TRGA and/or TRGAX guildwar

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Topic review
Lexx Yovel wrote: > Your right Szul. I also overlooked the part where both sides can agree > mutually to fight if they encounter eachother on an adventure planet.

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by acer »Tue Apr 04, 2006 5:18 pm

I'll let Xaneth know! He's the bigshot over there, I just help him out. :D

by Theep »Wed Mar 29, 2006 3:52 pm

Im posting this here because I know acer will see this.
Acer I wanna tell ya that your doing a great job with TRGA atm. I dueled lestat last night, it was a very close fight with no cheap stuff or anything of the sort. In the end he beat me but he didnt db me! Thats the first time ive ever gotten into a fight wtih a reb and didnt get killed. But what was the coolest was that it was lestat of all people! I wanted to just tell you great job with how you are leading TRGA.

by Lexx Yovel »Tue Mar 28, 2006 2:42 pm

Your right Szul. I also overlooked the part where both sides can agree mutually to fight if they encounter eachother on an adventure planet.


by matron »Tue Mar 28, 2006 1:05 pm

i was running cursed shard and a rebel from RS shot me off my bike :evil: i cloaked and when he tryed driving off i returned the favor :lol: then he tryed kiteing me and ran into lava :roll: d*mb @$$

by Szul »Tue Mar 28, 2006 1:38 am

LexxYovel wrote:Even real life wars have *some* rules of engagement... well at least they used to. Some wars prohibited the shooting of medics in war.

Also, the exclusion of Yavin, Musta, etc, etc is still in question. I want to know if it's okay with Acer if we let people fight on these worlds, as long as it's not in grinding areas or dungeons, like the DWB.

I see no reason to be PVPing on those planets other than just to grief the grinders. We have people running the Shard quest on Mustafar and also hanging around waiting on people to come for this or that farming. I've already seen Lestat camping the Facility as Overt (no idea why, wtf goes to Mustafar while Overt?) and camping that loading area there. Matter of fact he ganked Easaf the other night... who is only CL 70.

I also watched them gank a level 10 Overt loading into Nyms Starport last night, so believe me when I say that declaring Adventure planets areas for Open Warfare is inviting trouble.

Trust me, it would be a total mess to sort out who is offlimits and where and when on Mustfar or other planets, etc. KISS this deal, no reason at all to fight on Mustafar regardless of how Ep.3 cool it sounds.

Yavin? Heh... well I want to farm Black Suns in peace. Again, why war there? I see no justifiable reason to war on adventure planets.

Just make it Open Warfare only on Player City planets. That gives plenty enough areas to slaughter each other on. This is supposed to be a friendly war, and trust me... you do not want to turn me loose in a no-rules grief-fest.

by Szul »Tue Mar 28, 2006 1:33 am

acer wrote:Szul, in the above note, did you mean Yavin instead of Dath? I can't think of a good reason to exclude Dath, and either way I'd like to include Yavin for all the Black Sun hunters.

Just because it falls under Adventure planet, I was thinking in black and white terms: Player City planets = war, but the Adventure planets = no war. Just seems simpler to remember. /shrug

by Szul »Tue Mar 28, 2006 1:30 am

Theep wrote:heh.. friendly war?
Websters Dictionary:
War: (1) Open armed Conflict between two nations. (2) Any active hostility or struggle.
Friendly: (1) Like a friend, kindness. (2) Not hostile, supporting, helping.

Thats an oxymoron

Hostile is what I'm going to be if you nitpick my terminology again. :D

by Lexx Yovel »Mon Mar 27, 2006 6:33 pm

Even real life wars have *some* rules of engagement... well at least they used to. Some wars prohibited the shooting of medics in war.

Also, the exclusion of Yavin, Musta, etc, etc is still in question. I want to know if it's okay with Acer if we let people fight on these worlds, as long as it's not in grinding areas or dungeons, like the DWB.

by acer »Mon Mar 27, 2006 5:32 pm

Szul wrote:
I'd say that safe zones should be as follows:
Endor, Dathomir, Kashyyk, Mustafar and a 128m radius around all shuttles and Starport entrances.

Szul, in the above note, did you mean Yavin instead of Dath? I can't think of a good reason to exclude Dath, and either way I'd like to include Yavin for all the Black Sun hunters.

Re: war

by acer »Mon Mar 27, 2006 5:21 pm

Szul wrote:
acer wrote:I know I'm rambling, but I hope you sort of see my stance on this, even if you don't necessarily agree.


I'll be honest here. I don't know TRGA or its members enough to trust or distrust you folks, much less decide if I like or dislike you all. I see you folks around now and then, but I don't speak or interact with any of you, just never had a reason to. So I like to consider my observations and opinions as more or less unbiased... for now.

I'm not talking about nitpicking interpretations of The Rules... I am talking about kicking someone's nuts for being a griefing asswipe, even if they are a star PVPer or a well liked member who might take people with them if they were shown the door.

This is supposed to be a friendly war for fun.

The part in bold is exactly what I'm talking about. I've got no qualms about booting people who act like jerks, and people will know what I and the rest of TRGA expect from them during this war, so they will have no excuses. I'm going to re-read these, and post up a new list of "The Rules", and if we can agree in principle, we should be good to go!

by Theep »Mon Mar 27, 2006 5:20 pm

heh.. friendly war?
Websters Dictionary:
War: (1) Open armed Conflict between two nations. (2) Any active hostility or struggle.
Friendly: (1) Like a friend, kindness. (2) Not hostile, supporting, helping.

Thats an oxymoron

Re: war

by Szul »Mon Mar 27, 2006 5:02 am

acer wrote:I know I'm rambling, but I hope you sort of see my stance on this, even if you don't necessarily agree.


I'll be honest here. I don't know TRGA or its members enough to trust or distrust you folks, much less decide if I like or dislike you all. I see you folks around now and then, but I don't speak or interact with any of you, just never had a reason to. So I like to consider my observations and opinions as more or less unbiased... for now.

I'm not talking about nitpicking interpretations of The Rules... I am talking about kicking someone's nuts for being a griefing asswipe, even if they are a star PVPer or a well liked member who might take people with them if they were shown the door.

This is supposed to be a friendly war for fun.

by Lexx Yovel »Sat Mar 25, 2006 5:16 pm

Bottom line is, "use common sense." We can only make so many rules for so many technicalities.

Re: war

by acer »Sat Mar 25, 2006 4:40 pm

Szul wrote:One of the concerns that came up in RID guildchat, was:
"What happens if some of the TRGA folks decide to hell with the rules and grief?"
I would expect that TRGA members have asked this same question about RID.

So since the success of a Guild War comes down the resolve of the participating leaders in enforcing the rules, I'm tossing this question out for both Guild Leaders to answer.

I had actually addressed this in my last post, and then deleted it, deciding that perhaps it was better to not even bring up the concept of the "we don't trust them" attitude.

My feelings are that it depends on the situation. If I was AFK, or hanging out at a bazaar, or something like that, and a RID member/s jumped me when I was not expecting it and I got killed, I can foresee two basic reactions.

The most likely is that I would say: "screw it, it's a guildwar, and there's absolutely no penalty for dying" I would be irked, but probably not upset enough by it to demand action be taken. If it happened multiple times, way different story. And I would make sure to tell the people involved that they shouldn't be doing it. I don't want anyone thinking it's ok because I didn't run off demanding they be deguilded.

The other option, which isn't really MY style, but I could see some guildmates having, would be to yell and scream about cheaters and how they "knew" we shouldn't trust them, and all of that hoopla. They would either want something done about it, or demand of the TRGA leaders that we end the war. I don't really see this as the reaction of anyone who plans to fight in the war, but crafters, entertainers, really low CL grinders, etc would probably be very upset by getting killed, especially multiple times, when they're not even "supposed" to be involved in the war.

So, it's situational, I guess is my final answer. If a TRGA member is shown to be abusing the rules of this war, they will be removed from the guild. It's that simple. Do I think that ANY infraction deserves swift punishment from the gods? Not really, but I'm talking from MY perspective. If I were running to a bazaar, and I didn't notice a RID guy behind me, and he thought I was just running from HIM, and pursued? If he ends up killing me, I honestly could care less. Maybe I forgot a tag, maybe it was just a misunderstood situation, but I'm not gonna yell that Lexx boot anyone for something like that. If a TRGA member is killing people at the bazaar, or AFK in a cantina, then hell yeah, I expect to be told about it so I can get that member removed from TRGA, because we try to run a tight ship and there's no place for that type of behavior.

I know I'm rambling, but I hope you sort of see my stance on this, even if you don't necessarily agree.


by Lexx Yovel »Fri Mar 24, 2006 5:30 pm

Fortunately, if we arrange the practice Capture the Flag event with TRGA vs RID prior to the actual guild war, it'll give us a hint of how honorable both guilds are in war.

Issele knows Xaneth very well, and vise versa. If there were any unruly TRGA's, Issele would see to it that adequate justice is administired for the irrisponsible member. The same goes for RID. If a RID intentionally breaks the rules, he/she will be removed depending on the circumstances, provided there is evidence (most preferably photographic).
