he used to play on Sunrunner, and was a member of an OLD Rebel PA called <WW> Waelwulfas. If he says Yes to both of those, let me know. I can't recall if that damn wookie was called Econik or Econix. I think it was with the "K".

by Bumpn Glow »Mon May 22, 2006 11:19 pm

Apium wrote:
LexxYovel wrote:Yes, all the guest posts are Bumpn (or at least I have a 99% certainty that is him). Sometimes when typing guest posts you often forget to type in the name.

Bumpn, I registered your username for these forums, but you may only use the public sections. The benefit is that you dont need to keep logging in.

now if only you guys at imphl would unban my old acct or activate my new one it would be nice. I guess narvok banned my old account after he got ahold of the forums. He probably could have just revoked private forum status.

cant garuntee anything with that but ill talk ot narvok and see what i can do for you

by Bumpn Glow »Mon May 22, 2006 11:19 pm

LexxYovel wrote:Yes, all the guest posts are Bumpn (or at least I have a 99% certainty that is him). Sometimes when typing guest posts you often forget to type in the name.

Bumpn, I registered your username for these forums, but you may only use the public sections. The benefit is that you dont need to keep logging in.

ya all the guests so far have been me thank you for accessing my account and no more worries about any gues posts

by Apium »Mon May 22, 2006 7:52 pm

LexxYovel wrote:Yes, all the guest posts are Bumpn (or at least I have a 99% certainty that is him). Sometimes when typing guest posts you often forget to type in the name.

Bumpn, I registered your username for these forums, but you may only use the public sections. The benefit is that you dont need to keep logging in.

now if only you guys at imphl would unban my old acct or activate my new one it would be nice. I guess narvok banned my old account after he got ahold of the forums. He probably could have just revoked private forum status.

by Lexx Yovel »Mon May 22, 2006 7:49 pm

Yes, all the guest posts are Bumpn (or at least I have a 99% certainty that is him). Sometimes when typing guest posts you often forget to type in the name.

Bumpn, I registered your username for these forums, but you may only use the public sections. The benefit is that you dont need to keep logging in.
