Just wanted to stop by and say hello and let you know a little about me. My characters name is Artallis Sanyah, currently noob Jedi. My old toon was Ulic' Qel-Droma. (yes, from Kotor)
Currently a BH and ex Elder Jedi. (may return one day, but doubtful) Decided to just start a new toon as I have taken Ulic' about as far as I really want to go with him.
I have been around since phase 2 beta, although I have only had this toon for about a year. I was with SG for over a year in SWG as I was a longtime member in other portals with them. Left for several months due to RL issues and when I returned I had lost many of my friends within SG due to other game portals.
So I Left the Empire and joined up with a couple RL friends who were rebels. Joined TRGA soon afterwards and was a member until just recently. Now it is time for me to come back to my roots. (Hopefully there will be less torture sessions from Issele.
You guys and gals have always had a good reputation on the server and have always seemed to be quite active as I noticed your guildtag in a lot of the PvP. This is what brought me here as I prefer to be in an active and mature guild that is not known to be a bunch of smacktards. (AXIS, NYC, etc.)
I am a casual RP with lots of PvP and JTL experience. Have a couple other toons that I use to run a small shipwright business with a RL friend. Also have an alt that I do lots of PvP with that is currently grinding up Commando. (fire fire fire)
Once I get my faction straightened out again I would love to set down with Lexx and discuss my application.